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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Nevermind, fixed it. The file had "Evasuit1.png" but all i had to do was remove the 1. Silly me :T
  2. HELP! Anything put into the kerbals folder doesn't work! I tried making my own texture, and it didn't work. I tired someone else's eva suit to make sure it was working, and it doesn't! Anybody know a fix?
  3. Wow! Now i really want to be apart of this, but sadly i can not model I did find a model of a Boeing i'm going to try to get working so that when this is done i can land it and get a nice view of KBC.
  4. The no middle seats airlines Jumbo Airliner! With ability to hold 35 kerbals (including pilots and stewardess), you can take your kerbals all across the world! Cruising at about 39,00 feet. Take off is quite painless, but you may want to be careful as the structural panels may hit the ground, but i only had that happen once.
  5. I had absolutely no fuel, it glided very good actually.it's just pulling up is a problem.i'd love to do a full on shuttle mission with this. But i usually end up space center and terminating the flight just so i don't explode upon landing. It's too much of a risk. Can't wait when it's fixed though!
  6. Oh btw, when you update it, fix the landing. This thing is WAY too hard to land. with sas on i can't pull up, when i untoggle it to pull up my ship goes way out of wack. This is what happens when i tried to pull up when i did my test landing. When i did end up on the runway, going 43 m/s, all wheels touched the ground, it exploded into pieces. I can't really help that as it's impossible to pull up so the back wheels touch first. You NEED to incorporate the new sas into this.
  7. Alright the mods were updated! Let's hope b9 doesn't cause problems cause i stated work on a lunch tower just before 0.21's release. The mod is amazing cepheus, keep up the good work.
  8. When i tried it the only thing that glitched out was the launch clamps. As in you had to fire them one at a time, as if the were all on their own stage.
  9. The new part count after making some changes is 576. Gonna update the picutres soon after i make a few more tiny changes.
  10. So today, i decided to make a launch pad for the CSS Mod. Using B9, and DR, I was able to make a rough launch pad and tower. The launch pad is still going through changes as it looks pretty crappy. Tried to do the best i could in less than 3 hours. It looks pretty bad, but hey, it works! It even has light for night launches!(But you better wear sunglasses!) There is a ladder so kerbals can enjoy themselves on the launch pad! It also uses Damned Robotics so you can move the crew bridge and that launch clamp thing on the EFT! So that's pretty much it, it can take off quite nicely. Though one of the wing clamps moves out of place and looks weird, but you'll be taking off so the smoke will most likely cover it up. Be sure to tell me anything i can do to make it better If you guys would like a download link for it, just say so! I'll add a download link for it if you guys would like to have one! I also plan to add flavors of the shuttle! Such as Atlantis Flavored, Discovery Flavored, ect. Thanks to the makers of these mods for being so dang awesome at doing their thing!
  11. Hmm, seems like a fun challenge. Gonna report back when done!
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