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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. That's OK, we were leaving anyway....
  2. .93.7: Space junk is not only persistant, but non-deletable. AND it's imported from every PC that KSP is installed on...and multicore support still isn't present.
  3. Banned for not adding any invisible text
  4. In the same vein as our Kraken-in-training.... "Sundown you better take care, If I find you been creepin' 'round my back stairs"
  5. A black hole? Dark as night, but usually brilliantly lit from XRay emissions
  6. What planet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_8Bs4GpB9g
  7. ...but crashed on the way there.
  8. FPS: Hidden & Dangerous, both 1 and 2... RTS: the original Carrier Command ...or Midwinter
  9. Due to lack of time and my poor riddling skills, I relinquish the next riddle to Cantab (just too damn good at it! )
  10. Comet Siding Spring, the one that just passed Mars.
  11. I steal your flagpole and replant it on the KSC launchpad, any new craft spawning there instantly becomes Kraken fodder. MY unusable launchpad!
  12. Pic removed for brevity's sake.Glad I'm not the only Captain Scarlet fan here!
  13. These folk will deal with that annoyance...
  14. Lookclosely and you'll notice the Seperatrons. I think it's a poor-man's cruise missile.
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