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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Right, the staging thing has been talked about for several pages now. You might want to think about assigning them to an action group.
  2. Looks like a problem with the part's animation. I considered the possibility that the one shot setting was confusing ModuleAnimateGeneric but it still did it even if I set it to false. I don't know what in the animation could do something like this but I don't think we have access to the original mesh so doing anything with the animation isn't an option. Another animator module might fare better but I don't like any of the alternatives out there. (Firespitter would be an obvious alternative but I've had issues with Firespitter before and would not feel comfortable making it a dependency)
  3. There's no empty stage 'trick'. I only asked about empty stages to raise the possibility that people were having trouble activating chutes through staging because of empty (or phantom) stages that sometimes get left in the staging list when decoupling things. It wasn't intended as a workaround or anything. Just thought it might be a possible cause. I thought Chris disabled Real Chute if there was a Unity discrepancy because he had no mac to test on. (Mac KSP uses a different version of Unity than PC's do) If it actually works for you then the incompatibility message is a warning and don't worry about it. If it doesn't work then don't expect to be able to get support from Chris about it .
  4. Unfortunately, that's not been true for awhile. There have been several versions released which don't properly work with the election process and cause problems. It's better to delete old versions instead of leaving them in the GameData folder. (or rename their extensions which is effectively the same thing as it stops them from being loaded by the game)
  5. Did you do a comparison of the commits to see what changed? If you click on the (should be) last commit it will tell you what it was.
  6. Anyone who thinks that this bug can be worked around by tweaking decoupler forces, through the use of sepratrons or that it has to do with decoupler position relative to center of mass of the separated part hasn't truly experienced the bug. The bug generally strikes hardest when separated parts are strutted to parts other than the part that the decoupler is connected to. So if I have a long booster connected via decoupler to a fuel tank and I strut to another fuel tank stacked on top of the base fuel tank.... that's a recipe for disaster. The reason sepratrons are ineffective is that an inwards momentum has already been imparted when the sepratrons fire. The momentum was immediate and the part has to decelerate before the sepratrons can even start to push the part away. From a construction standpoint, don't strut anything other than the two parts that are attached via the decoupler. Fewest possible struts are best in this situation. MOAR struts bad.
  7. DRE does lower max temps of most parts. Some more than others. Except heat shield parts
  8. Shania, nobody is asking anyone to be rocket scientists. Just use some common sense. That's #1. #2, maybe if the post had been a little less accusatory and confrontational I'd not be so harsh. TOSHOGU: 'your chutes'? Deadly Reentry does not provide chutes.. Secondly, Deadly Reentry does not affect velocity. AT ALL. If you aren't decelerating enough that's got nothing to do with this mod. You've got something else going on. Behold! A safe reentry. Did I correctly interpret your latest post to indicate that you started from 80km altitude? (it's a little confusing because you're sprinkling 'k' after just about every number). Periapsis set to 20km. Chute deployment occurred automatically at 7km. I configured it that way in Real Chute. That's how well I know what I'm talking about; I'm not just making this stuff up to confuse people. If you want to submit a log I'll look at it, but it sounds less and less like DREC is responsible. You've either got another mod interferring or it's user error. Also, in-game press alt+d+r and then take a screenshot and submit that too so I can see what you have your DRE settings at.
  9. Correct, stock volume unit x 5 = liters And pressurized gas tanks use utilization factors higher than 1 to simulate compression.
