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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Pi are square? No, pi are not square. Pi are round. Cornbread are square.
  2. 28. Hook a Voss electrostatic generator to someone's ears and turn it on, just to see what happens...
  3. Replace it, they are cheap enough....here, take this one!
  4. Granted. You used it to wish for a wish, which is essentially a divide-by-zero error. The universe implodes (again). I wish for brain-processor upgrades
  5. Hey, this isn't MY fault! I told you to flush twice before dipping the pot! Yo, waiter! What's with the bowl'a Ebola?
  6. Clue: If you're a fan of Babylon 5, you'll eventually find it. @Pand5461 sounds like he got it!
  7. Edit? No, that's an original artist rendering that NASA had done....but did you find it?
  8. Fried? Doughnut fret about it...
  9. You brought that in with your own tractor beam, sir. Not the chef's fault! Waiter, my soup seems to be missing a key ingredient.
  10. Kerbals: Send the innocent little green guys to their deaths, sans any rockets to save them. (Lemmings)
  11. Astronomers discovered a new exoplanet today, but the public doesn't seem to care. We have officially named it "Dres"
  12. Here ya go, one Grazer's Special: Can I have a mushroom?
  13. Most likely not, but then again, 9 out of 10 people addicted to brake fluid can't stop.
  14. Yes. Roofing nails? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  15. Using the word "fallacious" in proper context? CHEATER!
  16. 1960: You finally land after snagging your eyelid on a nail. With blood everywhere, you manage to stagger to the nearest stairwell....
  17. 23. @WinkAllKerb'' found guilty, forum members hang him from a tree by his toes and hit him with a damp cat.
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