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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Malformed planetary nodes in REALSOLARSYSTEM can halt parsing in a way that isn't logged at all. One way to see this is by removing the closing brace from a pressureCurve node. Parsing of that planet then stops shortly after it processes the pressureCurve node. That node will still be parsed but all other nodes after wouldn't be found. (they'd probably end up inside of the pressureCurve node because of the way the ConfigNodes get parsed by KSP) No errors or warnings result, all other planets get skipped and RSS goes to the final phase of computing orbits. I believe this is behind some of the more recent reports where only some planets show up in their new RSS orbits but the rest (such as Jool) occupy the inner orbits. (their original orbit in stock KSP)
  2. What's the REAL issue with CRP and RF? Because it sounds more and more like the reservations are ideological rather than there being technical obstacles preventing them being used together. Leave people to play in their sandboxes as they like and if you don't agree with them wanting to integrate RF with CRP then just say 'I don't want to help with that' and be done with it.
  3. You don't say if it's for stock or RSS. If stock, set reflection to 0.25. direction I think to 0, 1, 1 (on iPhone and can't double check) if it's for RSS you might get away with the same values for a lightweight plane. Heavies like the KSO25.....Well check the last few pages on the kso thread and see the kso25 config I linked to. I also posted it here a few pages back. If you can't find it I'll repost it when I get back to computer.
  4. I don't mind. One caveat on the DRE configs I posted: They work for me. I've posted them here (and elsewhere) previously and never get any usable feedback other than that indicating that the KSO25 wasn't installed correctly (it doesn't patch over the existing KSO25 config like the KSO one patches its counterpart so it can't 'go anywhere you want in GameData' and has to overwrite the one that comes with KSO) Actually the KSO one does get feedback about positive experiences from time to time but KSO25 may as well have a user base of one.
  5. Don't please. That would mess with too many designs that assume the bottom has a hatch that allows passage to parts underneath. Crew manifest and connected living space in particular assume this on a functional level unless a part that blocks passage (like a heat shield) are placed underneath
  6. Thank you for demonstrating what I and several others told you all along: It was not a problem with Deadly Reentry. Sorry, it wasn't doing anything. (not yet) The next time you see that button it will be functional.
  7. There's also a problem with this mod in Career mode. Achievements tries to add Reputation when you are awarded an achievement, but AddReputation is throwing a 'method not found' error. From what I can see, the method parameters were changed and there are no overloads that takes the parameters being passed to it. That in itself isn't a problem but it seems to be killing the contract system and preventing it from seeing when a contract's completion parameters are met.
  8. Wireless signals transmit all kinds of crap into your cerebral cortex where it stores up in your subconscious causing you to have all kinds of weird dreams and nightmares. People didn't used to dream at all until the Internet was invented. Now we have everyone elses collective garbage filtering into our pyche. True story.
  9. Even better is to use ModuleManager to clone the part. If you don't have MM you should get it. Then make a file named LVN.80kN.cfg (or whatever you want to name it). The file should go in your GameData folder. (I prefer to keep things like this in GameData/MyTweaks/ which is a folder I created that I can easily back up and copy to new installs of KSP) Edit the file you created and paste the following into it: +PART[nuclearEngine] { @name = nuclearEngine80kN @title = LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor (80kN) @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 80 } } The advantage of this method is that you can easily back up and restore your tweaks folder when you update KSP. If you adopt this system you can edit any mod files by learning how to create and use Module Manager patches and even if you have to delete and reinstall the original file, your alterations remain safe and sound in your MyTweaks foldler and of course keep that backed up. (I keep mine on m Dropbox account so no matter where I am or what computer I'm on I always have access to it)
  10. That's a feature that I'm working on. It wasn't supposed to activate yet. If you redownload it go away.
  11. If you mean is something like that possible now, no it's not. If you're asking if it could be added, yes pretty easily. I might do it too. Probably wont expose it to the in-game debug window which looks a little crowded as it is though. EDIT: On the subject of the settings button that I'm putting in, no progress on that right now. When I put it in, it has to be done in a way that it and the current debug window tie in. It won't do to have two interfaces maintaining and writing different data to to the same group of settings. So what's ultimately going to happen is that for each difficulty setting there will be a separate group of DRE settings. If you're in normal mode then the default configuration is used. Two others will be added for easy/hard and depending on which difficulty you're set to, using the debug window will make changes to that specific group. So if you're on easy mode and you open the debug window then you'll actually be making changes to the DRE config for Easy. All three groups will be saved to the custom.cfg file as the default config currently is now.
