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Everything posted by DiamondExcavater

  1. Thank you very very much magico! NOT only do I no longer have overlapping module managers at start up, but it loads a little faster. I didn't realise that the number on the end of module manager was its version and i had old ones... also my add on manager never told me easier needed an update, perhaps it wasn't connected to the website to let me know... Everything works fine now! every time i played and finished, i would verify integrity of game cache and it would tell 1 file was invalid, so i'd fix it but 1 always broke...things are still breaking I still have a problem with Nan at launch though, i have a craft that if i launch it goes nan, but this isn't this mod because it went nan when i didn't have this...did you see anything else unusual in code? Made of infernal robotics, procedural battery, tweak scale, KAS/Kis, and rover wheels (forgot) and kerbal joint reinforcement as a side mod i will recreate it and give another player.log file HERE Edit: Also i can't close the pop up windows from KCT and the icon where other mods are like Hyperedit isn't there. is it meant like this?
  2. Player.log file here, i simply have to open any save and as soon as it loads the KSC it pops up as well as in other buildings thanks
  3. I need some help, I have the following mods (including this one) I don't know which log file i need to share, but of the top does anyone know this? KCT works a little, i have the icon i can upgrade things but i can't simulate, i have the option menu and got presets including everything and now the menu won't go away when clicking the gear, it used to open whats in queue but once i saved setting things are wrong. HELP?
  4. I legit Typed this with my own thoughts and experience at 12 at night, with my own mod usage, and then I went onto reading others blogs and saw the same story, I actually thought of commenting a link to this one...
  5. Hello! I have been playing around with KIS/KAS and building structures with a crane I made (real crane, like the ones for construction). The mod is amazing in the ways like parachuting KERBALS to building a rover on eva, Problem is these structures are very breakable. You can attach a ground pylon with a special tool but if your KERBAL runs at it, it will move. In my sense that's not sturdy, I really want to make bases and other sorts of structures for fun, but it's very limited. I would personally love if KIS/KAS got implemented into the game, it is useful and a bit more realistic to the fact that KERBALS can go EVA and fix a ship, etc... Even a system as the architects building where you can design a house style thing, or planetary habitat modules that can get built on other planets by sending special robots to mine for ores to transform into iron and stuff to put into the 3D Building printer (using the resources needed) building your structure piece by piece. I am pretty sure similar mods are out there... BUT there isn't a mod that makes you need resources from ores to build rockets, so you need mining sites to provide you KSC with the building resources.. ultra hard Career! I wouldn't mind (for those computers that can handle this..) a short animation of the rocket being moved onto launch pad as the game loads, it doesn't need to be a big animation but something more than orbiting planet symbol and black screen would feel nice! I know someone will criticise me on the fact that all this is too much, unnecessary and overall impossible to code. But DEFINITELY add KIS/KAS. 1.1 update Who else is hyped for Cargo Bay Doors/Ramp (TAIL Section) If not then what are you looking forward to? I have spent over 30 hours with Infernal Robotics trying to make my own..
  6. i tested further on which parts it may be, i tried every modded part i used on my craft all on one small pod, none made the nan issue, i flew other craft and it works fine, i remade it and it doesn't work, it used to be good, and then the picture of the ship when loading crafts went missing and previously it was there. obviously there must a certain combination of pieces, i double checked the versions of the mods, infernal robotics claims to be 1.0.4 but my game says 1.0.2 and USI exploration pack is actually up to date, i really hate this because this craft is my main transporting vehicle and if i use it, the whole game breaks to the Nan Kraken at launch... i hate the fact that just before it broke i didn't touch anything, i was happy with design for a while and one day out of the blue it breaks..
