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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Set Category to something like Utility or Science
  2. Go to the VAB.... look at those little vehicles that scurry to and fro. If you still don't understand why the tug looks that way, watch the VAB scenery some more.
  3. Give this one a try. I've a few concerns about it but I think it should do... unless it's for RSS? Not sure if it will do for that. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9n4d9g6e7u6jbr/dre_KSO.cfg
  4. MechJeb doesn't recognize them yet. At least I don't think it does....
  5. I disagree. A Kerbal that climbs into a Mk1 cockpit? People know he's not afraid of ANYTHING. (ok, apologies to Firefly...)
  6. That's either because the reflection is applied as emmissivity or because highlighting doesn't work with non-KSP shaders. reflective parts also dont turn translucent when picked up either. same cause probably. not sure if I can do anything about that. Except for the picking up thing... maybe...
  7. missed this. looks like they do help keep things oriented sort of. oriented better maybe. dont see much improvement on DV though which is my real measuring point on these things... as in how much of it did I lose to drag on that launch. Still want to know if anything is going on with dragModelType or if its just some placeholder for later work.
  8. I think I might have one... it'll be awhile before I can dig it out....
  9. there's two meshes, one far away and one up close. When you start getting close up it fades one out and the other in.
  10. They are compatible. I've used that shuttle with DREC installed and it doesnt affect control. I suppose it would be heavier though if you're using one of the ablative shield configs. ablative material is a resource with mass. IMO it should use a reflective value of 20-25 with no ablative material assigned
  11. I use www.dropbox.com these days for almost anything that isn't an image... and sometimes even then. (if you do a non-KSP screenshot, i.e. ctrl+printscreen it will automagically copy it to your dropbox folder. Usually for images though I use www.imgur.com)
  12. EDIT: Are you checking newly placed parts or parts on existing craft or loaded craft? Pre-existing craft and loaded craft will retain their values, at least for stock chutes. Not sure about Real Chutes; if they use persistent data then the same applies for them. Only newly placed chutes will use your patched in values. Ok, not seeing a problem in your patch file... do you see it applied to ANY parachutes at all? I even just went and made a file with your code and it IS working. The only way it might not work that I can think of is if you have another patch being applied to those chutes with the :Final tag at the end. And it would then have to be applied after the patch in the script you posted. Check your output_log.txt file (in ksp_data folder) and look for lines that say something like @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:Final You can see it being applied, it'll look something like [ModuleManager] Applying node MyTweaks/generalParachutePatch/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:Final to Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteLarge/part/parachuteLarge
  13. Well, dang, I was not aware the SRB bug was back
  14. Uhm wow no idea here... Question though. What did you do to verify that the crew was truly dead and that the death message was not in error? Could maybe change death chance to 0.0 Also post your craft please so I can try to repro? (Reason I ask if the message could be wrong is because I once was informed that a Kerbal on EVA in orbit died of G force excess when he was sitting right in front of me responding to commands. Never happened since and I cannot repro)
  15. DO be warned that there is a bit of learning curve both in building and flying rockets with FAR. (In atmo obviously, space doesn't matter) Narrow front broad aft. Fins are good in back too. Use fairings definitely.
  16. Because the same people that declared heliocentric views as heresy want to do the same thing for natural selection?
  17. Updated example usage post. Also note numbers in the MODULE node should not have an 'f' after them. That was something that has proven to be necessary elsewhere but doesn't work right here. So updateRate should have been 300, not 300f. (the f denotes a float but apparently it doesn't get read properly in a MODULE{} declaration and would cause the update rate to default to a value of 60)
  18. As someone who grew up in the 60s I have to disagree. Do you think we were a bunch of stone age cave men back then??? Well maybe we were. No CGI concept proposals back then. Scale models like that were made at the drop of a hat back then. Especially if you wanted to get someone's attention for that contract or grant you were trying for.
  19. Reminds me of the story of John Glenn's reentry. They had (what turned out to be erroneous) reading on the ground that his heat shield had separated from the capsule. So the decision was made not to jettison the strap-on engine.The way he related it, nobody told him of that decision. His first time learning about it was when he saw parts of his red hot engine streaking past the window and thought his heat shield was disintegrating.... Apparently they didn't tell him because they didnt want him to worry. OOPS....
  20. It's ok to post the entire output_log.txt file. If you think it's too large and can repro the problem (which it sounds like you can) then just start up a game, do just enough to trigger the errors then exit the game and put the file on dropbox and post the link here. I really don't know what to say about those errors, they pretty much run the spectrum... FAR, GUI errors with the toolbar, SRB problem and other unknown NRE. Hmmm. Just from those two, it really doesn't seem like your Modular Fuels plugin is up to date. Because the SRB problem you're describing is from back in December... or even earlier. It's been fixed a long time ago.
  21. I'm sure we'll get it. Just as soon as they fix SOI transition errors during time warps. Or fixing the thrust / fuel flow / ISP bug. Yup yup...
  22. I never noticed any real difference in stock drag with or without nosecones. I forget the last time I experimented. It was either .22 or .23. I check every now and then to see if something changed with each version but I forget if I checked for .23 Previously I used an srb with and without the cone. Straight up with sas on. Check apoapsis. Last time I had slightly lowered apoapsis with the cone because of added mass. That's STOCK drag. FAR drag takes into account nosecones.
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