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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. 1944: A museum display resides here. Within you see the last Mosin-Nagant 91/30 rifle ever made.
  2. Granted. Good luck in getting to it.... I desperately need a Gin & Tonic.
  3. The power to eclipse the Sun with Saturn, would look really cool!
  4. Granted. He now stows away on EVERYONE'S designs. I wish for a nice NY Strip Steak, medium-cooked with a baked potato.
  5. Lasers for underwater comms IS possible... http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2010/01/darpa-pushes-submarine-laser-communications-technology-for-asw-operations.html BTW, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) ! ;-)
  6. Similar issue with stress here, brought on by work and various family medical issues over the years; ended up on Lexapro to help with the lack of sleep/anxiety/stress myself.... if nothing else, I can sympathize with the lack of interest in things that used to appeal at one time. I'm only just getting back into gaming again as well. If ya need a virtual shoulder to lean on, hit me with a PM if the mood strikes.
  7. In the science-fiction/fantasy genre, most recent was IDW's 4-issue series of "Phoenix Without Ashes"; done true to the original story, and NOT the terrible attempt that Canada did for TV in the '70s! Also, the Logan's Run series "Lastday" and "Aftermath" from Blue Water comics. Otherwise, I still have quite a few 2000AD, Judge Dredd, and Robo-Hunter comics (both originals and reprints, dated back to the mid '80s). And though not sci-fi, MAtt Wagner's "Mage" trilogy, and his Batman/Grendel and Dredd/Batman crossover comics...
  8. Larry Niven's "Ringworld" and "The Ringworld Engineers" Ellison's "Phoenix Without Ashes" Varley's "Titan/Wizard/Demon" trilogy Rick Cook's "Wizard's Bane" and "Wizardry Compiled" Alfred Bester, "The Stars my Destination" and "The Demolished Man"
  9. 1942: You find a Sikorsky R-4 in pristine condition parked here.
  10. It's only boiling since you are in a partial vacuum, sir. Environmental issues need to be addressed by the Building Manager. Waitress! This broth has water in it!
  11. Delouse your ship for space peach
  12. Floor 1931: you find a dusty copy of Thomas Edison's last patent application. It was denied because no one could fathom the use of a doughnut-flattener.
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