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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Uhm there's really not anything to do to make it work with FAR. If your parts in general work with FAR then you're good to go. The only thing I can think of is that when you're reentering, your orientation may provide more or less lift. More lift means less g-force stress on your crew and ship. It also means more heat though IIRC, it should mean less because you're not plowing directly into the superheated shockwave. But in DREC it means marginally more heat because the heatshield reflects less heat the more you deviate from oriented directly into your velocity vector. But what the heck do any of us know really, we're all just armchair astronauts.... Just try to keep your capsule oriented so it's travelling backwards with its bottom pointed in the direction you're going and you'll slow down faster and your shield will reflect more heat. If your g-force meter starts climbing too quickly then tilt the nose up a bit.
  2. And, we did sort of bring it on ourselves with all that 'I'll form... the crotch!' talk.
  3. Maybe.... but I'm having some trouble envisioning what you mean exactly. Is it something that itself would be a saddle truss and open underneath but with connection structures? Do you think maybe you could sketch it out?
  4. What's a KKII cockpit? Is it lacking heat shielding? Wait... you're making it down to the planet surface and you're at less than 10m/s so... this really doesn't sound like a Deadly Reentry mod problem.... need more information or maybe you need to post in a different thread....
  5. I'll get something pushed soon. I got a little side tracked with the reflective shader plugin, which I wanted to make available for the MLI texturing on the Copernicus tanks so they look shiny.
  6. Crap, that's not supposed to be in that config file... that was for PJ stuff only. And it looks like something I grabbed from another part just for the properties to edit, not to use on that part. The values are from a much larger wing I think and I was going to delete them all and rework them from scratch. It's supposed to be in a scratchpad config file. Anyway... This wiki article has some good info on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chord_(aircraft)
  7. What else happens at 9000? What's your TWR? Oops didnt see the pics until I refreshed.
  8. If all feedback has to be positive then it stops being feedback.
  9. Thanks, I'll try that. Big question though, will that leave the defined values intact when the curve is evaluated? For instance, if I'm defining a pressureCurve to match Earth and it says that at 5.5 km (key) the pressure will be 0.48 (value) will I still get that value when it's evaluated for 5.5 km? Or will there be unwanted smoothing?
  10. Explodium? Isn't that the same stuff that Kerbals make all their equipment out of? Sure seems like it sometimes...
  11. Ok, re-link Mk2 Stuff Some of the stuff in the file might not be for everyone. I'm using FAR so it changes the parts into normal non-winglet parts. And as mentioned before it adds some oxidizer to some parts. The LFO exchange a while back made me realize though that when I added the oxidizer I didnt scale the fuel back; the total fuel/oxidizer should be the same as what the original part had and I didn't fix that yet. Also some B9 parts that I use with the Mk2 are modified in a separate file in that folder if you want to check those out. Particularly I use the giant airliner wings, the S2 wide body parts and Porkjet's cockpit/passenger section to make a pretty cool looking spaceplane that gets into orbit fairly well but has trouble with its cockpit which I have on an overly long neck, smacking into the tarmac on touchdown. Very tricky to land in one piece.
  12. Ack sorry I must have pasted into the wrong folder. I'll check it out as soon as I'm on my computer
  13. This was a very informative thread as I'm doing some curve work but I'm still not clear on the tangents. I thought I had a method worked out for calculating them but when I tried them out using the Mathematica code provided in this thread I got a nasty collection of spikes. What I did was this basically... deltaY = P2_y - P1_y deltaX = P2_x - P1_x atan2(deltaY, deltaX) What I've learned from this experience is that apparently I don't know a tangent from a poptart. (actually that's not true... poptarts are frosted)
  14. There actually is a fix possible for that... there's a list of modules that MJ ignores when deciding whether or not it should stage. Adding the fairing modules (or fairing decoupler.... I forget which) fixes that. I actually suggested that long ago but I think my timing was poor, development seemed to be slow but thread activity high so it probably got lost in the noise. If Sarbian doesn't see this I'll dig up the necessary module names and poke him on IRC
  15. Actually, more than that. It prevents 280 megabyte+ output_log.txt files I couldn't figure out why my spaceplane was getting more and more sluggish approaching the runway and then my entire computer nearly ground to a halt. Then the whole thing sort of froze above the water (approaching shoreline) and I could hear but not see the kersplash! as my plane slammed into the water at about 120m/s because I couldn't take steps to slow it down. Had to alt-F4 and when I tried to open output_log.txt, Notepad++ complained that it couldn't open files that big You're welcome! Not sure if the Orion has a shield or not... If it does not, this will add it: (if you have ModuleManager) This is for stock, not RSS. If you're using RSS, let me know... @PART[Orion_Pod] { MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod reflective = 0.05 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle ablative = AblativeShielding loss { key = 650 0 key = 1000 64 key = 3000 80 } dissipation { key = 300 0 key = 500 180 } } }
  16. Yeah uhm, thanks. I totally would never have thought of the underpants unless you had pointed them out. Now I can't see the adapter the right way anymore
  17. Ooooo how does procedural wings handle it? Does it change the FAR stuff automagically?
  18. Re: DREC errors for latest RealChutes. I've had this fixed for myself for a few days and thought I'd share it with everyone else until Nathan shows up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e86pz9cv8i65o2l/DeadlyReentry.zip It's a two line fix from string mainDeployState = (string)rCType.GetField("deploymentState").GetValue(realChute); string secDeployState = (string)rCType.GetField("secDepState").GetValue(realChute); to string mainDeployState = (string)rCType.GetField("depState").GetValue(realChute); string secDeployState = (string)rCType.GetField("secDepState").GetValue(realChute);
  19. Depends on whether we want to be able to mask transparency. If the answer is no, then the solution gets a lot easier. Having played around with this in both Unity editor and by changing values in the module's settings, it doesn't seem like the alpha channel for main color (not the texture, there's an RGBA color setting), specular color or reflective color actually have any effect. If we're not interested in masking then you could piggyback transparency on one of those channels. And set it easily via the module settings. The other reflective shader types are setup similarly but I'm not sure the same is true for all of them about the impact (or lack thereof) of alpha...
  20. Are you on a Mac? If not, in the KSP directory, open the KSP_Data folder. Look for output_log.txt. Unless you're on a Mac, it's there. Post it
  21. It is using _Color. Be my guest any input is welcome If you have the Unity editor you already have the code for them, if not let me know.
  22. Well, your quick hack is actually what the proper solution is. The wings need this, but with different settings. The meanings are in the FAR readme.... going to peruse them now.... this shouldn't be too hard. AND... I just remembered something Ferram said. The wings part origin needs to be at the root of the wing. I think he also said bad things can happen otherwise. MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 5.418 e = 0.9 IsSmallCtrlSurf = 0 MidChordSweep = 21.8 ctrlaxis = none b_2 = 21.841 TaperRatio = 0.132 }
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