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Legendary Emu

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Everything posted by Legendary Emu

  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. Crap. *chuckles* *blows a slight raspberry* Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope.
  2. If you figure out how to change the helmets I will give you all of my cookies. Good luck!
  3. Above posters attack is deflected by my shield of ignorance for Hitchhiker stuff. I lead the next poster into an endless loop of looking at TV tropes.
  4. Dang. I discovered Master of Orion 1+2 for 6 bucks on GOG and it looks pretty much what I want, though it lacks graphics. I must investigate!
  5. One time I had a dream there was a mime on a gondola cooking obscene amounts of hamburger on the floor of the gondola. Another time I was wading through jello in my kitchen.
  6. I'm gonna try this out. It looks like a mystery with rovers.
  7. I'm gonna get this and stick a bunch of rockets in the mountains by KSC aimed to shoot my ships in orbit. And then I have to be awesome and turn them into sperm whales.
  8. I was looking for a cool 4X game that was pretty well civilization in space and came across these 2 games. What do you guys think of these?
  9. Never heard of it. But once I saw "Dwarf fortress in space" I was instantly intrigued.
  10. My brother has this same problem. He took it to the local computer place and discovered that something was funky with the hard drive. Another thing happened with the computer with I am using is that it got a bad case of root kit which is a really bad kind of virus that sneaks in past your anti virus stuff and starts wrecking everything. We had to take that in to the computer store as well.
  11. I'm totally gonna fiddle around with the helicopter cockpit for texturing practice. Maybe make it more stockalike.
  12. It's perfectly possible to stick something in a retrograde orbit. But be careful. As fenrir said, watch out for debris. A few times in one mission I had close calls with a piece of debris that got within 400 meters of my ship.
  13. I'd totally test this but it would probably make my computer explode with the cloud shading.
  14. That looks really cool. How far can it go and whate do you use to weld the hull?
  15. Actual naval battles? Kind of like cold-war-has-gone-on-way-too-long style ships and space combat.
  16. I think the devs should focus on making the stock game better. If the community wants to keep it alive then they can keep it alive.
  17. Make a Tycho brahe-alike capsule and call it cucumber.
  18. 414: Participate in a comically small tricycle race.
  19. Hehehehehe. Next you could do a KAS container that's a cardboard box.
  20. I love this mod! Thanks a bunch, greenskull. Here are some obligatory pictures. http://imgur.com/a/66LFG
  21. I like the new Mun. The previous one was too glowy.
  22. This looks cool. The Mun looks a little too glowy though. Also, smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth jaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzz.
  23. Good luck in your ventures. It would be cool to have a VAB background that looks like a dirty shack.
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