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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. That's what I have been doing but after reading up on the Saturn V I intend to try locking just the center. I've only been locking the outers because other people said so. That doesn't mean it's the best method. I'll say this though, it's hard to roll big craft on fins alone. When gimbals are enabled on outer engines it is easier.
  2. ModuleManager doesn't actually do anything to individual files. It makes changes to the configuration nodes after they've been loaded into memory. It is by no means file aware. All that happens when the game loads and before you reach the main menu. Even if there is a node that is loaded from the save file that could theoretically be altered by ModuleManager, it will be loaded well after ModuleManager has actually processed the nodes during game startup so by that time it would already be too late. So not only is it unable to affect save files on an individual basis but it's already done all of its work well before those save files will ever be loaded. The only thing that I see you being able to accomplish is using it to force all parts to show up as though already researched and that would happen globally for all saves. On another note, I'm not even sure I see the point in doing this because Science is only meaningful for researching parts. If you already have all the parts there's no point in doing the science. I have to assume that is why it's locked in sandbox mode to begin with.
  3. I would instead think of it as an engine redesign My patch file still works fairly well with the new plugin though I have had some GUI issues with the plugin. I haven't reported them yet because I'm still trying to isolate the cause and eliminate PEBSAK issues. (Problem Exists Between Starwaster And Keyboard) I'm reworking the file to work properly with the new KW values and will include the other mods too. The current file supports Kethane as a nuclear fuel and in standard engines with LOX. If you've got your spreadsheet working for Google Docs that might help
  4. Actually we should probably dispense with them since the Shuttle's external tank was a lot more sophisticated than just a couple of fuel tanks inside a metal skin. The numbers work more or less for Modular Fuels cryogenic tank especially since the H2 tank is getting a mass discount. They don't work for the default tank. The page he linked to specifically mentioned the Saturn V first stage so I just got done hunting down some numbers for that. This is what I have for the S-1C FUEL TANK ONLY! (this is metric. I had to do the conversion myself since all the documents are in pounds. but I think they're correct) RP-1 mass: 622.43559 tons tank dry mass: 10.90 tons This is a stock stretchy which uses KSPs default mass values. LiquidFuel (this is basically RP-1 for anyone else paying attention) wet mass: 82.463 tons dry mass: 10.91801 So dry mass is pretty close to where I want it to be. Fuel mass is off by quite a bit. But it's even more off than my worst case scenario. That's a mass ratio (tank only keep in mind) of 0.0175 for the Saturn V first stage In KSP that's about 0.1324 Nathan, would you mind double checking my fuel mass? That's 203,000 gallons of RP-1. I gotta run now. One caveat though is that there's additional overhead for the tank base mass that I didn't take into account. If we get rid of the basemass then it improves a bit to 0.106 which is still off by a factor of 10
  5. I could be wrong but I think the problem described there is less to do with tank mass than it is to do with the engines. Also, when I was working on an alternate set of Real Fuels configs for Modular Fuels, I did some serious number crunching using the Space Shuttle's main fuel tank as a baseline and the tank masses seem reasonably close enough to me. As it turns out I was only unnecessarily duplicating the efforts of others who had gone before me.
  6. I found out how useful this was on Duna during a rescue mission. My rescue ship wasn't designed as well as it could have been and I had a hard time landing in the target zone. The best I managed was 5 km away so rather than walking six Kerbals 5 km one by one I had to learn to use the translatron keep vert. Worked well.
  7. You're talking about a fork of MechJeb. There's an entirely different thread for that and you should either go there for support or delete that mod entirely and use the download links in the first post of THIS thread for this plugin. It has no camera mod at all.
  8. Turn off 'Conserve RCS Fuel' If you don't see the option then you will have to use the custom window editor to add it to a window. Someone with the same problem also implicated the Avionics mod which also does some kind of RCS management.
  9. I've seen that mostly when available power was too low to transmit everything in one burst.... at least that's what I assumed was going on... Maybe we need to do more... Science! to determine how Science! works?
