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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. I don't understand why you guys just didn't make a whole new model. I mean, i know it takes alot of work, but you probably would have it done by now.
  2. CSS's has really bad luck doesn't it. Anyway, as a side question, is there anyway i can get the new SAS in the CSS? It can be a pain sometimes to launch it when i need to make maneuver.
  3. You should really stop saying when this might come out. You're just digging a bigger hole for yourself.
  4. Although the SAS bugs me alot, i just love launching this thing sometimes.
  5. Hey, in a later version, it would be great if you could add daytime cities. :3 Like, not buildings, but just the city lights in the day and more gray.
  6. you put stuff in the cargo bay with either a docking port or decoupler.
  7. Okay, there seems to be 2 clouds, one attached to the world(I assume PQS test) and the regular one, and it's the PQS which has the weird texture.
  8. erm. http://imgur.com/1glQt41,WYCuNHQ,kFCNSSH,mTrvZkj#0 Also, the city lights just instantly coming back and leaving is rather wierd. I do like the way the city lights look on terrain now! Now i wish that i could make a sort of copy of them but change said copy to only appear in the day, add a city texture and bam, happy face.
  9. okay, i'll make it here soon. I don't have the broken craft anymore so i'll just kinda work with the fixed one and pretend it's all gone to crap.
  10. I guess, i mean, i'll put pictures and stuff and be all like "Hey you got dis bug well i do too so i be gonna fix it in da stuff well not really just working around it i guess i mean don't look at me like that." So i guess it is yeah.
  11. Do you want me to just put it here, or in another place?
  12. Good news is, i found a work around but i have nightmares that something is just going to go wrong with it any moment now. only some of the craft had this bug on it, so i am able to get some parts out and put them in the sub assembly tab, so i guess i managed to get out of this. I had to rebuild a little bit but hey, i am hopefully fine now.
  13. I don't know if this bug has a name or if the fix has been addressed before, but i really don't want to rebuild the thing. I posted before but since there appears to be a fix thought i might as well ask here too. Someone said that you could fix it with save file editing, but i dunno how to do that. I was building a sort of launch tower thing and then this happened: Please i really don't want to rebuild it.
  14. Skip to 3:20 if it doesn't automatically skip for you. It makes me want to just not play KSP.
  15. Ugh, all that work gone to waste because of some stupid bug.
  16. All that for nothing. I have no clue if this bug is fixable.
  17. That doesn't make them dark though. That only makes them slightly less white.
  18. You can turn the minlight down in the menu, but no, for some reason you can't make the clouds completely black.
  19. Yeah Why does every mini shuttle mod have this happen to them.
  20. He's using the real parachutes mod, just google it. ;3
  21. Robbaz, Danny, Scott, Kurt. Love these guys. Though i hate Danny and Scott at times cause they get the new version earlier than us >:T
  22. Locked as in "This part needs to be researched in the R&D lab"? Or in "Missing buran manipulator"?
  23. This is...be..be..beautiful! Is this available for download or something? Please for the love of god this is all i've been waiting for in a mod!
  24. You put the gamedata folder in your KSP install directory.
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