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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. It's actually a sentient form of Helium-III sir. It appears to not like you. Waiter, there's a half-kilo of CapsLock keys in my soup!
  2. Why not the following, it's a lot simpler...
  3. No, it's not real, but for shock value in this recent challenge, it's got it all.
  4. Back in my day, we knew what the phrase "dial a phone" meant!
  5. Granted. You now know why they put that helmet on the table in the very beginning of "Alien" I wish for a decent cup of tea.
  6. I wrote in "Dres"....let's see if we can make it gather some momentum! http://www.frontierworlds.org/nominations
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