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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. then I refer you to the log I linked to because that happens too.. accompanied by massive decelleration which causes DREC to murder my Kerbals as they die screaming
  2. some other interesting things I noticed is that when that bug hits, chute part temperature drops continuously below what is normal. in space I see them going to -2600ish And playing with it right now trying to salvage this flight, I see that t at least one chute did try to activate when I staged in space and now the capsule is spinning in space as though under some force. SAS is not enough to keep it steady
  3. Read the first page, it has instructions on the very first post for increasing difficulty. Bottom line is a reentry from Kerbin orbit is not going to be as dangerous as a reentry would be from Earth. You're only going to be seeing reentry temperatures of about ~2200 tops which is maybe a ~third of what you'd get on Earth. Follow the instructions in the first post and you can increase the temperature to suit. But be warned if you go all out and go for an Earth style reentry you're going to need improved heat shields, which is also dealt with in the first post.
  4. Chris, I am having the same problem as Dr Jet, but guess what? I have logs!!!!!!111oneone(that's a link) Also, for the rest of you who posted page after page of 'it's broke' and 'it doesn't work' and 'omg fix it NAOH' and not posted any logs, Enjoy some Comic Sans. (btw when right clicking the chute to manually deploy, the log is spammed with null refs)
  5. Oh crap, something in RC changed; DREC has to do special checks to see if chutes opened; open chutes means the part can overheat and fail . IsShielded() automatically returns false for open chute parts. Now that RC has updated, DREC can't create or retrieve an object it's trying to query. (so, needless to say; this is really really bad) Edit: Looking at the latest on github, I'd say Nathan is already on top of this. I'd expect another update real soon....
  6. HGR needs that part updated to new format for the RC module most likely.
  7. you can separate part costs from resource costs too though. Might want to do that at least. keep the shield part low and put the cost into the resource
  8. That sounds like you still have a copy of the old .23.5 version stuck in there somewhere...
  9. No, there are supposed to be multiple MJ in the tech tree. each one represents a different part to be unlocked. edit clarification. Not all of MJ is fully functional early in your career like it would be in sandbox. for instance you have to unlock translatron, which looks like another MJ but it just represents a more advanced MJ feature and is not supposed to represent an actual part.
  10. And forgive the multipost; maybe the board will autojoin them as it sometimes does. 200 might actually be a bit steep. remember this is a different scale and could be 200 thousands, tens of thousands or millions of funds consider that some engines are 700 or over. We need to go over parts lists for stock and get a feel for scale
  11. Some crewroster stuff changed (new Kerbal types like tourists) but nothing that affects tormenting them inside their ships or on EVA.
  12. Use the debug menu in the game to see what modules are installed on the chute part. And yeah, that stock chute bug is a killer. I was going to hold off downloading RC 1.2 until Stupid Chris was done with whatever update he was going to do after work tonight but I just lost Jeb and Bill both trying to do some stupid contract missions and their lives were depending on their chutes not malfunctioning. The thing is, sometimes they work fine and others.... failure at 500 meters. W T H SQUAD. You know what? I'm turning dead crew respawn back on. I'm willing to let them go if it was my mistake but not for Squad bugs
  13. Ok, somehow I screwed up and zipped up the original 0.23.5 dll Apparently I have TWO FinalFrontier.dll files installed. It's a wonder it didn't crash something. There's the zip again with the proper (confirmed) file in it. Try that again. Sorry about the mix up. I compiled it on MonoDevelop with the Any CPU option which supposedly means that it will work for 32 or 64 bit systems but take that with a grain of salt.
  14. Modified Source Updated Plugin (copy to your GameData folder and let it overwrite the FinalFrontier.dll) Sorry for taking so long; supposed to be working So, as best as I can tell, that's working without error (at least without the errors that prevented 0.24 from loading) Ribbon awarding still works in all cases that it was supposed to so far.
  15. I'll send you what I have. still testing it but it looks like things are working. ribbon awarding and such. not sure if it's ok for me to share the dll I compiled or not....
  16. Yup, I'll be checking out Ioncross today under 0.24 and seeing how it behaves. If necessary I'll release an update to get it working with 0.24. If nothing immediate is necessary then I'll post that and I'll be investigating the issue that chrisl reported. Though I'm pretty sure that I've previously verified that O2 levels deplete as they should and CO2 levels only accumulate when scrubbers are turned off.
  17. Compatibility warnings are generated by a version checker that quite a few mod developers have adopted. It's based on the version change of KSP and can be taken as a warning, unless a specific mod developer has chosen to disable their mod when a version mismatch is detected.
  18. Final Frontier is likely to cause you problems when you get to the main menu. It wouldn't let me start a new game
  19. Yeah, I'm seeing it all. Landing AP wouldn't land for me though... don't think it's actually related though
  20. Looks like they changed things related to the crew roster. maybe because they added new types of Kerbals. Also... they renamed enumerators...... Dead instead of DEAD. I got it compiled and so far it appears to be working. at least in as much as it let me in the game.
  21. Easier? Arguable, perhaps. Smarter? No, not really. I can think of a number of scenarios where that can come back to bite you in the ass. What happens if there's an ActiveTextureManagement update? Congratulations, you just overwrote your changes. Do you do that sort of thing on a regular basis? Edit mod base files? Edit stock files maybe? Don't forget to go back and edit them again if you update said mod or KSP. My way survives such updates.
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