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  1. Hey friends, for the record my mod has always been released under the MIT license. That means you are free to update it/change it/reupload it whenever you like, no explicit permission from me is needed. The only "condition" of an MIT license is that your re-release(your upload) include a copy of the original MIT license file I've included in my distribution (my download). That serves 2 purposes, 1) it makes sure I get original author credit wherever your re-release floats off to, and 2) it locks your redistribution into also using the MIT license, forcing your edit of my work to also be freely accessible/re-shareable by others. That said, it is of course still appreciated when I get a heads up from anyone that is thinking about doing that. As for @SpudNutimus specific request, I'm open to working with someone else that wants to put in the legwork to update and add new content to PBC with the idea that I act as the curator/code reviewer. I'm totally open to that if that's what you'd like to do. If Spud or anyone else ever wants to try to make that actually happen, DM me and I'll send you my Discord info. That way I'll actually be available to chat with you regularly since I'm on my Discord everyday. I just don't like using Github and sometimes I go months without checking into the KSP forums so Discord is the way to go if you wanna reach me.
  2. Been a few months since I checked in so I'll just get to work answering these in order! The file you want, in order to make these changes, is labeled "ZsB9AerospacePatch.cfg" located in ProbesBeforeCrew/Mod Support. I'm not sure what RSS does/is doing with science adjustments, (and as a reminder PBC is not designed to work with any custom solar system out of the box) - but you can always change/customize/return-to-default the Science Modifiers from in-game using ScienceParamModifier (by @DMagic) that comes packaged with PBC. Many of the extreme-end-game nodes are indeed empty. The CTT gave us a lot of nodes, certainly plenty of extras. There are very few mods with parts that belong all the way back there, and even fewer of those mods that are supported by PBC. Pretty much NF is the only PBC-supported-mod with parts that make sense being placed so far back at the end of the tech tree. I always forget I even have a GitHub for PBC, lol. I've never used it even when development for the mod was still active. I'll try to remember to go check that after this and DM you, thanks. Well there's a lot to learn and there are probably better sources for learning than me, but I'd say the simplest place to start is by cracking open my mod (or anyone's mod) and just looking through all the .cfg files. Study the syntax and keywords, try making a change to something and then saving the file, and then finally check in game to see if your changes worked. Some mods do indeed make use of .dll files, which require a more advanced understanding of programming, but my mod runs 100% on .cfg files. Simple text files that you can open with any text editor, I personally use notepad++. My "first mod" some 20 years ago was just opening someone else's mod and making some small change for myself, I'd probably guess that's how most modders get started. So start there! Just don't upload/share anything until your work is truly unique from those you learned from, and always give credit where its due.
  3. I don't check in to the forums very often these days, but the mod is definitely not derelict. Still fully functional and ready for use with the full mod list. There haven't been any game-changing patches in years so most mods are just coasting through to the sunset now.
  4. Try playing with the mod for a few more hours before you draw any final conclusions about the design. It is meant to impact an entire career after all! If you look at the CBSM multiplier chart closely, Kerbin is noted as 1.5 for SpaceAny and 0.8 for AllElse. The notes are on the right side of the chart. Have fun!
  5. PBC has no patches for Mechjeb (it didn't need any) so it should be whatever the default CTT node is defined by Mechjeb. I think I recall some of the drip-fed tech-unlocked features of MechJeb don't actually display in the tech tree, they just sit silently in one of the nodes I think. Attached to the Probe Core branch of the tech tree? But now my memory is really stretching...
  6. Thanks a bunch for all the kind words! It's really amazing to me that KSP continues to have such a large fanbase after all these years and PBC continues to see regular downloads everyday. It's a really awesome feeling knowing that my mod is a part of making that experience better for a lot of people. Your stream sounds like a lot of fun and sorry it took me 2 weeks to reply, things have definitely slowed down around here so I forget to check in sometimes. You really made my day friend, thanks again for taking the time to share your praise. Cheers!
