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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. You don't know the power of Notepad++.
  2. Older versions of MechJeb aren't likely to run under KSP 0.25 As far as running with 64 bit KSP, the problem is KSP itself. Even Squad has said that KSP x64 is MUCH more unstable in version 0.25 than it was with 0.24.2. The main download on the KSP store even lists it as experimental Bottom line is, no: MechJeb is not crashing 64 bit KSP. 64 bit KSP is just unstable and can barely run as it is. You might try forcing OpenGL mode though. Supposedly it's more stable that way, but for all I know that's purely anecdotal. There's nothing to lose by trying though.
  3. enneract: Question: Does it matter to you if the rotation pool contains blacklisted Kerbals as long as it doesn't return them when queried? Or should I take them out of the pool entirely?
  4. Its capacity for usefulness is overshadowed only by its capacity to annoy the ever living hell out of me. (seriously Github, why ask me for a list of files to ignore if you aren't going to ignore them?)
  5. Try downloading this config and dropping it somewhere in your GameData folder. (if you have a tweaks folder that you maintain for ModuleManager patches then that's the place for this) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ys4koesu5zdxrq9/dre_KSO.SW.cfg?dl=1 For the KSO25 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4j4r99yb1bjp8wz/kso25_dre.cfg?dl=1 PLEASE note that the one for the KSO25 is NOT a patch. It's meant to replace the file that comes with KSO (it's GameData/KSO/FX/kso25_dre.cfg). Eventually I'll make a patch version of that one. The main differences with these files is that they remove the ablative shielding resource and converts it entirely to reflection based system and changes the reflection vector to reward proper shuttle reentry orientation. (the 'stock' DRE configs that KSO comes with actually only gave you full shielding if your shuttle was completely perpendicular to the velocity vector. So you're faced with either a loss of control or weaker shielding) When used with Real Solar System, the KSO25 version enjoys a massive increase in reflection strength and uses a simulated 'heat capacity', which if overloaded can result in the destruction of that part. (does this using a massless resource that only exists if Real Solar System is installed) One of the benefits here is that by not using ablative, when using a non-stock aerodynamics system, the mass of the shuttles goes down so drag will be more effective in slowing the shuttles. Their performance as gliders should also improve somewhat. So you're saying the problem was actually that you weren't decelerating enough in the upper atmosphere? What shield is that? Not one of the DRE shields since none of them are 4m. (unless you mean the 3.75m part)
  6. Make doubly sure that you have the heat shields from RO. (I know you said you have it but make sure you have THIS: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/raw/master/RealismOverhaul/RO_DeadlyReEntry.cfg) Also make sure you have DREC 6.2.1 Also try lowering your periapsis. (and.... the answer is YES, we've all brought down many MANY Mk1-2 pods. But that wasn't your real question, was it thinking of Wash's answer on the subject in Serenity)
  7. SSsssssaay... Thatssss a nice rocketssssss you have there....
  8. I can work that into it. It will have both. More or less true except that players are aware that there's a list of applicants waiting. It makes sense from an immersion standpoint as well as game mechanic consistency. (when the game has to fill a vessel, it doesn't use GetNewKerbal() until it has first exhausted both the list of available crew, then the applicant pool. But, you know, your mod. Do it how you like.
  9. I once suggested round robin selection. Though to be honest I think crew rotation would be a better term. I've actually gotten started coding it for my own personal use but if you think it's something you'd like to use for the mod I'd be happy to do a PR for it. It'll be implemented using SCENARIO so that crew rosters can be saved on a per save game basis. The SCENARIO node will maintain a list of the current crew roster, automatically removing or adding as Kerbals are hired/fired using GameEvent.AddKerbal (or RemoveKerbal). Kerbals to be assigned will be drawn from the front of the list and as they are assigned get sent to the back. New hires will probably go to the front of the list. Not sure yet. (if they got hired then there was probably an immediate need to assign them to crews...) Not sure how to handle it if the randomization is turned on. Probably it would just override rotation? Or pick a handful from the front of the list and then select one randomly? Also, I notice in the code that when there's a need for new Kerbals that you're using GetNewKerbal(). Wouldn't it be better to use HireApplicant()? (these guys were on the waiting list for awhile you know!)
  10. Sometimes I open maneuver planner just so I can see some porkchop action! Porkchopgasm!
  11. MechJeb 2. I don't think any of its default windows display it so you have to create a custom window (using its custom window editor) that displays it.
  12. Banned for being too lazy to clean his boots. Stay off the carpet!!!
  13. Oh hell yes. Please find an alternate means of distribution Augustus? Or maybe zipping the folder up into a single archive would be enough. Nobody else can download what you're offering without paying Mediafire.
  14. 0, 0, 0 means omnidirectional yes I'm not sure it can be guaranteed that the cargo bay doors will reliably shield contents if the doors are facing into the shockwave. Depends on the colliders in the door, and it's theoretically possible for raycasting to slip between the doors if a part is perfectly aligned in the center of the bay. Other than that, probably. (I haven't tested those parts with the door facing downwards nor flying upside down so I have no idea if the doors really protect)
  15. What you are describing is technically possible to program but MJ is currently reliant on stock behavior to determine its control vector. It's natural and easy to code for. To make it behave otherwise requires extra coding. Maybe it'll happen someday....
  16. Landing Guidance will not land your plane like a plane. It assumes you are landing engines down. The reason your ship still points the same way is because you didn't 'control from here' (right clicking on the docking port). But again, it doesn't matter because LG would assume you have engines on the bottom of your plane, opposite from the docking port. Spaceplane Guidance will land your plane like a plane, but it only has two targets to choose from. The KSC Runway and the Island Runway. There is a way in the most recent dev versions to add new runways but I don't know how to do that. Read back over the past few pages, there was some discussion about it. Also, @Sarbian and @MeuMeu: You guys, I swear, every time I open up Maneuver Planner, I get a porkchopgasm.
  17. It does. Just tried it. Tyrador, the problem is some resource names changed. I don't use the Soviet Pack so I'm not sure where the configs for it came from. If they came from the Stockalike configs from Raptor, then the link above should fix it. Otherwise you need to wait until its configs are updated. (by whoever made them)
  18. Well crap, let's try this again! https://www.dropbox.com/s/gagmbk8luzsjj0m/DeadlyReentry.cfg?dl=1 (btw I corrected this in the 6.2.1 download; undocumented un-incremented version number so future downloads will have the correct config) (Also, toolbar icon is removed; probably should have incremented for that but I was tired and had to crash)
  19. You also forgot stoichiometric and adiabatic. (the last one means you can't catch diabetes from riding on the rocket)
  20. But they both will have the same amount of inertia and their terminal velocities will be the same. Put them side by side with the same starting velocity and they'll fall at the same rate even though the full tank should fall faster. That's probably why he thinks their drag is the same.
  21. SLS, totally not enough information to tell you what's wrong. If I had to guess, and assuminging there are no errors occurring then you launched straight up to the edge of the atmosphere and then back down. Am I at all close? I think that just might be survivable without a shield.
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