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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Just because the one stock part that has a science converter uses one value doesn't mean that modders should feel constrained to never use anything other than that value. It's there to be used. If it were not meant to be used then it would be a hard coded value and not read from the config.
  2. Well it only applies to this latest update, but I noticed that you had no HeatPump.dll being loaded...
  3. @wb99999999 redownload the mod Actually, that goes for everyone. All three of you.
  4. Can you put your output_log.txt file and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache somewhere I can download them? (Dropbox is good)
  5. Are you turning the radiators on then? They're not on by default
  6. Are you even using Real Fuels? Or some other mod's cryo tanks/resources?
  7. Inflatable heat shield. Though the stock one might not be enough..... As for using braking thrust, it's hard to say much without seeing the design but what are you using for control? The stock air brakes are useful in that regard and respond to attempts at pitch and yaw. Also use the 'Vernor' thrusters. Make sure only their pitch and yaw functions are enabled (using the context menu). And depending on the design, rotate the thrusters to fire directly through the center of mass. (make sure though that doing so doesn't rob you of too much retro thrust. I.e. if they're angled 45o then you're losing 50% of that thrust) Here's a 15m inflatable heat shield you can try. It clones the stock inflatable and scales it up. Paste the code into a file named: InflatableHeatShield15m.cfg (actually you can name it anything as long as the extension is cfg) +PART[InflatableHeatShield] { @name = InflatableHeatShield15m @rescaleFactor = 1.5 @node_stack_top = 0.0, -2.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 @TechRequired = survivability @entryCost = 600 @cost = 300 @category = Aero @title = Heat Shield (15m) @description = Based on the design of a child's toy, then crossed with a bouncy castle, this heat shield uses a set of inflatable rings covered with a thermal blanket to provide a generous 10 meter heat shield for reentry and decelleration. //maximum_drag = 0.1 //minimum_drag = 0.1 //angularDrag = 0.5 //breakingForce = 2048 //breakingTorque = 2048 @emissiveConstant = 0.9 @CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 3, 0.0 @CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 3.45, 0.0 }
  8. No jet engine part is ever 'just a nozzle', even if that's all you see. It's just assumed that the rest of the engine is buried in the fuselage or nacelle that it's attached to.
  9. Oh ok right. Sorry, I remember now. I'm kind of only at my keyboard intermittently for a few hours, and part of that time was spent either getting ready to push out a new Real Chute update or working on Deadly Reentry. I'll take a look at your log this evening (EST)
  10. I don't know parachute case problem you're referring to.
  11. I could 'tune' them but I'd need to know what the desired end result is?
  12. When you're editing your post, there's buttons above where you're typing. One of them looks like an eyeball (chain link, quotation mark, <>, smiley face, eyeball) Click the eyeball and type or paste into the spoiler box. You can also highlight a section of text and THEN click the eyeball and it will spoilerify the highlighted text. Edit: And, I am looking at the log you pasted. So far havent found anything. It is installed to the correct location. Still looking it over. Maybe you might try the latest dev version though? https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  13. @secretly_asian For future reference, you should upload your logs to somewhere like Dropbox and then provide the link to it so it can be downloaded, instead of pasting it right to your post. Large pastes like that just don't work well and they cause problems trying to read them. Also, if you decide to try modding someday, Dropbox can really come in handy. (also also, that's not even spoilered right; it's just all over the page)
  14. Time for logs. Unless you installed MJ itself incorrectly as @Virtualgenius suggests. output_log.txt file please, otherwise we're just shooting blanks here.
  15. Might be a problem with where you installed it KSP If it's installed in Program Files then you could run into permissions issues. I always install KSP in a folder off my drive's root named Games (e.g. C:\Games\KSP)
  16. Ok, so that part was easy enough, but it occurred to me in the middle of things that the method in question is also called by RC in the editor where there is no vessel to refer to, at least not a valid one in flight in the atmosphere of some body. I'm currently working around it by introducing an optional Vessel parameter. So in flight, GetDensityAtAlt gets called with the current vessel at the end of it and in the editor, because the vessel parameter is null it defaults to the stock method just like RC would have done if FAR wasn't installed or it couldn't find a valid method. I don't see the FAR aero utils doing anything too unusual, in the end it's still calling stock methods so this should be ok for now.
  17. "Mulching is a process of inbred fertilization which employs certain decomposed organic materials-- including, but not limited to animal sediment-- to blanket an area in which vegetation is desired. The procedure enriches the soil for stimulated plant development while, at the same time, preventing erosion and decreasing the evaporation of moisture from the ground."
  18. Heat Pump version updated for KSP 1.2.2 https://github.com/Starwaster/HeatPump/releases/tag/v1.3.0.1 Added missing MM configs (adds duplicates of stock radiator panels using HP module for cryo cooling) Be sure to delete any older HeatPump folders! (HP 1.3.0 change log) Clamped heatTransferCap to equal or greater than heatTransfer Fixed bug in how heat transfer was calculated. (was trying to transfer too much per radiator potentially destroying the part) Changed throttling behavior. (radiator temporarily shuts down if overheated now) Radiator added flux now equals drained flux divided by PhysicsGlobal.ConductionFactor. Improved symmetry handling (properly detects when one radiator in the group has shut off)
  19. Heat Pump version 1.3.0 updated for KSP 1.2.2 * Clamped heatTransferCap to equal or greater than heatTransfer * Fixed bug in how heat transfer was calculated. (was trying to transfer too much per radiator potentially destroying the part) * Changed throttling behavior. (radiator temporarily shuts down if overheated now) * Radiator added flux now equals drained flux divided by PhysicsGlobal.ConductionFactor. * Improved symmetry handling (properly detects when one radiator in the group has shut off) A word about how HP radiators work when placed in symmetry mode: Whenever you place an HP radiator panel, a virtual heat pump is added to the part you placed the radiator on. If you add multiple radiators in symmetry mode, it's still only one heat pump but it distributes the heat being pumped out of the target part amongst all symmetrically placed radiators. Individually placed radiators count as separate and individual heat pumps. This isn't really by design; it's a consequence of not having been implemented as a vessel wide thermal management system like the stock radiators. Use of symmetry is a cheap solution until I come up with something better. Until I implement a vessel wide thermal management version, this means that you could increase performance by adding the radiators separately but each individual radiator has to manage the heat load on their own. The only reason that would really be necessary though is if a part overheated and you wanted it to be cooled down faster. The main purpose of this mod is to intercept heat being conducted into the tank before it becomes a problem. (this newest version should handle things better....)
  20. The problem is with SolverEngines. I have created an issue: https://github.com/KSP-RO/SolverEngines/issues/25 I'm waiting to see if there's any feedback on why the responsible piece of code exists before doing a pull request to fix it. (so far; I seem to have a working fix so either there was a mistake in the code or it was fixing something that has now changed which is why I'm waiting on feedback) A good rule of thumb is that the stock volume unit for the three liquid propellants is 1 volume unit = 5 liters. You'll probably be ok then just multiplying by 5, but the safest thing to do would be to go through each tank part and calculate its volume by hand
  21. I thought you meant the stock radiators. For MHP you can increase heatTransfer though I left it at 50 (kW) so as not to be OP, which the stock radiators are. (Horribly)
  22. overcoolFactor is only for stock radiators (i.e. ModuleActiveRadiator) My ModuleHeatPump doesn't use it for anything. Not sure what else you're asking... about boiloff being lower even though temps are higher, MHP works by eliminating incoming flux. Any configured cooling is actually secondary.
  23. Try setting the radiator's overcoolFactor to 0.
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