  7. You're combining mods with PBC that weren't meant to be used with it so trial and error is your best bet here. PBC's whole layout is pretty dependent on the assumption that you're playing with the stock Kerbin Solar System, it's an important part of how node positioning was determined. I've never used re-scaling mods so I don't have any experience to share, perhaps others who combine the rescalers with PBC can provide some tips and best practices. Just going on a blind guess, I'd probably adjust the difficulty to be a little easier with large scale systems.
  8. @FloatingMongoose It's hard to say. I shaped the antenna ranges around both the planet distances AND the anticipated point in your career you'd unlock them. Both of those variables change with JNSQ and I'm not familiar with it. Since JNSQ increases distances considerably, its probably best to start with the safer assumption (JNSQ's recommended 4) and turn the value down as you test it more. 1.4 might end up not being enough in the end.
  9. Sounds like a separate issue. PBC has no effect on the career buildings.
  10. The answers @Qazerowl provided are pretty much perfect. For added clarity - PBC includes not only the submod that allows you to change the science multiplier values, but ALSO includes the preset multiplier values intended to be used with PBC already applied. So you don't need to mess with Celestial Science Modifiers in-game unless you intend to set your own personal custom values (or maybe you want to return the values back to vanilla for some reason, you can do that too).
  11. Are you stacking antennas or just trying to use 1 for the whole ship? And have you set your DSN modifier to 0.35?
  12. Thanks for mentioning PBC here! I should mention that my mod doesn't add any primitive ww2-era parts like you requested, but it does allow you to pick and choose which mods you wish to use. It also provides a custom-made contract pack designed for use by PBC. Integrating a pre-start-node-parts mod like you mentioned could be done, just depends on how many parts you intend to add. Cheers.
  13. @Vexxel This config looks good at a glance, nicely done. My contract pack still won't do anything new or special with OPM, but other OPM users can at least grab a starting point for the science multipliers. @BTAxis As has been mentioned a few times before, Restock+ is not supported by PBC. Most people just plug it in anyway and it seems to sync up for the most part, but there will be oddities here and there. Additionally, the HG-5 antenna is a stock antenna, it is not provided by Kerbalism. Several vanilla antenna values are altered by PBC, the only exception is if RemoteTech is installed, in which case all antenna values defer to RemoteTech. Details on this can be found in the "Recommended Settings" section of the OP, I recommend you read through it as there are suggested settings to go along with the antenna changes.
  14. Welcome to the forums @MontesVerdes. Glad you were able to resolve your issue with the tech tree. As for the contracts - it looks to be working to me. You have Contract Configurator installed and that's the only requirement, and I see the contract group "Kerbalkind Achievement Records (Offered: 1)". That group of contracts [Kerbalkind Achievement Records Agency (or K.A.R.A for short)] is provided by PBC. You have to click the group to expand it and show the contracts within. The first one should be "Leave the Launchpad!". P.S. - I'd be curious to know which video you saw that led you here. You are the second person I've had mention Mike Aben here but each time I go glance at his channel I don't see any of his video's featuring PBC. Cheers!
  15. Welcome to the Forums @LaureeGrd! Glad to read that you are enjoying the mod. For the DMagic contract issue that you pointed out, are you referring to the long term survey that requires the vessel stay in orbit for several months? The reward output for these types of contracts generally doesn't bother too much since they require the passage of a considerable amount of time, and the science that you get from parking a satellite in a specific orbit isn't too much unlike over-time-science received from all the ScanSat scanners. However, I'll agree that ~80 science for a single contract to the Mun is a bit high in the early game, even after 4 months parked in orbit. I don't like to make patches for other contract packs as they are too many and too varied. But I can certainly point you in the right direction to fix this for your own install. Open your KSP install folder, navigate to your DMagic Mod folder in Gamedata. The file you want to edit is "DMContracts.cfg" found within "\GameData\DMagicOrbitalScience\Resources". The top half of the file (from line 199 back up to line 1) contains the 5 contract types offered by DMagic. Each of these has their own science and funds output, you'll see the labels "Funds" and "Science" above each section. Change these as you see fit. I suspect you encountered the "DMMag" contract as the "BaseReward" for that is set to 24, the highest of all 5 contract types. I'd probably just cut it in half down to 12 and you should be all set. Lemme know how it goes for you, have fun!
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