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Legendary Emu

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Everything posted by Legendary Emu

  1. Interesting concept. I once thought of a solar panel that was actually just a leaf. Looks pretty cool.
  2. I totally wish I could show you the Legendary in action (Cause I just merged the layers in the end and it was fixed ) but sadly there was a whole bunch of noise and I couldn't take it anymore and went outside.
  3. I use gimp for everything. I'm guessing I have to redo it but uncheck RLA compression.
  4. Any idea what this line is? I was trying to name the KSO (Legendary) through the blank version and this line appeared. Any idea what's going on?
  5. "What's the ETA?" "When I'm done." That big launchpad thing looks like it would be great for sticking KSO on it and driving around Kerbin.
  6. You actually have to pay for a typeface? What the heck, world. I'm looking up alternatives and right now Arial looks like a good alternative.
  7. How about the Flying Bucket as a name for the super 25?
  8. What font/typeface do the "stock" shuttle names use? I want to make a custom named one that tries to match the other shuttles style through gimp.
  9. So I can pretend the Resolute was the only shuttle equipped with ablative shielding and all the other shuttles had other types to reduce costs or something. Sweet!
  10. So wait. You actually have to follow the actual shuttle reentry protocol if you don't have a heatshield?
  11. May it never flip over and explode during a uphill climb.
  12. Hey. I want to have all the alternate cockpits but the thingy that makes them work for deadly reentry does not give them a heatshield. Any way to fix that?
  13. So I got FAR and needed a solution for fairings without getting another mod. So I made a fairing.
  14. Sound the alarm and turn the texture rendering up a notch! It's time to do IVA everythings tommorow!
  15. This look cool. A name for the shuttle, though. What about Krakenslayer or Krakensbane?
  16. I think this mod is trying to tell me that if I get this mod, I should back up all stock parts. Is anyone else getting this feeling?
  17. Lack luster labs SXT or Novapunch? Edit: Or to fix the problem with the tedius "flying all the bits out" you could get Burn Together. It makes it so other ships with the same part on them "follow the leader." It's in alpha though.
  18. In other words, Ships Log totally wins and it was an insta download.
  19. Squee! I can't wait to have a prop plane without getting the firespitter pack!
  20. I always stick the most courageous and least stupid Kerbals on all my complicated missions* *missions that are any level above sending Kerbs to stations or bases. Average Kerbals can go on those.
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