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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. There shouldn't even be a duplicated section like that and the Mars config doesn't have a second PQS section in there at all. (not mine and not looking at the repo either) Edit: Duplicate on repo got removed recently so that's what he was talking about. Just download the updated file and copy it over the mars.cfg file in your install: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Mars/Mars.cfg
  2. The mention of 1960s dollars sounds like a Realism Overhaul issue. That's the only place I know of where KSP monies are converted to 1960 US monies. Though I do wonder what you DO consider reasonable for spacecraft parachutes to cost...? The contracts for spaceship components back then were worth millions of dollars including chutes.
  3. Log files are useful things to provide. Preferably hosted on Dropbox just because a Dropbox account is incredibly useful to you to have and you'll thank me later for getting one if you don't already have one. output_log.txt (in either KSP_Data or KSP_x64_Data depending on if 32 or 64 bit) combined with ModuleManager.ConfigCache (in Gamedata folder) And a description of how to repro the problem.
  4. @Raptor831So, I found a thing... here are some different shapes and their effects on thrust.
  5. More gores on the tank please and longer. I guess they can be shorter (are shorter, apparently, in the new SLS tanks) but definitely more please.
  6. The only issue I can really see with it is the ability to limit the thrust right on down to 0. Or is that just an empty case? Yeah sorry, we forgot how to math and ended up not filling your SRB case with any SRB.
  7. Try reading the very first page. You require the Firespitter plugin. The landing legs use FSAnimateGeneric instead of the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric. (it's just an animated part is all it is)
  8. Real SRBs actually do 'limit thrust'. They set it during the manufacturing stage with different shaped and sized cores*. That's where much of the shuttle's SRB differential thrust levels during its flight came from. The SRB was designed that way. So it's not outside the realm of believability that a custom SRB with lower thrust level than usual could be bought and that's really all you're doing in the VAB when you adjust that thrust limiter: You're having a new booster built with customized thrust to be built and delivered. *Yes, I know, it's not quite the same thing, but the point is that it's very much possible to customize an SRB to a set level of thrust... in real life.
  9. Everything on page 1 is from 3 years ago, with the exception of the first post which I keep up to date with current information. I have no idea what NathanKell configs you are talking about; there are no posts by him on page 200. (which is the page you posted on)
  10. If you have both installed then both are going to do apply boil off. (last time I checked anyway). RF certainly doesn't know about or care about CE and its behavior is unchanged.
  11. Right now, boiloff is focus only. For awhile, there was code live that looked at how long a vessel was unloaded after you switched to it and did boiloff based on how much heat was leaking through and for how long. But I'm pretty sure that's disabled right now. Will go back at a later date and look at enabling it ... RP-0 is not referencing ModuleHeatPump at all. If you have Realism Overhaul installed then I think that stock radiators are configured to be able to keep things cool like cryo tanks but at a flat rate of electrical consumption. (which is fine I guess except that it doesn't take into account refrigeration requirements) Are you waiting until the engine icon is no longer red or yellow? (the staging icon should look just like any other icon without a red background to it) And, it doesn't matter that the tank is pressurized. If the propellants aren't properly settled then all the pressurization in the world won't help you.
  12. You've got exceptions being thrown all over the place, it's a real mess in there and between two sets of logs you've got a lot of the same errors happening minus Deadly Reentry in the second set. (of course) I'd say it's a cascade failure with one exception in the wrong place preventing a vessel from properly being initialized with the result that everything after is getting nullrefs trying to access vessel fields. Including KSP itself. I'm not sure where the problem is starting in there. Just a guess; it could be Kerbalism but it's also possible that it's just another victim like everything else affected.
  13. Wrong. This has been confirmed to have nothing to do with Deadly Reentry. Go look at the github issue that is linked in the very message that you just quoted.
  14. It has craters and mountains. I crashed into the side of Olympus Mons.... does that count?
  15. Read the following post. It might resolve the startup errors but I have no way of saying that with certainty since I don't know what the actual errors were. (that's what logs are for)
  16. Hey! Do pressure-fed engines eliminate the need for ullage???
  17. CKAN only shows you mods that are compatible with your version of KSP. If a mod indicates it is limited to a certain version or certain range of version numbers and you have filter set to Compatible, then you wont see the mod.
  18. Oh gawd.... an in-game editor? And I guess you have to click the button to addd a key? You can't just paste in all your keys at once? That's how the editor plugin worked. And you could either manually enter tangents (or paste them in along with the entire curve list if it had them) or grab handles on the curve points and adjust them that way. (because it was really an extension of the editor's existing curve editor except that the plugin made it so you didn't have to actually be working with animations or anything)
  19. What's happening here is that this config: @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAeroReentry],#leaveTemp[*]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleAeroReentry leaveTemp = #$../leaveTemp$ } !leaveTemp = DELETE } is that !leaveTemp = DELETE is being executed before leaveTemp = #$../leaveTemp$ . In fact, the previous version of MM was actually logging the entire node for that error and it even displayed !leaveTemp as being the first line in the node even though it was the last instruction.
  20. Pitched up from your velocity vector. That's what angle of attack means. I see you have MechJeb installed. It can tell you what your angle of attack is. I forget if it does by default or if I set up a window to do that for me. If you use the SmartASS/ACS then you can use +SVEL and specify the pitch there. I can only guess at what kind of reentry profile you'd need with a world like you describe but it can't be that harsh to reenter there. Probably set a periapsis of 40-50 km, but that's just a guess.
  21. Workaround for errors on startup: Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/master/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry.cfg Copy it into your DeadlyReentry folder, overwriting the file that is already there.
  22. @Dodovogel I fixed an issue with KIS/KAS awhile back and am not aware of any new issues. Are you using the latest Deadly Reentry? @Hrubec I don't see how they could be related. Other than having their max temps adjusted, chute parts aren't having anything done to them. What chute parts are they? Stock? Stock with Real Chute? Real Chute parts? Ven Restock? How many different chute parts have you tried? @Revenant503 @Pamelloes Looks like a bug in Module Manager. Variable deletion occurs before anything else in that node, in that pass. It can't find leaveTemp because it got deleted even though the deletion is supposed to happen after I access it. I'll post a workaround for it...
  23. How shallow? And what is your angle of attack? (hint, it should be 35-40 degrees pitch up) Because these parts really don't need ablator and that would change their reentry profile to that of a capsule or pod instead of being space planes. I haven't lost an OPT plane yet, not even in RSS and with Deadly Reentry. (although, DRE changes the way the part works to be more space plane-ey and might be better than the stock method...)
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