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Everything posted by BahamutoD

  1. Yup, it'll detect and surface-stabilize with any point the "laser" hits. Here's more of a demonstration:
  2. Yeah, you won't need it because the new targeting system would allow you to target any arbitrary point on the surface.
  3. The possibilities are only limited by KSP's phys range limits.
  4. While that's epic, it won't be the same in KSP. The fighters in BSG behave like jetplanes in atmosphere. In KSP there would be no hard maneuvering or dodging of missiles/'lasers' in space. Edit: I have decided to close the poll due to a number of reasons. 1. The poll allowed multiple voting and people took advantage of that. 2. It has become clear that a logical progression of the most popular items are: - Targeting, guidance, and detection systems - AI upgrade (since these need to be built around said systems) - Modular parts are cool but not necessary - I'll leave the rest for later. Thanks guys Edit: And here's a prototype test for laser/tv targeting http://gfycat.com/DesertedPlaintiveAegeancat
  5. You could have a startup coroutine and a shutdown coroutine. (using System.Collections) You might need another animation that's just the slideythings sitting at their default position if you want to blend from their moving state smoothly into an idle state. First grab the AnimationStates from the animation then do something like this (pseudo-ish code): IEnumerator StartupRoutine() { heatAnimState.enabled = true; heatAnimState.normalizedSpeed = 1; while(heatAnimState.normalizedTime < 1) { yield return null; //wait until animation is done. its a coroutine so it won't freeze the game } heatAnimState.enabled = false; workingAnimState.enabled = true; workingAnimState.wrapMode = loop; workingAnimState.normalizedSpeed = 1; } IEnumerator ShutdownRoutine() { //start the heat anim at the end and play it backwards heatAnimState.enabled = true; heatAnimState.normalizedTime =1; heatAnimState.normalizedSpeed = -1; workingAnimState.weight = 1; idleAnimState.weight = 0; idleAnimState.enabled = true; while(idleAnimState.weight < 1 || workingAnimState.weight > 0) { idleAnimState.weight = mathf.movetowards(idleAnimState.weight, 1, delta); //fading the weight of idle to one workingAnimState.weight = mathf.movetowards(workingAnimState.weight, 0, delta); //fading the weight of the working anim to zero yield return null; } idleAnimState.enabled = false; workingAnimState.enabled = false; //these animations are done, turn them off while(heatAnimState.normalizedTime > 0) { yield return null; //now wait for the reverse heating anim to finish } heatAnimState.enabled = false; //done! } You should make sure the heating animation doesn't have any keyframes for the positions of the other objects so it doesn't interfere. Then, for your turn on/turn off methods, start the respective coroutines void TurnOn() { StartCoroutine(StartupRoutine()); } Hope this helps.. Edit: when you're initializing everything and getting the animationState from the animation, I think you have to do animation.blend(animationName) or something. Here's a snip of me setting up firing and reloading animations from my game: if(GetComponent<Animation>()) { //animationSetup fireAnim = GetComponent<Animation>()["fireAnimation"]; fireAnimSpeed = (fireRateRPM*fireAnim.length)/60; fireAnim.normalizedSpeed = 0; fireAnim.enabled = true; fireAnim.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever; GetComponent<Animation>().Blend("fireAnimation"); if(!infiniteMag) { reloadAnim = GetComponent<Animation>()["reloadAnimation"]; reloadAnimSpeed = reloadAnim.length/reloadTime; reloadAnim.normalizedTime = 1; reloadAnim.enabled = true; reloadAnim.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever; GetComponent<Animation>().Blend ("reloadAnimation"); } }
  6. Hey everybody. Since I have started so many different projects, my concentration has been stretched thin to a point that I don't know what I want to focus on, and end up having nothing done at the end of the week. So, in order to recollect my scattered bits of brain, I've decided to devote some time over the next few weeks on one thing - BDArmory. BDArmory in itself is quite complex, so I want to pick one subject at a time within it to focus on. I need you to help me decide, so I made this poll: Which of the following do you want the most from BDArmory? (Results) (Closed early) I'll give it about a week before diving into which ever subject wins. Share it with anyone you know that's interested in how BDArmory develops. Also, feel free to discuss the options here. The winning subject will be my highest priority - the others won't be written off. After bringing the top subject to a satisfactory level, I'll probably run another poll with the remaining subjects, and any new ideas that come up. Until then, I'll be answering some of the questions I've neglected and working on the turret overhaul*. Some of the questions can't be directly answered because of the planned changes. *To addon creators: My plans for the turret overhaul will mean you will have to reconfigure all of your turrets in Unity and config to use the new system, but it will make creating new weapons in the future much easier. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you'll see that it will be worth it. Thanks, everyone! - Paolo
  7. Here's the work in progress for the new B9 shape and style:
  8. The 1.25m jet has been updated to the new system, but as you said, the mini jet is stil using the old system. Sorry bout that.
