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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Heard about it in a different thread once. Checked it out, bought it, and love it. A LOT of bugfixes with the current release.
  2. Oh, so it's just a target for all the spaceplanes that veer to the right on takeoff.
  3. Looking at that .PNG pic, anyone else note the itty-bitty building to the left of the SPH? No doubt the new Admin building...
  4. Sorry 'bout that; it is indeed cantab's turn.
  5. BINGO! Read the third novel in the series, Clarke actually developed the plot regarding that.
  6. Yep. I think that's why the primary CraftBukkit developer pulled his code and placed a DMCA bulletin on it, as Bukkit was owned by Mojang and it's my belief that he had a case of sour grapes cuz he wasn't cut in on the $$$. So my server gets extra backups in the state it's in so I don't lose it anytime soon! EDIT: Oh, by the way, even though I haven't used Hamachi in quite some time, I'd be interested in joining you server sometime for a session. PM me with the specifics...though I think this weekend is out for me, too much stuff going on with kitchen renovations
  7. OK, shameless plug here. I have a server running Craftbukkit 1.7.2RB (hoping to upgrade it to 1.7.9RC2 this weekend, can't go higher due to Bukkit team halting all development). Open to the public. You'll start out in the Kephyran Wastelands, if you find the Dome City there's teleports to other worlds (Wunderland and XoAster, with a space-world coming soon). Being that it's running the base McMyAdmin core, I'm limited to 8 simultaneous users at the moment, but if there's enough interest I could be persuaded to buy an upgrade license. I've also incorporated a basic Web page via Abyss Webserver to explain the concept and what plugins I use, there's still some design and coding to do on that so please forgive the unfinished look! take a peek at the webpage, let me know if interested.... http://boxedkephyr.mooo.com:64648 (yes, that's 3 "o's" in there!)
  8. Skybase arrives, the Angels launch and shoot all your craft out of the sky, and Spectrum saves the day. My city again!
  9. Banned for repeating the same word as previous poster
  10. As the Lone Wanderer, Dogmeat and I free your prisoner and destroy you and the rest of you slavers. My post-apocalyptic city!
  11. Banned for bringing up the subject of ponies AGAIN!
  12. A short one, then: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
  13. Saw this, immediately thought "the Vorlons are coming!"
  14. 1/10....I don't get the point, and 10 hours???? Time for a bit of class: EDIT: damn thing still won't embed. Here's the link:
  15. ...wonders if the RoveMate (which can be used with KAS) will attach to this. Need to experiment when I get home!
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