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Lord Aurelius

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Everything posted by Lord Aurelius

  1. As far as I know there isn't a notepad++ port for linux, but I use gedit in Linux and it has most of the same functionality and supports extensions.
  2. Text editors with brace/parenthesis highlighting are wonderful things (notepad++ in this case).
  3. After looking around on the forums and finding that nobody had done this yet (with the exception of the one oddball booster in the interstellar mod which is specialized for Munar missions) I figured I would go ahead and see how difficult it would be to make a hybrid rocket. The answer was not difficult at all. Update 0.1: Major new version. Rather than using module manager to duplicate a part, I went ahead and manually copied Squad's booster and oxidizer tank and retextured them and used UbioZur welding to generate a new welded part so you don't need a separate oxidizer tank anymore. Thanks to GregoxMun for the retexture idea. Update 0.2: Fixed configs for 1.0.2. DOWNLOAD License: Creative Commons Credits: UbioZur welding for config file, GregoxMun for retexture and welding idea Original release script is provided below and is intended more as a modder's resource, if you want to play with it then just copy it into a cfg file and make sure you have module manager installed. { @name = HybridRocketBooster @title = RT-11 Hybrid Rocket Booster %manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co @description = The engine for those who can't decide between liquid and solid boosters. This hybrid rocket uses solid propellant and liquid oxidizer for a solid booster that is throttleable and relatively efficient for a fraction of the cost of liquid boosters. It does have the slight downside of not being refuelable, but hey, it's a booster so you weren't planning on bringing it to orbit with you anyways, right? @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 200 @throttleLocked = False @useEngineResponseTime = False -engineAccelerationSpeed @allowShutdown = True @PROPELLANT[SolidFuel] { @ratio = 0.9 } +PROPELLANT { %name = Oxidizer %ratio = 1.1 %DrawGauge = False } @atmosphereCurve { -key %key = 0 300 +key = 1 250 } } @RESOURCE[SolidFuel] { @amount = 180 @maxAmount = 180 } } +PART[RCSFuelTank] { @name = OxyTank @title = FL-O25 Oxidizer Tank @description = For some reason, nobody thought to put oxidizer in a tank by itself before. This tank fixes that problem for all your hybrid rocket (and spaceplane) needs. -RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] %RESOURCE { %name = Oxidizer %amount = 220 %maxAmount = 220 } }+PART[solidBooster] A few other things based on this mod:
  4. Here's my final code: +PART[solidBooster] { @name = HybridRocketBooster @title = RT-11 Hybrid Rocket Booster %manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co @description = The engine for those who can't decide between liquid and solid boosters. This hybrid rocket uses solid propellant and liquid oxidizer for a solid booster that is throttleable and relatively efficient for a fraction of the cost of liquid boosters. It does have the slight downside of not being refuelable, but hey, it's a booster so you weren't planning on bringing it to orbit with you anyways, right? @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 200 @throttleLocked = False @useEngineResponseTime = False -engineAccelerationSpeed @allowShutdown = True @PROPELLANT[SolidFuel] { @ratio = 0.9 } +PROPELLANT { %name = Oxidizer %ratio = 1.1 %DrawGauge = False } @atmosphereCurve { -key %key = 0 300 +key = 1 250 } } @RESOURCE[SolidFuel] { @amount = 180 @maxAmount = 180 } } +PART[RCSFuelTank] { @name = OxyTank @title = FL-O25 Oxidizer Tank @description = For some reason, nobody thought to put oxidizer in a tank by itself before. This tank fixes that problem for all your hybrid rocket (and spaceplane) needs. -RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] %RESOURCE { %name = Oxidizer %amount = 220 %maxAmount = 220 } }
