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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. That would be nice, but the effects which are already there are also very good.Feels much more immersive now, when reaching supersonic velocities...
  2. Thanks for the help but didn't changed anything as I found out that RealChute isn't causing any of these problems. Somehow the NovaPunch parachutes are messed up so they are producing way too much drag and way too fast if not shielded but this shouldn't bother you. Ferram will help me to sort this out...
  3. Ooops seems I messed up with the image .... Well, it seems the NovaPunch parachute is somehow messed up,if you have time maybe look into the all NovaPunch parachtues. I had some problems with the radial parachutes too. Will test later and iform if those are messed up too . I hope you may find something out Edit: Updated the previous post with a link to the image, it should be working. At least it does for me Update: I made a album with few pics.Just enlarge if you want to read the drag values As you can see only with the PF nosecone the parachute gets properly shielded and therfore no drag is produced. But if not shield it always rises fast, which make all the rockets with NovaPunch Rockets crash....
  4. It seems the download on Spaceport was updated. I downloaded it and it says 2.01 but neither her nor in the readme I can find anything about it. Any noticeable changes or just some minor tweaks?
  5. It seems I found the problem. The parachute (which is the Mk66 from NovaPunch, just so you know) has massive drag which could be explained by its form http://imgur.com/haXn8aH Well when I use a nosecone created with Procedural Fairings MOd everything works like a charm. No drag from the parachute and no crazy flip after start. But when I tried with docking ports on top which themselfs cause drag but not too much , the drag from the parachute fully kicked in and the rocket turned around after the smallest control input or after few seconds when reaching about 200 drag. I also tried it wiht the shielded Docking Port which is also used on your example craft (the FAR Artemis Transfer by the way)ut although it sits on top of the parachute, the parachute starts to reach drag of over 200 in a bout ten second which of course lead to disaster. It is good that I can resolve this problem with nosecone but I actually would like to use this parachute with the shielded Docking port. So I want to know, is this all intended and I have to accept it or is something wrong that it produces that much drag so fast even with ashielded docking port on top?
  6. Yep, the problem was I forgot to add the modded Landing Legs to the Gear Action Group so it would be recognised correctly. All works as intended now
  7. Started the game with Remote Tech 2 and after that I still can't find a config file? Edit: Nevermind, I overlooked it it seems....
  8. Still got problems with said parachute from NovaPunch pack. But not with other Realchute parachutes. So it seems it isn't a RealChute problem. To be sure I will be recreating it without realchute at all. Will tell you tomorrow if I found the problem...
  9. Have some problems with FAR and one of the NovaPunch parachutes and at first I thought it was the problem of FAR still not modelling the right drag so he gave me quick fix for the FAR code But still got problems with the NP parachute make my rocket flip after start even with the slightest turn (yes it is aerodynamically stable, as I used a FAR example rocket for testing) So further problem searching is too be done. Don't bother though as right now it seems it is not RealChute causing the problems..
  10. Ja eben ohne uns wären die Amis und die Russen gar nicht so schnell ins All geflogen
  11. Wait a minute....Location : Germany? Du bist auch ein deutscher xD
  12. LEgs from NovaPunch so it is just a mod incompatibality? I guess it maybe is.... Can't repeat it with stock legs but will do in about 10 minutes , but I guess it will work with them....
  13. Take your time , what you delivered with the model and animation is already awesome. It is so good so we can spend the time with it waiting for some furhter fixes like this restriction. Keep up the good work. You earned yourself a cookie
  14. When I use NovaPunch parachutes my vessel always flips completely over as soon as I gently turn it for gravity turn or even after a while on direct ascent with no control input it just flips. If I remove the parachute everything is fine again THis makes no sense to me as the rocket is one of your example vessels (so it should be aerodynamicallly stable) just with the NP parachute. If I remove FAR I can use the parachute again. So it seems somehow it is related to FAR.... Just for your info I also use stupid_chris real chute mod with mm file for NP which is edited correctyl for use with FAR but it may be the reason so I will ask there too. Any idea what is happening there?
  15. I can't lower/raise landing gear with the switch but if I press G in external or internal view it works and also the lever is pushed automatically. But if I pull the lever for Gears in internal view ,nothing happens. Even though the lever is also switching...
  16. Concerning FAR anything new from the official side? I am still using it with edited files to stowedDrag=0 but and so FAR (hehe) everything is working.
  17. Well then I will wait before I try the example craft. Concerning DRE; that was already one thing that bugged me in the new Realism Overhaul, that the DRE heatshield decouplers weren't resized...
  18. Better ask your question here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57422 This is the current thread for the mod
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