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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Ok I had a chance to try it out and it is working. But only up to a point. If shutters are open it produces. If shutters are closed it does not. But it's not working very well. I didn't try having it produce any other resource nor did I change the amount of 'GLight' it tries to produce so what it looks like is happening is that the amounts of resource it produces is scaled back a lot. Probably because isn't getting the boost it should from direct sunlight. I'm thinking it has to do with the differences in how deployables work versus non-deployables and how they're declared in the module. Maybe the module thinks that if there's an animation involved that it must be a tracking panel even though it explicitly was declared as non-tracking, but that makes no sense to me.
  2. You have it already but it's optional so you have to find the zip file in the folder you installed full path: <KSP_win directory>\GameData\StretchyTanks\Plugins\StretchyTanks_modularFuelTanks.zip Unzip it somewhere in your StretchyTanks folder (can go anywhere really as it's just a modulemanager CFG file)
  3. WARNING The following is untested but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. No promises though. Remove this: MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = door startEventGUIName = Remove Shutters endEventGUIName = Close Shutters } Add this animationName = door to the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel MODULE So that it looks like this: MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel animationName = door sunTracking = false raycastTransformName = glass pivotName = glass isBreakable = false resourceName = GLight chargeRate = 0.001001 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 1 key = 13599840256 1 0 1 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 1 key = 0 10 0 1 } } Note that at the very least the GUI button will change. It won't say anything about opening/closing shutters anymore. I know of no way around that using this method.
  4. Sure, Let's take up a collection to send R4m0n to Japan then! Try turning off RCS fuel conservation. Failing that provide more information please.
  5. Ignoring that monopropellant is by definition not combined with anything else, how does the density of it stack up with the hypergolic combinations that you cited? That combined with an appropriate ISP is probably the most important aspect. Also can you share the definitions you're using? I might be interested in including them. I hadn't given up on the notion, just too busy to look into it further.
  6. Because you're not applying the change to the module. Technically what the code you cited does is to attempt to change an existing property on the part named gimbalRange. (which doesn't actually exist and wouldn't do anything if it did) You need this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] { @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { @gimbalRange = 1.5 } }
  7. capitalize PART and double check capitalization on all part names. the other stuff you tried with wild cards and HAS will only work if you have ModuleManager extensions installed. folder location of cfg files used for MM dont matter.
  8. i think alarms are only deleted if you choose deletion when switching to the ship or ifyou manually delete from list... yup testing now: 1. create alarm 2. quicksave 3. do something 4. quickload 5. alarm is still there even if expired 6. ??? 7. PROFIT!
  9. Do you have enough struts up at the top? I think you missed a spot...
  10. Modular Fuel Tanks can be used for logistics. Locally I've configured mine to accept Oxygen for IonCross Crew Support.
  11. any chance of a version that displays mission flag? (i.e. FlagDecal module support)
  12. are those KAS struts like docking struts? I had bad luck with those things before. station-demolishing luck
  13. sorry its not in the top level of the archive as I said. But it is there. open the rar. double click on Release Package v2.5 There's three folfers GameData NoAutoShrouds Ships
  14. Your challenge of course, but if it were me, I'd require an actual spaceflight. None of this test stand nonsense. Why, I don't even see Jeb in any of those shots!
  15. Fairings are under Aerodynamics, not Structural. You don't have a 'bad download'. Destination Ships is in the main KSP install directory. Just copy the Ships folder in the top level of the rar into the KSP install folder. Did you check both Ksp.log and output_log.txt? (latter in ksp_data)
  16. Doh! you're right.... FUMBLE! That's like... THE main config file. That's the MFS config file of config files... So yeah, you want that for sure AngelLestat
  17. Has anyone been able to modify the config file for the inflatable greenhouse so that it can actually collect sunlight? I tried adding a ModuleDeployableSolarPanel module but I have no idea what to put for the raycastTransformName I have a config file for it that I have no idea where it came from, i.e. somewhere on this forum or if it's something I tried to create and then forgot. But anyway, using it causes my rocket to not go to space. (reaches ~6000 m or 300m/s and then physics malfunctions) This is what I have and it doesn't work MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false raycastTransformName = living_tube isBreakable = false resourceName = Sunlight chargeRate = 0.001001 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 1 key = 13599840256 1 0 1 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 1 key = 0 10 0 1 } } Any idea as to whether this can be made to work?
  18. No idea about MFS_Configs. My best guess is that it provides compatibility for some parts pack. OR that it's a balance tweak or something. I could tell you more if I could read the files.
  19. Been like that ever since 0.20 I think... not sure when it started. Could probably be resolved entirely via its config (part) files via tweaking of node positions and model rescaling. Doubtful that will ever happen via official release though.
  20. Sorry about that. For the config files that I made available, I assumed a knowledge of mod installation equal to my own. ModuleManager config files can go anywhere in the GameData folder or any of its subfolders. They will be found and executed no matter where they are. A lot of mine live in GameData/MyTweaks/ I'll change mine in the near future so that they have a specific file structure with instructions to copy to the GameData folder. the RealFuels folder should just be copied to the ModularFuelTanks folder The StretchyTanks fix was meant to be copied to the GameData folder, I thought there were instructions for that on the SpacePort site? Re: NovaPunch, I don't currently have it installed except for some of the 5m fuel tanks so I didn't do anything for it. It's on my radar, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Also: The stretchytanks fix also incorporates the mass fix files. They're in a folder called (GameData) \ModularFuelsMassFix Edit: Ok, I have completely re-arranged the download links so that they have zip files with specific folder structures. Just unzip them to your KSP installation's GameData folder. If you already copied any of my files over, delete them and redownload. The way it is now, all configuration files are in their own folders in the ModularFuelTanks folder. That way if you ever uninstall ModularFuelTanks it will also remove any of my specific configurations as well.
  21. This will add an attachment node to the hatch area of the dome. node_stack_right = 2.205, -0.208908, 0.0, -1, 0, 0, 1 If you use the sumghai's IACBM (docking port) from the Fustek Expansion you can still click through it to the hatch http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-20-FusTek-Station-Parts-Expansion
  22. if for any reason you don't/can't match planes first you can compensate by using the fine tune option in Maneuver Planner. Unless you're totally off course, Fine Tune will fix it. You should use it in any event anyway as it gives the option of tuning your periapsis before you get there. (for fun, use drogues to aerobrake over Eve, unless you're using Deadly Re-Entry...)
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