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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. Missed almost everything too and don't have time now either as it is night and here I have to work. But streams will be saved so I know what I will watch tomorrow
  2. From here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61356-Kerbal-Space-Program-Update-0-23-Launches-Tuesday-December-17
  3. Yes, best get Procedural Fairings. But also you better avoid too much heating when in ascent, don't accelerate too fast (use less powerfull engines for example) and for reentry heat you got the heat shields
  4. No problem that your English isn't perfect, but you should revise your text. You wrote you would NOT like someone to make those drones but I guess you actually want to say that you want someone to make the probe
  5. Btw can you make a Screenshot of the Docking indicator so I want to know how it looks like so I can look even more forward to it. If there is already a preview pic few pages before that I missed, pardon me
  6. @therealcrow999 I love you haha Too bad I won't be able to play before tomorrow but your hard work is appreciated . I definitely owe you some beer now xD
  7. So much new stuff and I am not at home tomorrow :/ btw just wanted to ask if you would include the dock targeting marker the way it is done in the Docking alignment mod and we here it is can't wait to see this in action
  8. I guess I didn't need to send it to you anymore as you got a better solution?
  9. Yep that bugged me too when I downloaded the mod in October. But TohouTorpedo is away atm due to some much more important RL stuff and no one else did modify it already or at least no one told so on the post...
  10. Edited the post and told you how to edit, but I will still send you the cfg just wait a bit. I can do it later in the evening, about one or two hours. If you did it yourself by then just tell me
  11. Well I think it will be enough for me. Bu WATCH OUT the Mk3 Cockpit mod has some lines in the part.cfg which aren't yet made compatible for 0.21 SAS system. It is quite easy to edit, just don't copy the part.cfg included in the Mk3 Cockpit mod download. Just change the line which decides which internal is used to the name of the new internal. I don't know how it is called but you will see
  12. Speaking of 0.23 I am thrilled of how the new tweakable system will work and I hope (not so) stupid_chris won't have problems make it compatible with RealChute
  13. Could you do the modded Mk3 too ? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-cockpit-internals/
  14. That looks gorgeous Don't haste yourself if you not feel that it is time to release but somekind of christmas present would be nice
  15. Come on work on the other things and don't pull a surpirse out of your sleeves all the time This looks awesome but I want Orbital Orb IVA (Btw just kidding you don'T have any obligation of course. You do it for free and therefore can decide what you make all by yoruself )
  16. Good I already downloaded Come on Nothke put that License up, would be a shame if that would be taken down
  17. Immediately downloaded. Really like the idea, it is extremely useful and well executed. Just leave this pic here
  18. I waited for something like this for a long time now, Thanks. Add RasterPropMonitors and everything is perfect. Just ask Mihara I guess he will help you if you have problems
  19. Is it hard to add camera feature to a mod docking port. Because I mostly use the docking port with parachute from the Sum Dum Service Module Mod and it would be nice if I still could have a docking cam without slamming a camera right next to the docking port
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