  7. first off, i do have a modded game, 17 mods... KSP: 1.0.4 (Unix) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Mac OS X 10.10.4 USI Tools - 0.4.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.4.4 Firespitter - 7.1.4 Fuel Tanks Plus - 1.2.1 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.16 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.4 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4 HyperEdit - 1.4.1 Infernal Robots - 0.21.3 Procedural Parts - 1.1.7 RealChute - SmartParts - 1.6.6 ThrottleControlledAvionics - TweakScale - 2.2.1 USI Exploration Pack - 0.4.1 The only mods not compatible with the newest version is aaa_Toolbar which i can not seem to find.. also Infernal robotics and USI exploration pack was built for an older version but worked fine, and i don't know about updates as the game tells me if a new ones out or not. I read up on the nan issue and i have not edited planets orbits or gravity at all. I have a craft that seems to be stuffing up, its made up of procedural parts, stock parts, infernal robotics and KAS/Kis, it used to work fine, but as soon as i added a part from Kas it went Nan at launch, before the screen loaded the craft, then if you go into hangar (the building i used) the whole space is light blue, upon exit to space centre you see only stars and the background stars beyond Kerbin. after quitting game i check the integrity of game cache and 1 file was broken, this happens every time i do this. what should i do?
  8. Yeah I see that now, just that it adds junk to my system and its very tedious having to delete debris and other useless items out in space. i wish you can delete debris all at once, and making satellites actually do something!
  9. Yes, though i like that stuff, 'work', makes me want to keep trying, plus it forces me to practice, who doesn't like rocket science? - - - Updated - - - Sadly it would mean everything is in part real time, but it means you need to send a few rockets at a time, not one every 1-5 game years, lol. Have you guys heard about the space craft messenger, its on its death orbit now and will crash into mercury
  10. This adds extra thought in a mode called realism, in which you need to plan more thoughtfully on how your orbits look like, your orbits for your satellites can remain if you place them correctly or use a different mode, in the realism mode there should also be a random chance after a few game years the satellites parts will malfunction and break, it makes it interesting and means that satellites have a reason to be visited for repairs, though its cheaper to send a new one out and put the earlier one in a decaying orbit...
  11. I Learnt that the gravity on earth depends where there are oceans and mountains, as there is more mass on one side than the other... like sticking a rock to a tennis ball, the centre of mass is where the force of gravity centres. This Means that there is more mass on one side, meaning centre of gravity is offset from the thought middle, this gravitational offset can cause an "elliptical orbit to decay a very small amount. There is also a problem with satellites being offset themselves, they tend to fall on their heavy side, (spin and face their heavy side to the earth). this can help slow the spin of satellites in space, like the moon for example, it spins but only to face us with its face heavy side. the moon once used to spin, but the earth also caused tides like the moon does to us, but being bigger the tides on the moon were huge, causing massive amounts of rock to 'wave' making the moon loose its energy for it's spin. this never happens in Kerbal though. The sun also plays a part of decaying orbits, it may be small but it does effect. In reality, satellites don't last for ever, and we don't want them flying around earth if they are useless, so we put an life expectancy on these satellites and make it orbit in a grave yard (dump) orbit, meaning its purposefully made to decay at a certain rate, so by the time it dies its already falling to earth and is out of sight, but you can't do this in Kerbal, unless you have some spare fuel. why not implement some kind of modification to cause this. To have truly zero decay orbit you would have to several things 1. an orbital path and velocity to create a stable orbit. 2. no increase or decrease in mass over time 3. never be within the gravitational influence of another significant celestial body. Satellites we place in orbit have their paths set up based on the function, projected work lifespan, and costs to operate. Often they would not work as well in different orbit, after all if you are using a satellite to broadcast tv stations to the USA, you don't want it drifting over the ocean. In a decade or so when the orbit decays enough to cause it to fall back to earth and burn up, then you will want to replace it with a better one anyway. CHECK OUT THIS LINK FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_decay
  12. the magnetic field might have a small amount of force but the closer to earth you are the stronger the pull, however there is still a deorbiting force that actually pulled down mir (a soviet space station) and is constantly pulling other stuff that's flying around up there in space. i thought the force was the magnetic field, but even so, everything in orbit will eventually fall towards the mass. even our moon, even though it may be in the perfect orbit and not too close eventually it will! this will make game play harder and also mean you need to resupply satellites and stations with fuel every now and then, how about having this kind of stuff available? http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2000/ast09jun_1/ also en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momentum_exchange_tether thanks for comments BTW
  13. just a suggestion for a realistic mode to add to career, in real life the magnetic field draws objects into itself, especially the closer it is. i think all planets with a molten core should have the magnetic field, comment below what you think!:P:)
  14. A system option to be able to see smoke after a longer distance (viewing Distance)
  15. I could create a Paradox and never be able to play KSP due to a melted computer and a rip in time and space out side my window.....