  10. The post I replied to was a very snarky post that explicitly mentioned bugs. Following the entire conversational thread very much indicates that a bug is being discussed. Bugs can be fixed. But they can only be fixed when they are reported so they can be investigated. People shouldn't be treated as though they are whining when they bring up something they feel are legitimate issues. It doesn't even matter whether they are legitimate or not.
  11. Wow, thanks for that piece of enlightenment!!! I guess since bugs are to be EXPECTED we shouldn't REPORT them or have any reason to think they might be FIXED.
  12. It's not impossible but it seems unlikely. The way RESOURCE's are stored is fairly simplistic. The only data there is name (for identifying it in the config node), current amount, maximum amount and flow mode/state. It doesn't seem like there's a lot to go wrong there. Maybe there's another issue such as order of MODULE/RESOURCE or presence of unexpected MODULE/RESOURCE or absence of expected MODULE/RESOURCE. In the example issues I cited in my earlier post I tried about 4 different backed up save files, each of which worked fine but two different stations (using FusTek parts) refused to load in properly. They were uncontrollable and no part menus could be accessed. The staging list was half on/off the screen and the station was not moving above the planet at all. The clock was even frozen. If I used time warp, the root part would suddenly start moving, leaving everything behind. I tried a few ideas to hack the station in the persistence file but nothing helped. I re-launched another identical station, saved then compared them side by side using NotePad++ split view synchronized screen. I had to give up when I realized that the station node in the file was over 30,000 lines of text.
  13. Mystery goo is my life. I can't imagine a day where I don't test mystery goo!
  14. I saw something like that even in .21 - Mostly in a kethane storage depot that was launched empty and then filled by mining vehicles. When the tanks were mostly filled they just started shaking themselves so violently that the entire station pretty much exploded. And I have had issues where IonCross (life support) enabled vehicles suffer issues (when trying to update the mod) where the camera would no longer lock on them and/or parts of them would seem to fly off even though they were still attached. Not really the same, but in both cases they were resource enabled vehicles that had problems when something caused their mass to change suddenly. Finally I had two stations suffer much the same as that last example after I made changes to my installed mods, did not test those changes and did not play that installation of KSP for a few weeks then came back to it and discovered that every backed up save had unusable stations. (it was actually much worse because time did note even advance. The world itself was frozen beneath the station) Again, those last two examples aren't really what you're describing but the point I'm making is that I've been experiencing situations where physics goes haywire for existing craft when changes are made either to installed mods the craft depend on or changes to the installation itself. In my case, freshly launched vehicles did not suffer those problems.
  15. It's not likely to change either, certainly not in the official release. I suggest that you get ModularFuelTanks. StretchyTanks has compatibility files zipped up somewhere in the StretchyTanks folder. If you do, also get my mass fix from my signature and you should also get my StretchyTank patch or NathanKell's. (his not only incorporates my fix but has other enhancements as well). (actually the mass fix file might not be necessary anymore. I know it's not in the new version of MFT) If you do that you'll be able to configure separate LF / OX tanks though frankly, MFT is designed to let you configure a singular tank with multiple tank types, but that's apparently not your intent
  16. Banned for use of head asploding nuclear weapons.
  17. seriously? people are STARVING TO DEATH and someone had time to complain about Comic Sans???
  18. try avacadoes. but get gas masks first.
  19. why plod? Even the last version(non dev) of mj works in .22 it doesnt yet have support for the tech tree but it works.
  20. this is why I use ModuleManager configs to add MJ to my pods. they survive KSP updates. The only thing those configs dont do (YET) is tech tree compatibility. but aside from that everything is MJ enabled for me 'out of the box'
  21. This has a nice heat shield for the Mk1-2 and I think it's DR compatible but I haven't tried it with DR. (not using it right now) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362-0-22-Sum-Dum-Heavy-Industries-Service-Module-System-%28V1-1%29?highlight=sdhi
  22. Banned for surviving 7 days of terror. But re-invited back on so I can ban him again for being scarred.
  23. Does this happen with newly launched ships or did it only happen with existing pre-.22 ships?
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