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Everything posted by Pershonkey

  1. I'm honestly in awe of that artwork... Great job!
  2. That. Is a cool carrier. Love the hardshell series, keep 'em comin!
  3. OR be like Jeb... More boosters! Then boosters on the boosters!
  4. With a modified engine and a lot of precision, this could become both a cool way to add crew to ships and a deadly weapon. Jeb just found another way to bust stations!
  5. Those ships look very nice! I've been mainly doing 1 launch ships with lots of armor (The latest of which only have about 8k dV), designed for military/logistical use, although I'm currently designing modules for an interplanetary ship constructed in orbit. I might have to revisit my designs, because I find myself packing more of the non essentials than I need onto every module. Two questions: How (If at all) did you manage the ASAS? What I've been doing to avoid multiple on my ship is putting one in the bridge module (Often the second sent up after the engines) and putting ASAS on spare docking ports so they can be jettisoned after joining. Second question: What is your opinion on SAS? None at all, spread it out through the parts, or just have one mega stabilizer module?
  6. Taking everything here, no one would stand a chance, assuming we could get everything into orbit legit. (Take a word from Jeb: Space tape + Jumbo 64 + Mainsail = Orbit) Still, great idea!
  7. I have an ultra-safe tip proof 2 kerbal rover that, if you're interested in, could have a lifter built and cost calculated. This was originally designed as a joke, but since it didn't capsize when breathed on, I assumed it was a decent replacement for my other cars. Could be on the expensive side in terms of rovers, so probably not something for before you get a larger budget/a lack of things to send into space. Comes with a strong support frame, 8 wheels + guards, a maximum of about 25 m/s on flat Kerbin ground, a CPU unit, and 4 large solar panels. (The CPU unit/large solar panels can be removed if you're that conscious about cost.)
  8. Thats a clever idea, putting the lander legs angled on the roof like that. First I tried the mini legs on the sides, which didn't work well... Then I just built wider and wider so a 2 person explorer vehicle is this big: I need to try to do what you did so I can actually drive without having several tons of supports and a bunch of extra wheels to prevent an accidental tippage.
  9. My god... How does it fly? Better perform well so it can outrun the black hole it creates when you load it. I need to try this on my good server computer and listen to the hard drives/fan go from mmmmmmm-mmmm... to mmm-rrrrr-rrRRRR-RRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRR-RRR Boom!
  10. This is what happens when you give me a couple of big lifters and tell me to get something into orbit: Jeb's idea of heaven! (Until it launches, then it's not just his idea anymore...) Then used a less ship-imploding method by sticking one of those lifters under the Sr. Don't know why I didn't do that first. Planning on taking this and the 3 probes I docked to explore the Jool moons. Also, Comrade, 1/2 of my ships have like 2.5 m/s^2 with full fuel...
  11. He does, each engine module is attached to the main module by a Sr, and to the hangar and missile silo by a normal one each.
  12. Bannon, that ship looks great. It does looks quite heavy though, how much dV does it have with all the modules attached? This looks like a good thing to have to transport base supplies to a place like Laythe, assuming it can get there easily.
  13. Looks cool! How many parts with cargo though? Something like that might melt my computer if I tried it...
  14. Hi, I've been playing a few months and reading different posts on the forums, and wanted to join what seemed like a great community.
  15. Thanks! Your ships are some of the ones that inspired me to try this out, thank you for sharing them! They're quite amazing.
  16. I've been looking around this thread for a while now, and thought I should post some of my own things. Big thanks to everyone here, I wouldn't have been able to do anything like this without the inspiration from all these amazing craft. These ships are definitely not up to the standards of the other things here, but I might as well post them and see what people think. None of these ships really have names, and I've only tested a couple with interplanetary travel. (They're all stock, I just put the Mechjeb module on there so I could easily see the ships' stats.) The first two or three ships are pretty ugly, as I Destroyer Mk I My first actual military ship, it only has a measly 4579 dV with a small ion scouter attached, but is light and easy to get into orbit. It comes with 18 weapon hardpoints, a front docking port, and a small protected hangar designed to store a very light fighter/escape pod. In orbit around Duna, using the ion scout as a little lander. Cruiser Mk I Really less of a cruiser and more of a larger destroyer, it has an improved but still mediocre range of 7381 dV. Has 10 side-mounted hardpoints and 2 forward facing ones. Also has an improved crew space that can eject in case of emergency. Tanker Mk I This bite sized tanker was designed to be easy to get into orbit, refuel 1 or 2 ships, and then either transfer the crew or deorbit the ejectable habitation module. Because it was designed to be light, it only has 6761 dV. Tanker Mk II While I'm still working on getting this into orbit, it has improved range and fuel capacity over it's counterpart with 7488 dV. This ship was not designed for combat, as you can see with the completely unprotected engines (I'll fix that soon) and lack of weapon hardpoints, but the light armor around the fuel tanks and protective plating surrounding the crew bay would give it a good chance to escape with lower damage assuming it didn't wander into the middle of the battlefield. Comes with a shielded docking port on the front and a Sr on the bottom, unlike all my other ships, which have just 2 standard docking ports.
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