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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. 102: Live as a time traveller, moving forward at one second per second
  2. Sorry sir, but you drilled a hole through your bowl. The soup is simply on the floor; we will bill you for cleanup. Waiter! This soup is bland!
  3. ...but had to use it since they ran out of Ketchup...
  4. You didn't specify WHICH type of soup you wanted....so it changes its flavor every 8 seconds. Waiter! There is far too much RF energy in my soup!
  5. ...and served them both with Kerbal-mustard...
  6. Granted. All iDevices worldwide now have to proceed thru MS's upgrade path, starting with Windows 3.11 I wish for a knish.
  7. ...and he's quite full now. YOU argue with him about who picks up the check! Waiter! Chuck Norris wants a glass of milk!
  8. Banned for assuming it has revealed it's full name.
  9. Kentucky Steamed Cauliflower never seems to sell. A re-branding is necessary; all prior shops abandoned.
  10. Funds destroyed by TAXES. New object: Doughnut
  11. I dig into your hill and partially fill in the surrounding hole. My rather shallow pit.
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