  5. I had to tweak a few more things but I was able to get it working, thanks for the examples.
  6. Thanks, that at least gets the parts to show up. I'm having a bit of trouble with the module manager syntax though. I modified the SRB into a hybrid rocket and was using the RCS tank to hold oxidizer for it which means I need to add a new PROPELLANT{} struct and modify atmosphereCurve{} and RESOURCE{} structs and I'm not sure of the correct syntax for that, especially for atmosphereCurve since there are two lines in there with the same label. I also need to change the RESOURCE{} struct of the tank from monoprop to oxidizer. Here's what I have at the moment: +PART[solidBooster] { @name = HybridRocketBooster @title = RT-11 Hybrid Rocket Booster %manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co @description = The engine for those who can't decide between liquid and solid boosters. This hybrid rocket uses solid propellant and liquid oxidizer for a solid booster that is throttleable and relatively efficient for a fraction of the cost of liquid boosters. It does have the slight downside of not being refuelable, but hey, it's a booster so you weren't planning on bringing it to orbit with you anyways, right? @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 200 @throttleLocked = False -useEngineResponseTime -engineAccelerationSpeed @allowShutdown = True @PROPELLANT[SolidFuel] { @ratio = 0.9 } +PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { +ratio = 1.1 } @atmosphereCurve { @key = 0 300 @key = 1 250 } @RESOURCE[SolidFuel] { @amount = 180 @maxAmount = 180 } } } +PART[RCSFuelTank] { @name = OxyTank @title = FL-O25 Oxidizer Tank @description = For some reason, nobody thought to put oxidizer in a tank by itself before. This tank fixes that problem for all your hybrid rocket (and spaceplane) needs. -RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] +RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { +amount = 220 +maxAmount = 220 } }
  7. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to make a new part based off of a stock part and the only way I've found to make it work is to copy the entire folder, complete with all model files. I've looked at the cfg files of other mods that are doing this and I tried to replicate the process but the best I can do is to get the part to show up without a texture (when I use MODEL {} even though the squad files don't use it), most of the time the part doesn't even appear in the parts list but it's always listed as being loaded in the database tab of the debug menu. I've also looked at the CFG file documentation and I didn't see anything in there that was helpful for this particular problem. I'm sure this is a very simple fix, can someone help me out? For reference, the parts that I'm working with are the RT-10 booster and the 1.25m monoprop tank.
  8. I apparently used the wrong term (modpack) to describe what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm not trying to bundle a bunch of mods together and distribute it, I'm trying to get something started similar to RSS+RO where it's a mod with a large collection of module manager scripts that depends on other mods being installed. How would I go about changing the title of this thread to avoid kneejerk modpack responses?
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm sure many of you are familiar with the problems with the stock parts balance and tech tree. I've seen a couple of mods try to fix this (the most complete fix I saw was BTSM) and I liked the idea but the actual implementation was a bit too hardcore for my tastes and some of the parts were rebalanced such that they became obsolete and useless later in the game. How much interest is there in some kind of stock overhaul mod? I was thinking something along the lines of what RSS does where the mod itself is basically a giant collection of module manager scripts and a few required mods to be installed separately. Some basic ideas: Rebalance parts so every part has a purpose ( similar to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75272-0-24-x-Stock-ReBalance-v1-4-11-09-14) Rebalance contracts and part costs Rebalance tech tree (maybe switch to the community tech tree as well) to fix the strange part placement Selectively add a few mods to improve the gameplay (FAR/NEAR, DRE, basic life support, small parts packs to fill in the holes, more science options, optionally MechJeb) and balance the parts against the rebalanced stock parts The ultimate goal would be a full stock overhaul primarily oriented around career mode that plays nice with the stock difficulty sliders. Share your thoughts on this, I've been looking around for a good fix for these issues for awhile now and nothing quite does what I'm looking for and I'm curious how many of you are in this same situation. To be clear: I'm not currently developing anything (or even volunteering to take the lead on this), I just would like to see a modpack along these lines and would be willing to help out if there was enough interest.
  10. Hi Everyone, I noticed (along with some other people as well apparently) that the new SP+ parts were perfect for an SR-71. I built it with FAR installed (I'm assuming it would work with stock aerodynamics as well) with all stock parts, no mods needed. The handling is kind of wonky at low altitudes and speeds (if anyone can recommend a fix for this it would be appreciated) but it is stable at hypersonic speeds around 20,000m. Jet engine flameout around 25,000m, top speed around 1500m/s. Has enough fuel to circumnavigate Kerbin. Note that the engine nacelles are empty fuel tanks, when they're full it moves the CoM too far back and you can't get in the air without flipping. I was too lazy to swap them out for the structural fuselage or something similar and just drained the fuel. DOWNLOAD (Dropbox)
  11. I noticed that this mod is licensed under creative commons, so if CaptRobau doesn't have time, could someone repost the download since the original download link doesn't work?
  12. Works well so far for me. The only issues I've seen that haven't been mentioned is that on one flight the revert buttons didn't work at all (click the button and nothing happens) for launchpad and VAB. I also found that the game hangs when using alt-tab (game disappears from list of running programs but still has a taskbar icon and process attaching using lots of ram) so I had to kill it with task manager. I'm using DX11 and a big list of mods (Renaissance pack for EVE, lots of parts, no texture reduction at all).
  13. I found a strange glitch with Dres/Saturn. While trying to send a probe down through the atmosphere, the probe descended normally down to about 400k where the airspeed abruptly passed 0 and the probe began rapidly accelerating backwards until it eventually broke apart due to aerodynamic stresses at around 9km/s (I'm using RO with DeadlyReentry). Has anyone else experienced this?
