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Legendary Emu

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Everything posted by Legendary Emu

  1. Go into your KSP file, wherever it is, and go to the ships folder. Go to the VAB section and delete whatever you don't like. Hope it helps.
  2. Post only relevant to the random failures, captain! What if the random failures were caused by situation and location? Oh no! Micrometeorite whacked the solar panel and broke it while I was orbiting Kerbin. Better go EVA and fix it/replace it. Oh dogbuns, in my haste I drove my rover over a sand dune on Duna and broke the wheel badly because of a rock. A solar flare occurred and deactivated my Minmus satellite for a day. Or a technology failure with a revised science system. I didn't test the Skipper engine to protocol and now it overheats faster, better fix it. The new MK2-3 pod is great, but it showed the wrong fuel level and I had to flick it to make it work. Maybe once the mission control is implemented there is a low chance that there is a big debris field that will destroy you if you don't raise orbit/deorbit within 5 minutes. Things like what happened in the Apollo missions would be okay. Just not things that explode my engines because of spacecats.
  3. A cutscene might be overkill (no pun intended) but I think the flag at half mast thing is a good idea. What came to mind right now is some kind of thing that you get a part every time someone dies that is the body/ashes/mush of the Kerbal died and you can put him as a memorial somewhere in space. Maybe a grand tour probe for when Jebediah dies (you monster) if you felt it right.
  4. Thanks for making a big mining drone in the shape of the most annoying bug ever But in all seriousness, I'm surprised anyone could balance that thing I might pick it up when I need something to play with.
  5. Purge the heretic! Helix fossil is the mightiest!
  6. I totally support this. I set up a Apollo type of Mun landing and I must have deleted deadly reentry and came back and it said my command ship was deleted.
  7. So you know all those things where one of the Apollo missions launched an empty fuel tank into the Moon for science? The Soviets did that too, with most of their moon probes (oh wait, those were accidental?) In true Kerbal fashion, Jeb wants to shoot something at the Mun and learn something from it. But sadly, the research lab says there is nothing you can gain from exploding things. So I suggest that we should be able to gain a certain amount of science from crashing and blowing up stuff depending on if something is watching and what you crash it into and how big it is, mass, etc. Whadya think?
  8. I think it could be simple. Provisions, oxygen (or whatever Kerbals breath,) waste and heat. The trick is combining resources so that they don't clutter your resource panel. For modules, you would have provision containers, oxygen containers, air conditioners, waste disposing systems and scrubbers as the base life support stuff. And of course they would all be in various sizes. An optional thing would be crew state. Hard landings, high G's and assorted mishaps would injure the crew. Morale would also be affected with length of missions in tight spaces which would be solved with things like EVA's and radio contact and hitchhiker modules. But that's just what I think.
  9. I think this is a good idea. It would be interesting to have a situation like Soyuz 5 or Gravity.
  10. The parts look very good but there is a little lack of description. I have no idea what most of the parts do. Explain?
  11. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems a pretty good mod if you have to ship Kethane around with planes on routine. Right now I'm thinking if you got that working you could read a book or something while it automatically takes off, flies, and lands at a Kethane rig. I'm just wondering if this would work with rovers. Since it would be much more time saving if you didn't have to drive the rovers miles across the Munar surface to your main Munbase from a kethane rig in a crater.
  12. Let's see... Interplanetary rockets. Just can't figure out how to get to Duna or Eve. Sticking planes on rockets is a considerable limit especially when you have FAR. And SSTO's because I don't have a reason for them.
  13. The attachment node on the stockalike parachute/docking port is stupidly misplaced. Mine has the node way higher then it should be so that it looks like the protective cover is attached by witchcraft. Don't know how it happened and don't know how to fix. Edit: For some reason when I trashed my command pod setup and was building another one the para-docking port was normal. Weird...
  14. Because KSP is a very forgiving game. On another note, I like thereavers engineer idea on this.
  15. "This elevator just got 20% cooler." *Stares at the guy with the hat and the gun.*
  16. My first Mun landing (as I recall) was in the 13.3 demo version. With White Monkey kitchen supplies mod I landed. But somehow I messed up and never returned... My second Mun landing was in the v18 demo and I landed but something strange happened (I don't remember what) and I couldn't return. I went to work designing a transport craft with as much space as needed and tried landing. It tipped over, so I sent another which blew up because of a silly Kerbal not slowing down enough in EVA.
  17. What do you hate most about the game? And in contrast, what do you like most about the game? Top five most hated things for me 1: Starting a new save and having to start all over again. I hate pretending to be excited about landing on the Mun for the "First time." 2: Interplanetary travel. You need to bring so much fuel and prepare your maneuvers so early only to realize you didn't bring enough RCS to turn around in time or to get attacked by a vicious Kraken. 3: Testing landers? More like crashing landers. 4: Building landers. You make such a cool design and scrap it because that engine doesn't fit. 5: Malfunctioning radar altimeter. Top five most liked things for me 1: EVA's inspecting random parts of my station or ship because that's fun. 2: Exploring planets and moons surfaces. 3: Flying my awesome space fighter type stuff. 4: Building awesome ship designs that slightly resemble IRL ships 5: Having awesome ideas on stations and bases and ships all kinds of things. Oh I could go on with the things I like about KSP but this is most liked sooo... Yeah, post your lists (Or just single most hated/loved thing.)
  18. I haven't ever gone to another planet, but I know the Kerbin system. The one time I had an encounter with Duna ended up with RemoteTech crapping out on me and my dish not working, leaving my awesome probe a piece of space junk. The Kraken is not in my favour... MOAR TO STORY Humph. Right as I enter interplanetary space my satellite network designed specifically for probes in deep space cannot receive the signal from a giant dish on my deep space probe.
  19. I went with steam because I didn't have a paypal or paysafe. So go with the one where you can pay for it.
  20. I think the real question here is why the heck did Gordons hazard suit not have a helmet?
  21. What you guys do is so awesome. You make space-worthy rockets out of parts that might be in a dishwasher or a car. I have a question; What's it like launching rockets from the ocean?
  22. Screw Mars; The Moon is the way to go. Only 2-3 days away from Earth and construction materials. Going from visiting the Moon and to living on Mars is ridiculous. We need to set up permanent installations close to home.
  23. AEIS Aerospace just recently updated to .21. It adds a ton of new probes and fuel tanks and engines and such things, without adding stupidly powerful engines things. Another mod I find interesting is the Hooligan Labs airship mod, which adds blimps that build to colonize Jool itself. Might want to try one of these.
  24. I like it. They have a hint of soyuz but are also completely their own thing.
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