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Everything posted by Weegee

  1. Hmm, well I set it as 30k because I meant it more as a mid point for shipping fuel to other places rather than to receive stuff. But if you guys think it should be higher, I think ~50-75k would work.
  2. You can put can put crew in if you want, though not too many, say 2. In the first post it says 30k, because it's not super low, but not too high.
  3. Alright, Avera9eJoe signed up for the core over PM. So here is the list so far: Station Core: Avera9eJoe Docking Arm 1: baberbot Docking Arm 2: Deathsoul097 Fuel Tank 1: (available) Fuel Tank 2: (available) Oh, and to clarify: the fuel tanks should all be empty, except for monopropellant, if you can handle the weight. Which also reminds me, you will be in charge of making a rocket to get it there, but that should be fairly easy (besides maybe the docking arms, they're pretty big).
  4. Cool your jets, I'll have it soon. It'll be ready to submit tomorrow, and I'll have everyone sign up ahead of the mission starting so hopefully there's less confusion.
  5. Well, for single launch missions... We will need (if not now then shortly after): A LKO crew shuttle A surface to LKO tanker A LKO-LMO crew shuttle A LMO-Munar surface shuttle A LMO-LKO Tanker A Munar surface to LMO tanker And possibly some other things, but these are essential architecture pieces. Anyway, I'm close to done with my Munar station design, so after I plan the logistics we should be ready to go (at least unless the PL order got shifted or something ).
  6. *Jebediah Looking good so far, I like the origin story type fan-fictions.
  7. Ooh this looks interesting. Not sure if I'll be using it, but I will be keeping an eye on this thread. Keep up the good work.
  8. It's a little more involved than that. From the rules: "Reusable launch vehicle bonus, as suggested by Andellmere & NeilC: If spent stages which can be safely recovered (e.g. no part destroyed on landing / splashdown) originally contained more than 50% of launch vehicle's lift-off weight, your launch interval will be 1.5 times (rather than 2 times) Nominal Capacity. Obviously if parts experience high re-entry heat (e.g. has visible re-entry effects) it is considered burnt in atmosphere." It takes a bit more effort to make a booster that will land softly on land/water without input. But that last part makes it harder to make a fully re-usable rocket, you'd need to use the "re-entry proof" parts (spaceplane parts, capsules, ect.) or put a shield over it so any non-heatshield parts do not get re-entry effects. I don't think anyone has actually made a fully re-usable rocket for this challenge, but by all means you can try
  9. He just made it public... You could have updated it Regardless, it is now up to date. But yeah, Sirine should go unless Xetalim says he's ready first.
  10. What did you upload? If it's the persistance, great, but I don't have permission to access that file. Please either make it public or upload it to dropbox/mediafire/other service.
  11. Wow, nice designs! I'm not all that great at aircraft, but I have made one SSTO. How long have you been playing? I noticed you just registered.
  12. Which persistence did you use? The current one is http://www./view/dvogcfvt9n4zx85/persistent.sfs , from the google doc. The one in the actual post is outdated, which is an issue. I think the only persistence link on the first posts should be via the google doc, because anyone can update that.
  13. Sorry I'm late on this, I just checked out RLA today. I'd be fine with it in the collab (I voted as such). However, would that mean just the base pack, and not the others? I don't care personally, but I was just wondering.
  14. So can you launch it now, or should we launch another module first/assign the tank to someone else?
  15. I think if you miss a payload, it should be grounds for dismissal, but on a case-by-base basis (and after multiple occasions probably, or after long periods of inactivity/unresponsivnesss). Ideally, if someone can't make a payload, they would go on the thread and say something along the lines of "I can't make it, can someone else do it? I should be available to launch again by [date/time]." That way, they could go later (if they will be available at all during the window) and not hold up the project. Obviously we can't hold them accountable to have computer access 100% of the time, so the launch order should shove them to the back automatically after a day or two. Also, in the future we should have all sign-ups taken care of before the launch window starts, which I will be doing.
  16. Actually, 4GB, but still. I agree that we don't really need that many mods, but Kerbal Engineer should be included I think. I don't think solely from a performance standpoint, but from a "friendly-ness" standpoint, as some people don't like that many mods. I'm not saying we need no mods (except kethane, obv.), but just a few is plenty.
  17. What persistance are you using? What's the issue, just downloading it? Make sure you use this link: http://www./view/lft9oktmst7k17s/persistent.sfs It's the most current one.
  18. Well that's interesting... I had a kerbal sink through the Mun once after he fell off a rover, but I usually don't get weird anomalies (Besides a Hell Kraken or two).
  19. The sign-ups for launching components were first come first serve. That's just the list of members, as far as I know. The launch order is a bit confusing, I think in the future it should be that all launches will be signed up for before the mission begins. For the time being though, I think we need an official list. In other news (though less relevant), I've begun prototyping for my project. Muhahaha!
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