  16. i like the idea of being able to take photos, i have a mod that adds a telescope but it just says it sees the planets surface and no picture to a gallery, pointless mod! lol this would be a good way to earn science, i would also like to have an actual sample of dirt, etc... to see when viewing the surface samples and being able to view it in the Research and development building! who agrees?
  17. i find it very hard to dock with my own builds, i don't know how to time the launch to intercept my build, any tips or places where i can learn the best efficient way?
  18. What mod is that? that plane look awfully familiar. pretty realistic!
  19. I agree, i am having real trouble with the designs of my planes (being, my wings too far back, or too small etc...) just going through the testing stage where i launch the craft and see any problems, but even through that i can't find any small weight imperfections or wheel miss-alignment or thrust/weight/lift ratio etc... without any logistics or some sort of information which could arouse the issue! The aerodynamic system is terrible, i would love to see actual re-entry damage and actual lift (making the game even more difficult for beginners). i want to see Squad work on the aerodynamic system and perhaps add more aviation engines such as helicopter blades, propellers and better rudders, giving possibilities to heavy lifting helicopters or VTOL and other air craft! back to the simulation mode, it would save time and lives from just testing it in actual conditions without any information Thanks Edit: actually, scratch the button in the VAB or SPH have a whole separate facility for it, where u can load the build from both SPH and VAB and maybe a quick entry button from the actual buildings (make the wind tunnel facility be able to adjust pressure, heat and all the rest for re-entry damage and other tests, and make the building be able to be upgraded fitting bigger ships and other options!
  20. i have had the same mods for over a long time, after 0.90 a file from procedural fairings called "KSPAPIExtensions" i am not sure what it did, i tried the game out after it said it wasn't compatible, everything worked but i never checked out the actual fairings (i didn't use them). i then deleted the file, and the game still worked. later i deleted the mod and got a similar style mod because i found out i couldn't re-size the fairings or even edit the nodes and all. now i can load the game everything works, but i can't access the VAB or SPH, i can only upgrade and enter other buildings but that's it, i can't launch anything, all i can do is upgrade and Whack-A-Kerbal all the buildings and destroy them...please tell me whats wrong or what to do!
  21. Asteroids are currently just ships with a lot of mass and ships are just a bunch of surfaces with mass, but i would love to see gravity added to these amazing beasts, even the smallest amount would seem more realistic! A bit of gravitational mass for the hard to reach space stations so it could draw you in if your smaller or visa versa (0.000054 gravitational force for example) as for asteroids, i have sent very small probes to land on some but they always slowly fall off no matter what u do, and hooks and anchors are way too heavy and big! tell me what you think ps. i know about a mod but it doesn't spawn the asteroids with gravity (its only asteroids any way)
  22. They are still in beta/alpha (what ever), they were proud of it because at the time it was a cool feature and was a big step, it is still work in progress and they are working on a lot of things! they might work farther from your impressions but soon they'll probably add it into a hard mode. there are young kids playing this game too and they can make the game to hard for them! if your really need these things implemented get some mods!
  23. Okay, you guys might know that kerbals have lights in their helmets, they have 2 on either side:confused:, for those who don't know. you can press any key relevant with lights but none turn on the head lights (u, or the button for lights on top menu, during flight) i am sure that their is no coding for these lights and would love to have them implemented, it makes walking on dark sides of planets easier without having to have a rover or space craft to light up your view! if there is a mod or i am wrong please tell me. Thanks:D:)
  24. I reckon this will be a great addition to the game and i hope many more will agree... As we all know building a plane is easier in SPH and building rockets is easier in VAB, but what if there is a way to transfer rockets and planes to both buildings (mainly from SPH to VAB) I have seen people add a plane via the sub assembly, but it requires the plane to be a separate part, or you can meddle with the codes! but isn't there a nicer easier way? imagine the possibility, i think you guys would love this idea:D Thanks:)
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