  9. Make sure you test it on terrain as well. IIRC the launch pad has a bad collider.
  10. Thanks, lo-fi. Its been over a year since writing the tutorial and working with legs so I'm a bit rusty. Animations tend to overwrite position values set by code, so its important to make sure there aren't any keyframes on transforms referenced in the part module.
  11. Even if you set the load distance beyond 11km, I have locked the loading distance of specifically landed vehicles to >11km so that they won't fall through. Output log? Thanks again! The blastPower number is fed to the AddExplosionForce method using the Impulse force mode. I'm still not entirely sure what real-world units it uses though. Maybe you can make sense of it: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ForceMode.Impulse.html In your config, you're referencing "aimRotate" and "aimPitch" transforms which the telescope probably doesn't have. The telescope probably also doesn't have a fireTransform. In short, its usually impossible to paste a turret config on a model that isn't set up for it.
  12. Hmm yeah, looks like something went wrong in the git release. I'll try to fix it tomorrow.
  13. Are you using the latest version? I added some behavior to try to avoid these infinite circles. It might be difficult to program specific maneuvers, but who knows, I'll give it a shot eventually. Not a bad idea. It should be pretty easy to do. There's still an ~11km limit to the loading distance for landed vehicles because beyond that distance, they tend to fall through the terrain. I'm not in a hurry to do long range/indirect surface-to-surface weapons because of this. It should definitely still work.
  14. Nope, not yet. Is it only cruise missiles they won't fire on? There's no code specifying different behavior against cruise missiles. Guards only fire missiles on airborne targets if they're further than 3 or 4km. Have you increased your phys range? The Pilot AI is only designed for forward atmospheric flight The lack of fine control at the extremes of the tweakable sliders is a bug within the tweak sliders themselves (stock bug). Nothing I can do about it at the moment unless I add a dependency, which I don't want to do. I'll look into it. Alright, I'll correct the name. Landing would be a complicated process unless I have it so they don't care where they land (they could try landing on a cliff, or in the water). Otherwise I would either need some gps system or terrain scanning... I don't think I want to spend the time on that. VTOLs tend to be complex and vary widely in design, so it would also be a very difficult task to have AI fly them. I don't have any plans to work on that. Replied to PM, but in addition - the tracerLength variable hasn't changed, but it's usage internally has changed. By default the tracer length of bullets is 0, so the bullet script ignores them and instead sets the trail direction and length based on the bullets motion relative to the camera, so it acts more like a light streak cause by a bright object moving during an image capture (more realistic?). If you define a tracerLength, it uses different behavior, but its been a while since I wrote it so I don't remember if its the same as old behavior or not. I'm not sure what you mean. 'Locking' onto a target (selecting a target) doesn't affect your plane's controls. Did you by chance put a MissileGuidance module on your plane, effectively turning your plane into a guided missile?
  15. As mentioned, its a problem with the stock tweak sliders. I'm looking into workarounds but I don't think I can do an actual fix. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/29618087102167151/1A3621F818616F66C14C8AD7E0273D6BEB7357B1/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/29618087102166980/7A420DF225C74E22AC16B60F3C06EBE9BD88679D/ It looks like when the game starts, the plane's mass settles on the gear, but the gear doesn't "give" to the weight equally, one gives more than the other, causing it to list to one side. Is this something I'm doing wrong and any way to fix it? Try increasing the spring constant, and reducing the damper. Damper is meant to counter suspension traversal in order to reduce oscillations in the spring. If you set it too high in comparison to the spring strength, it may never fully achieve an even equilibrium. To support heavier craft, you want to increase the spring constant first before increasing damping.
