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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. ...is bent into a hoop, with a star at it's center....the Ringworld is born! The snowball factory...
  2. The Flying Sauce: your typical B-grade teen movie about a food fight in an Italian restaurant. When Words Collide: fights break out during a Scrabble contest regarding the use of the blank tile. Hem! : Pants, and those who repair them... Santa Claus conquers The Martian: Matt Damon stars in a cheesy retro-70's BDSM flick...
  3. ...damn thing sucked my monitor in. Now how in heck am I supposed to see it?
  4. Me flying over Sellersville PA in my '87 Paraplane PM2
  5. All attempts to click on link takes you to this instead: For some odd reason, I now wish for Eggs Benedict...
  6. ...is run by Stormtroopers; good luck hitting anything! This small mausoleum...
  7. Look carefully, see if Beowulf Schaffer is in a hyperbolic orbit around it.... Waiter! This isn't soup, it's a bowl of steel wool!
  8. Granted. You receive cookies. 1,000,000,000,002 of them....got milk? I wish, therefore I am.
  9. Becaus U cannot haz cheezburger. Waitress, there's a large chunk of U-235 in my bowl!
  10. .backwards words say to used I !again go I There I wish George Carlin had something new to say...
  11. Depends on how far the bathroom is. Bacon is good. However, since it is also bad for your cholesterol, why do we enjoy it so much?
  12. Because spam never sleeps, and it heavily attracted to you.. Where is my shoe?
  13. I know a group that can do it better...
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