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Everything posted by espm400

  1. I just re-did the test with a manned pod (Had to remove the IonCross Crew Support mod because it removes any control from manned pods when out of power anyways). I'm fairly certain you're out of power. Open the resources tab and check your 'ElectricCharge.' My money's on it being zero. If it's a manned pod, you'll still have some control and will be able to extend your solar panels (if not already done) or fire your engines to gain some power.
  2. Another question: Do you have any power left? I just booted up the game to do a quick test and noticed I couldn't set a maneuver node with no power.
  3. Although it's true that you might want to move your CoL and landing gear (you want your rear gear very close behind your CoM) a bit closer to your CoM as not only will it help you do your take-off roll at a lower speed (thus reducing your time on the runway), but IIRC as you hit supersonic speeds, your CoL actually moves rearward which will will make your spaceplane harder to control. As for the problem you actually mentioned (one that happens with a lot of my planes), and that no one save Rune seems to want to address, I would suggest re-mapping your rover controls (also controls your landing gear) from the WASD keys to IJKL instead. Not only will this make driving rovers easier (you're not trying to pitch your craft whilst turning or accelerating), but with your RCS off, you're only moving the wheels (or in this case, landing gear) and not using the torque from the command pod. That's how I solved it for my planes. Whomever that was that suggested not using FAR until your used to the stock drag model, I disagree. Considering that down the road we will probably see a stock drag model similar to FAR, why not get used to it. Also, the stock model doesn't work properly when using planes a FAR is much closer to a real life analogue than stock (that is unless I'm wrong and jets like the SR-71 actually pointed their nose 40* in the air to maintain level flight above 60,000' @ Mach 3+). EDIT: Rune is right as well (forgot to mention), you could probably go with more structural rigidity (MOAR STRUTS). EDIT 2: Just to illustrate the difference that the positioning of your landing gear makes, take these two examples: a) This is one of my early SSTO Craft. Notice how far back the gear are from the CoM. My take-off roll in this craft happens at about 180-200 m/s This is the B-1B Lancer I've been working on (keeping the swing wings rigid is a massive problem, but that's neither here nor there). Notice how close the rear landing gear are to the CoM. The take-off roll in this craft happens at 50-80 m/s , despite having considerably less thrust.
  4. I've had a problem similar to that where I couldn't select a target after missing the button when clicking. try just leaving and re-entering map mode. Barring that, exiting to the Space Centre often resets glitchy issues like that. If that doesn't work, just exit the game and restart. As I said, I've not had this specific problem, only similar ones.
  5. Although technically not 'space junk,' I got nailed by on of those RemoteTech 'MiniSats,' or whatever they're called. Long story short, I was launching eight into the same LKO so that I could launch probes without having to activate any long-distance coms until I was in orbit. After getting most into orbit I needed a bathroom break, during which, I left the game running. When I had returned my ship was in pieces and I couldn't figure out why. After looking at the map screen and counting my satellites, and then looking at the mission log, my only possible conclusion was that one of those minisats had slammed into the fuel tank of my ship. Wish I would have actually seen it though...
  6. Being someone who grew up reading a lot, I still frequent libraries and bookstores on a fairly regular basis. Sure, information is infinitely more accessible on the net, but when it comes to fiction, I pity those that don't read books anymore. Movies are great, but they're no substitute for the written word. As for those that tell me to use an e-reader, I scorch my retinas enough staring at my computer screen, I don't need another one to stare at for hours.
  7. I don't think I could go back to vanilla. All at once I installed FAR, DRE, IonCross Crew Support, and RemoteTech, and although it took some serious getting used to, I wouldn't go back to a stock build. I can't wait for the features that these mods bring to the table to be implemented in the actual game (if they are...).
  8. Just one thing to keep in mind when aerobraking; eventually, re-entry heat is going to be permanently added to the game. Although you'll still be able to aerobrake to a limited degree after that, dipping yourself way into a planets atmosphere may cause some minor issues, like blowing up. Personally, as I'm using the Deadly Re-entry mod, I generally only use light aerobraking to bring a highly elliptical orbit down to a more circular one in a series of passes. I just decided not to get too used to it, as you won't be able to do it forever.
  9. That's good, as none was intended. As for Logitech, I've been using them for my wireless peripherals (keyboard/mouse) since I've had a requirement for them. Although I've migrated back to a wired mouse (the Republic of Gamers one that came with my ASUS G74) and a 3m USB extention.