  10. I try to be nicer about these things than some other people who might come in here and chew you out but how many times do I have to say this in one day? IT IS NOT THE MOD THAT IS MESSING UP. IT IS YOU. DOWNLOAD VERSION 6.2.1 OF DEADLY REENTRY AND FOR PITY'S SAKE, STOP DEPLOYING CHUTES AT HIGH ALTITUDES. Even with the latest version of the mod it is insane to think you can deploy chutes at high altitudes like that except on planets with very thing atmospheres like Duna. And the altitudes you mention have to be Real Solar System which is an even more deadly reentry. Do you think Neil Armstrong deployed chutes at higher than 30 kilometers? Buzz Aldrin? They'd have been dead heroes if they tried that. Go get the most recent version and practice sane deployments. Sorry I was out the door when I replied to you and my answer was cut short. Yes, the Mk1 pod has a shield, no it should not be 0. Need more information. Maybe screenshot showing the pod in the VAB, and have you tried tweaking it to increase the quantity of shield? Or did you maybe accidentally tweak it and remove the shield material? Make your log files available if you are still having trouble. There's no reason why it should show up as 0
  11. If its a couple hundred exactly then sure that is a bit much, but I have to assume it's possibly higher. It's also possible he's not updated. Latest updates did fix some problems with chutes burning up too easily.
  12. The part might not have gone over 20 but the temperature outside is what matters. If you deploy chutes into the superheated plasma of reentry then they will burn. And your Kerbals die screaming.
  13. Zeenobit, do you have an empty stage under the chute's stage when this happens? Maybe post a screenshot taken just before you try to stage the chute.
  14. I concur. Dragon should step up to the plate. Put his money where his mouth is. Dragon. Instead of trying to enable people to circumvent, do an official fork, host it as a separate mod with its own forum thread AND ASSUME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY instead of being hostile about it.
  15. What's wrong is your parachute deployment protocols. Adopt a more realistic procedure and you'll have better results. Proper altitudes and velocities have been posted about constantly over the past few pages. The very front page has an admonishment in large red letters warning you about improper parachtue deployment procedures. Do I have to resort to making it Comic Sans in order to draw people's attention to it? If you downloaded 64x then you're probably running it. Except that if it's Windows 64x then DREC won't run at all. So you probably aren't. Unless you edited it and recompiled it. Which I doubt. Yes it does
  16. That sounds maybe like Asmi's life support mod. Doesn't it draw on MonoPropellant to supply Kerbals with EVA propellant?
  17. As has been said, 64bit KSP is unstable to the point that it is not feasible or practical to troubleshoot if you have compatibility issues between DRE and 64bit KSP. It's not possible to determine which is truly at fault if KSP crashes while using DRE.
  18. No, hydrazine is not EVA propellant. I don't think that's RF doing it to you\
  19. Your problem is that either you have not downloaded DRE version 6.2.1 and/or you are deploying your chutes too early and the air outsided is thousands of degrees Kelvin and they are burning up. Wait until you are lower. FYI, Apollo deployed its drogue chutes at 7km altitude and main chutes at ~3km.
  20. By halfway he means the periapsis should be halfway in. For instance, stock is ~70km max atmosphere altitude (69.x actually) so you'd put periapsis at about 35km by his rationale. Not sure that would work in RSS.... it could I guess. Depending on the craft
  21. Look at Orbit Info. MJ usually reports negative values for Apoapsis if its trajectory is out of the SOI. Those values there indicate a long elliptical orbit, when KSP has it on an escape trajectory.
  22. That's a pretty naive thing to say. It has nothing to do with engineers wanting or not wanting to switch to metric. Lots of them can use metric just fine but they don't live in a vacuum. They need to deal with lots of other people who don't know metric. The reasons for not going metric are much broader than such a narrow subset of people.
  23. What I did was set it up so that it would either use the stock KerbalRoster (if set for random) or the one that I supplied to it (which sorts assigned Kerbals to the end of the list) It's actually sort of working except that in certain scenes it doesn't seem to correctly load the saved rotation list. It's event driven to be notified when a Kerbal moves from Available to Assigned and then moves that Kerbal to the end of the rotation list. It also checks for changes such as occur when a rescue contract Kerbal moves into the roster. It's amazing how many times KSP fires an event for the same thing over and over again. (i.e., OnKerbalStatusChange is triggered five times for a single incident where a Kerbal gets assigned to a craft) It supports Blizzy's toolbar, not the stock one. Then you have to edit the toolbar (using its nifty little in-game editing system), and configure what buttons are visible on the toolbar.
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