  14. I found an interesting issue with Dres/Saturn. I built a heat-shielded probe to drop into the atmosphere and it descends normally down to about 300k-200k at which point its velocity abruptly goes past 0 and the probe starts accelerating again in the opposite direction until it eventually burns up when it hits over 9km/s in the opposite direction of the original entry path. I've had this happen to several different probes and they all start accelerating backwards at about the same point. I successfully landed a probe on Minmus/Uranus (which is similar in the fact that it is a very well stretched planetoid), but in that case there isn't really any atmosphere to speak of so it was just a matter of riding a very large fuel tank most of the way down to the surface.
  15. I just started a new career with RSS + RO (that was a pain to get everything working...) and built a simple jet to try to get some easy science flying around. Apparently one of the realism mods in there changes the connection strength of the wings to the fuselage, because I accidentally pulled up a little hard and the wings snapped off. I happened to be on approach to KSC and I had enough airspeed and thrust to keep flying just using the elevators and rudder so I figured I would still try to land it. On touchdown the gear crumpled and the fuselage broke up, launching the cockpit. Just before it hit the ground Jeb bailed and skidded to a stop as the cockpit exploded in the background. More proof that Jeb is the best test pilot ever (and I need some more practice flying planes).
  16. I just found this mod a short time ago and was able to get working with just the required mods, but I'm confused with regard to installing all the recommended mods. Also, could the first post be updated with links to all the mods listed? First, the recommended tech tree has its own giant list of mods included in its thread, are we supposed to install all of those as well or ignore that list and use the list in this thread? Several of the mods in the parts packs list have comments in parentheses after them, for example KW rocketry lists batteries, fairings, rcs, does that mean we only install those specific parts since the rest haven't been rebalanced for realism overhaul? Also, for mods listed as partial, could we have more information on what parts work and what don't? From the mod list, it also looks like texture compressor is pretty much a requirement for a full install unless we're supposed to delete a bunch of redundant parts from the various packs. Is this correct? Is there an install guide somewhere in this thread (or in another thread) that has already answered these questions or can provide additional guidance as to how to get everything working together correctly?
  17. Would it be possible to make MechJeb work like TAC fuel balancer or chatterer where the module is always active and doesn't require a part? I know I could always edit the command pods to include the mechjeb module but that gets annoying every time there's a mod update and I prefer not to modify the stock part files.
  18. Those parts are from the NovaPunch2 mod. Be warned that the physics engine is not terribly fond of those parts and the rockets tend to behave like a wet noodle.
  19. Yes, that is a rocket stuck in the ground. It promptly disassembled once I got a little closer and the physics updated.
  20. Here's my first SSTO spaceplane that I'm actually satisfied with. It's a pretty minimalist design, uses only stock parts. I've built it since I installed FAR, so I'm not sure how it flies with the stock aerodynamics, but with FAR it's stable and easy to fly in atmo. I use MechJeb to fly it into orbit, stage once to activate the jet engine, set Smart A.S.S to a 30 degree pitch, let Mechjeb manage the throttle and prevent flameouts, fly up until MechJeb starts throttling back the engines, change pitch to 5 and keep going until you stop accelerating, change pitch to 0 until you get low enough that the engines are back to full throttle and pitch back up to 30. When your acceleration starts tapering off again, press 2 to activate the rockets and fly until the jet runs out of air and press 1 to shut it off and close the intakes. Keep going to your desired apoapsis and circularize. This isn't a long range SSTO, it only really has enough fuel to get a stable orbit at 125km and still be able to deorbit. I haven't had the patience to try landing it yet, but on reentry it still has enough jet fuel to fly roughly halfway around Kerbin at 10,000m and Mach 2.4 (used TAC fuel balancer to dump the extra oxidizer after reentry). I'm not terribly good at flying spaceplanes, so if someone has some tips to make for a more efficient ascent, let me know. Anyways, here's the craft file for those interested (the pictures have the mechjeb part added, but the craft file is completely stock) note that action group 1 toggles intakes and jet engine, 2 toggles rockets. craft
  21. Thanks for the responses, it looks like there isn't an easy fix at this point. With how popular FAR + MechJeb is hopefully someone can put together a MechJeb build that supports the FAR flight model (way beyond my limited programming skills). Deadly Reentry issues sound like its more an issue of me not being terribly good at designing/flying craft for atmospheric reentry. I probably should aim for a much gentler slope into the atmosphere instead of blasting straight down (like mechjeb sometimes likes to do) and hoping I put on enough heat shielding... Random question: does anyone have any working designs for an Eve lander (would be nice if it was capable of returning to Eve orbit) that utilizes this combination of mods?
  22. Hi Everyone, I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, but I would like to know if there are any compatibility patches/hacks that I could do to get these three mods to play nice with each other. The aerodynamics from FAR are nice, but they break MechJeb's landing autopilot on anything with an atmosphere and also cause deadly reentry to apply way too much heat on reentry. Are there any fixes for this at this point?
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