  10. Not necessarily boned. They do sell a wireless USB adapter for the PC for like $30-40. Personally I'm too cheap for that, but since I've always maintained that the 360 controller is one of the best gamepads ever developed, it might be worth it if you can't find a wired one (or if your PC is too far away, although USB extention cords are pretty cheap).
  11. Frankly, I'm more curious how this thread still exists...
  12. This is a fact that I'm well aware of, but if you're like me and map the triggers to the throttle, do you really need analogue control? As I have said in other threads, I play a lot of flight sims, and with all of those, I always map the triggers to the throttle. Given that I have yet to see a game that has those buttons as either 100% and 0%, a non analogue input is acceptable. EDIT: Personally, I use the Joy2Key mapped buttons for controls that don't really need analogue precision. E.g: triggers for throttle, D-pad for view control.
  13. Ummm... Jenga? I really don't know what to say to that... One of the reasons I love KSP so much: fantastic Jank.
  14. Finally figured out how to map the view controls to my 360 pad (it was actually really simple, just needed to focus for a few minutes). Now I can actually keep an 'over-the-shoulder' view when I'm doing stupid stuff with my jets...
  15. I'll say the same thing I said in that thread, although that fix may be valid, I just think 'Joy2Key' is a much better option. Perhaps I'm biased (I've been using it for games like the DCS series for years), but I've always been of the mentality that if it works, why mess with it?
  16. Although it may be a valid workaround, TBH, Joy2Key is far easier than modding config files (not trying to be a dick). All you have to do is map two buttons to their keyboard equivalent (six, if you're doing the D-pad as well). As for that joystick; all I have to say is that that thing looks fantastic, and for under $40? I'm currently looking at HOTAS setups right now (what can I say? I play a lot of DCS...), but I see that stick as my next electronics purchase.
  17. Whatever floats your boat mate. I just intensely dislike flying with the keyboard. If you're like me though, and do end up playing with a 360 pad, remember that you'll need a program like Joy2Key to map the triggers to anything. Personally, I like the triggers for throttle control and for some reason KSP doesn't recognize them as a single axis (I could throttle up, but not down). Anyways, if you run into issues setting up your pad/joystick, or are unfamiliar with Joy2Key (if you require it), just PM me. If I'm sober and available, I shall do what I can.
  18. Is this part of your job, or just for kicks? Either way, sounds like fun...
  19. The stock drag model in KSP is less than optimal when it comes to space planes as well. If you're serious about them I would really suggest getting FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research). It completely overhauls the drag model of the game and makes space planes a lot more accessible. It's neither here nor there, but perhaps the biggest assistance I had with my SSTO program was the addition of an XBox 360 controller. KSP doesn't like to recognize the triggers properly, but otherwise it's pretty much plug & play. No more 'on or off' control surfaces.
  20. It's actually very plug & play. The only issue that I have is it doesn't seem to register the triggers as a single axis. Instead I use Joy2Key with the triggers mapped to L-Ctrl and L-Shift. I don't use it for much other than flying jets, but it's extremely helpful on that front.
  21. Okay, I've drank tequila (hell, I've eaten the worm before), but if someone ever handed me a bottle with an invertebrate that size in it, I honestly think it'd be the first drink I've ever turned down. Ugh... EDIT: Sorry, I was distracted by the pic... Your unintentional (I'm assuming) racial slur aside, I still fail to see any form of logic in your reasoning...
  22. Frankly, I think it's better to keep stuff like this within closed circles of trusted players. If only because as a dev you're going to get a much more consistent set of bug reports, etc. than if you were to release it to the general public. Just look at how many new players post on the forums regarding things like strut placement or fuel transfer issues (things I have zero problem helping with). TBH, things like that don't belong in the dev process prior to the release. Sorry, but you're just going to have to be patient and wait for the release. As to feeling 'insulted,' I really don't know how to respond. It's a helluva sense of entitlement you've got there...
  23. Normally I'm not the pessimist dick, but this is kind of a pointless thought experiment that we have here. I mean, really, KSP is still in alpha and isn't going to go for a retail release anytime soon. That being said, a KSP 2? Come on man. Yeah, it's spitballing but still, something about this thread just bugs the hell out of me everytime I see it...
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