  16. Yes. I could change this so each fire transform is 'processed' independently, but its generally a good idea to have them pointing in the same direction anyway so the guard/ai know what to do with it and they point to where you're aiming with the mouse.
  17. Most likely due to installing it in the wrong spot. Make sure BahaSP is in GameData.
  18. Update v0.8.3: = New = - Added max speed tweakable for AI Pilot (will cut throttle and use brakes if exceeding) - Added stand-by mode for AI Pilot - Reload status bar and sound effect for cannons - Added "Detonate" action group for explosive warhead = Changes = - Changed default AI Pilot values to commonly better settings - Increased range of default and minimum AI Pilot altitude - AI Pilot now tries to steer to lead target when using turret - AI Pilot will attempt to "extend" if turning circles too long - AI Pilot will only use rudder for stability, not for steering - AI Pilot will initially take off at less steep angle - Improved AI Pilot's "extend" behavior when engaging ground - Slightly reduced missile drag again - Adjusted PAC-3 to new lowered missile drag (won't overspeed and fail to turn) - Greatly reduced ABL(laser) damage = Fixes = - Fixed input binding for fire key not working with many keys - Reduced AI Pilot roll oscillation - AI will no longer attempt to engage enemy missiles with their guns - Reset target info/database entry when switching teams (fix friendly fire) - Improved missile steering - Fixed incorrect gimbal limit calculation by guards - Improved turret usage by guards/AI - Fixed guard turrets to fire at CoM instead of root - Fixed infinite ammo to not require any resource - Fixed laser graphical glitches Notes: Many fixes and changes here. Hopefully it covers most of the AI and Guard issues reported since the last update. To use standby mode for AI Pilots: -Set up the pilot and guard mode. -Set pilot to stand-by mode -Activate guard and pilot -Pilot will stand by until hostiles are detected, then it will take off. The new adjustable speed limiter for AI pilots will help AI planes in FAR to not overspeed and disintigrate. Equip airbrakes so they can use them.
  19. Update v1.2.0 - Part mass scales with size - Part cost scales with size - Placed each gear in proper tech nodes - Drag eliminated when retracted (stock aero) - Reverted small particle texture to png I don't know if there was a better way to do it, but for stock aero, I just completely turned off the drag model for the part when the gear is retracted.
  20. Hey guys. I don't have any plans to continue working on this, but the license allows anyone to continue it, as long as credit is given. Here are the source files for the workshop model: http://www./download/i7a545u15h0dsbx/BDWorkshop.zip
  21. Thanks man! Perhaps there was an issue converting the particle texture to dds. I may have to revert it to png in the next update. Thanks for noticing that. I'm not sure but maybe BDAnimationModules needs to be updated separately when using CKAN.
  22. 255 is solid. Are you sure the color is the only thing you changed?
  23. Alright, it took a while but I finally hunted down the issue. It will be fixed in the next update. The fix also requires that the turrets be setup precisely in Unity, so those of you making custom turrets have to be especially careful. Follow the video I posted about it earlier.
  24. 1: Higher is better 2: bulletMass affects recoil and damage (gravity is constant regardless of mass) 3: maxTargetingRange determines the location of the reticle if the mouse point raycast doesn't hit anything onlyFireInRange stops the gun from firing if the mouse is aiming at something beyond the gimbal limits of the turret - nothing to do with distance. 4: These have to do with the overheating mechanic, not damage. maxHeat is an arbitrary number where if heat reaches it, the gun will stop firing until it cools off. heatLoss is the amount of heat units it cools off per second. heatPerShot is the amount of heat units it gains per shot. 5: yes 6: maxEffectiveDistance doesn't have any effect on the gun, but it helps the AI when choosing a gun. 7: oneShotSound, if true, plays the sound clip every time a bullet is fired. Since the vulcans have a looping audio clip, its false so it starts playing when you start firing, and stops when you stop firing, instead of playing the clip on every bullet fired. Muzzle flash isn't tied to an animation, so the fixed vulcan doesn't need a fire animation. For muzzle flash, the module looks for any particle emitter components on gameObjects named muzzleTransform and emits them every time a bullet is fired.
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