  12. IKR? It got his plane on the ground, (that part will happen pretty definitely) What more could you want??? Yeah, it's worth noting that you don't need special plugins with Stock Drag Fix for MJ to work.... just sayin'
  13. Planets do have differing properties to their atmospheres now which does affect heating. Jool is mostly hydrogen so less dense and less heating for a given atmospheric pressure value. Laythe has the same value as Kerbin. Now now then as to parts shielding each other: each update, a ray is cast from an objects center along its flight path. If the ray strikes anything within 10 meters the part is considered shielded. If the distance from its center to its nearest edge along that ray is more than 10 meters it is Unshielded. In the case of fairings, if FAR is installed then it relies on FAR to tell it if the fairing protects a part. Otherwise the ray sat method is used. I consider fairing detection to be unreliable in both cases to varying degrees depending on method and whether or not the fairings are procedural. Specifically, ray casting fails to find any colliders in the fairings frustum.
  14. This is a DRE cfg patch for the smaller KSO shuttle. Just drop it in anywhere in the GameData folder (preferably a tweaks folder that you maintain for Module Manager patches). It has been tested for stock sized Kerbin and should work with Real Solar System as well. (reentry speeds are faster) https://www.dropbox.com/s/dcz95jl7jp450h5/dre_KSO.SW.cfg?dl=1 This one is for the KSO25. It's not a proper patch and you need to replace the existing KSO25 config file. (If I remember correctly it's in the GameData/KSO/FX folder....) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4j4r99yb1bjp8wz/kso25_dre.cfg?dl=1 The KSO25 configs are carefully crafted to apply different settings depending on if you play stock Kerbin or Real Solar System. If you use it with Real Solar System, the reflection ratings are increased substantially and a special massless resource is introduced that represents the heat shield tile's capacity to soak up heat. (when HeatCapacity in a part is depleted it can overheat)
  15. Not if you miss the runway and careen into the ocean because of the extra mass..... No, wait... that changes everything too.
  16. One of my more memorable calls doing Compaq support started with the customer telling me that he had a mental condition that made it hard to follow directions. At least he was upfront about it. During the call he lost his temper and I could hear things being thrown in the background before he stormed off.... all was quiet and I was wondering if I should just do my closing speech (in case anyone from QA was monitoring) and end the call. Then his son picks up the phone and whispers that everything is ok, they just unplugged the computer because he messes it up every time he uses it and to please not give him any support. Then I heard the sounds of things breaking and the son hurriedly excused himself and hung up. And then there was the guy who ranted at me about how someone trashed his computer with a virus and he lost all the work he had put into a book he was writing that would have given mankind the stars. Finally he ended the call with, "AND ON TOP OF IT ALL, YOU CAN'T EVEN GET A DECENT TOMATO ANYMORE!!!"
  17. I play with both this and Deadly Reentry and they're just fine together. Tweak Scale shouldn't really be a problem either. The mod still performs its primary goal of eliminating drag caused by resource mass. Parts tweaked to larger sizes will have more drag than smaller sizes which is more or less offset by the increase in mass. In the end it balances itself out naturally. I wouldn't worry about it.
  18. Some reworking has occurred and things are a little hotter overall, but some of what you're describing is just timing. The amount of heat is dependent on the temperature of the shockwave created as your craft hurtles through the atmosphere. The shockwave is created by air bunching up in front of you. (front being defined as towards your velocity vector). The temperature of the shockwave is about equal to your velocity in meters per second in Kelvins. (to convert to Celsius, subtract 273). The amount of heat that is actually picked up by your craft is dependent on the density of the air outside. It's entirely possible to think you've made it because the shockwave temperature is rapidly dropping but then suddenly your hull starts heating up because the air has finally become dense enough that enough heat is getting through to push your temperature up and rapidly deplete your shield.
  19. Yeah ok now you're losing me here. If your design is tested and it works then it works. It's not going to suddenly stop working on one planet only and treat some parts as unshielded but not others. I'm just not buying that. Screenshots and logs. And maybe a craft file that clearly demonstrates the problem. (stock parts please)
  20. (which is a Good Thingâ„¢ when doing a Jupiter aerobrake maneuver in Real Solar System....) Nathan answered the important bit but regarding the swiftness of the transition, there's not a whole lot that can be done with that given a stock atmosphere. I forget the exact number but stock (or legacy) atmosphere cuts out when pressure has dropped to a particular value. Just stops abruptly. KSP does have support for more realistic atmospheres but it does not make use of them at this time. (just like it has drag models that take into account orientation and conical and cylindrical shapes but doesn't make use of those either) Real Solar System btw makes use of the new atmosphere model which uses curve data and all of the planets with atmospheres have atmosphere curves which simulate the atmosphere more realistically and don't cut out as abruptly. (though there is still an arbitrary cut off point because there is a point at which the air just gets so thin that it has no game value other than to prevent non-phys time warps)
  21. Probably. What is it, non ablative thermal soak? If it's stock sized Kerbin try adding a heat shield with .25 reflective and no ablative. Look at how spaceplane parts are done.
  22. Nope. Shows up fine. Maybe you installed it to the wrong place.
  23. Delete your current DeadlyReentry folder Download the latest and install it. https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/download/v6.2.1/DeadlyReentry_v6.2.1.zip Wait until you are ~7km altitude (or a velocity of ~350m/s)
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