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Everything posted by Imca

  1. Ummm I hate to pester you yet agian, but another sugestion? What about the ability to rename AI cores, them having names is a fun little bit of flavor that makes them feel like real crew, I just kinda wish to give mine a diffrent set of names. Or is this posible by editing the craft file as well?
  2. Template would work nicley, I can edit them myself. Overall though I am thinking that there will generally be next to none on the tug cockpit, really low storage space on the MK2, moderate amounts on the MK3, and alot on the MK5 since its for a cargo plane/rocket. The only one I dont know what I am going to do with is the hypersonic, on one hand it does not seem like the type of cockpit that would store much stuff, on the otherhand it has soooooo much space, and only holds one kerbal.
  3. I hate to ask, but any chance you could turn the b9 cockpits into containers too? Also that is awsome and fun to know.
  4. The thing is, its not just a radialy attachable probe core I want, but one I can dismount and re-attach to dead rockets, to control them agian. Thats why the crazy edit, instead of just 2 lines.
  5. How much memory does Kethane use? I kinda like the idea behind the mod alot, but when ever I use it I never find any deposits, and I am already pushing the 3.5 gig limit as is.
  6. I always thought the overheating was an intentional part of the mainsail, so no, not every one knew.
  7. I copied one of the B9 sensors, the one with the little camera in it, since like you, I cant model.
  8. Wow, thanks for the help. It actualy bothers me none that there is no radial attached cores, I made my own. So thank you very very much. Edit : I would.
  9. It is actualy thanks. Ummm, finaly a sugestion sorry. I know you have an inertial fusion engine, but have you thought of a fusion power generator to bridge the gap between fission and anti-mater?
  10. It was draining power, but it had some... science output read 0 though. On second thought, I was using solar panels instead of your generators, and I bet that was the problem.
  11. Its fine, actualy kinda glad I could help find a bug, and thanks that fix worked. I have been trying to build an interplanetery probe to Eve, so I was kinda needing a hybrid rocket like that. >.< Ummm, one last question, is it normal for AI cores to not make science on the mun?
  12. Still nothing. :/ So I put together a little video to try and show my problem better.
  13. I am trying the toggle propellent button, but no mater what I do the plane will only use atmospheric oxygen. Does it need something special for its internal fuel?
  14. Ummm, how do I switch the hybrid thermal jets fuel? No fuel types seem to be working.
  15. Ummm, it says the thermal turbo jet can switch to internal fuel, what fuel type is it talking about? Its upgraded to hybrid but I cant get any of them to work.
  16. Also getting a ram bottleneck as well, never had this problem with B9 before. Only running 2 other mods as well, KAS and Hooligan labs, and my system has 8 gigs of ram... I removed Novapunch, KSP Interstellar, and pretty much ever thing else. Somehow this is really pushing the 3.5 gig limit even on its own.
  17. How do I KASify a part? Make it grabable and atachable? I made a small .625 meter probe core with the intention of making it something you could plug into a rocket with no control and make it work agian, but I dont know how the grab modual works.
  18. Any way to request a Novapunch version? Next to B9, it is my largest user of ram.
  19. Then what is causing the camrea issues, because I have traced them to THIS specific mecha jeb. :/
  20. I am still having the camrea issue, and have traced it to mecha-jeb with certainty by purging all other mods, and trying.... tried all 3 versions, stable, sarbian, and dev.... nothing. Going through the history of the Lazor system thread, it seems they had a similar issue caused by the docking cam, is there a way to remove the hull cam component from mechajeb myself and see if that fixes it?
  21. Ummm, what about some decouplers that are flush with the various space plane fuselages. I know the MAIN use of them is for SSTO, but there have been sevral times where a decoupler would have been of use to me to shed dead weight after well, traveling interplanetary distances. or even an abort stage, since KSP does not have ejector seats, and an abort system is something I include on every craft.
  22. Dont know what else it could be, it only happens while the craft is under auto pilot, and also the craft are very wobbly making manual landing the only way.
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