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Everything posted by BahamutoD

  1. All of the bullets should ricochet, but no the tank shells don't ricochet. I've been experiencing some issues with the missiles and FAR. Since the missiles now turn with some angle of attack toward their target, FAR applies some forces to them which may interfere. Let me know if you're having these issues too.
  2. You would just need to right-click, save as.. however, this is way out of date and is not compatible with any of the current versions of the required mods. Sorry.
  3. They can only ricochet once. I didn't put much thought into the calculations for the ricochets so there is room for improvement. Normalization is probably too much detail.. The model needs to be specifically made for a cluster bomb/missile; you can't just convert any old missile into one.
  4. A stray bullet to a mounted missile would chain-reaction destroy the whole vessel... it was kind of annoying.
  5. Update v0.7.0 - Added Smart Guards (early) - Added M230 Chain Gun - Added S-8KOM Rocket Pod - Added control authority factor to missiles based on airspeed and atmos. density - Added bullet ricochet - Added tweakables for turret swivel range - Added new air-to-ground missile guidance - Air-air missiles are inaccurate against landed units - Tied part impact tolerance to destruction chance from explosions - Tied damage multiplier factor to explosions - Fix: Rocket particles cut off or taper after motor cutoff - Fix: Increase crash tolerance of missile rail - Fix: Limited landed pack/unpack distance to <12km to reduce vessels falling through terrain - Fixed NRE when attempting to explode a part that is 'packed' - Changed: Countermeasures are now a finite resource - Changed: Greatly reduced default damage multiplier (by about 66%). - Changed: Missiles and bombs are not explosive until they are fired. - Changed: Explosion damage and force does not pass through objects (armor plating is more useful) - Performance: Slightly increased trajectory simulation delta time - Explosion models and sound effects are now configurable - Visuals and effects tweaks - - Improved bullet and laser textures - - Bullet glow visible at further distances - - Better particle trails for rockets, missiles, countermeasures Notes: - Please read the change log and ask questions! - I added a whole lot in this update. I wanted to do more, but I figured I'd release what I've done so far so at least you can play with it and find mistakes I made with the new stuff. Some specific comments: New visuals: The smoke trails are thicker and more solid, the tracers are brighter and more visible at a distance. I hope you like them. I also changed around some of the tracer colors - not all of them are red anymore. A note to part makers: With the new tracer effects, you may need to adjust the tracer start and end widths of your turrets - they may look smaller than they were before. Look at my turret configs. Smart Guards: The guards will use missiles when you are further than 2km, and switch to guns when you get close. As before, they will switch weapons when the selected missile or gun's ammo is depleted. - I eventually want the guards to choose appropriate weapons based on the weapons' optimal range, type of missile, etc. I will also eventually put an option to bring it back to old behaviour, so it only uses the one weapon you choose for it. Ricochet: Bullets have a chance to ricochet depending on the angle they hit surfaces. There are also new sound effects for bullet impacts and ricochets. Customizable explosions: This one is for part creators. Any part that uses explosions - bombs, rockets, missiles, cannons - no longer uses the 'size' parameter for explosions. Instead, they take a file path for an explosion effect model and sound effect. Ask me for specifics if you are trying to make something. You can just not define these, and they will default to the already existing explosion model and sound. Check the mk82 and cluster bomb configs for an idea. Tweaked damage: Things generally do less damage, and explosion force/damage doesn't pass through all objects. Parts with high impact tolerance like structural plates etc can be used as armor to some extent. Direct hits from missiles or volley's of high caliber rounds are still pretty deadly, but you could probably walk/fly away from a glancing hit. Countermeasures are finite, so use them wisely. I find that its enough to drop 4-6 in front of a missile, then turn away. If you are/were spamming countermeasures and still got hit, you should try different maneuvers.
  6. The terrain collider seems to be disabled at 12km. In the next update, the max range for unpacking/packing landed vessels will be limited to <12km. This will mean that you cant switch to landed vessels that are further than 12km but at least they won't fall through anymore. I am still getting an issue with switching between vessels that are far from each other - some other vessels tend to suddenly gain a certain amount of velocity...
  7. Hopefully, I can release it this week. Depending on when 0.90 drops, there may be a bit of delay before I can update again because I'll be traveling from Dec 19 till mid January... PS: Here are some clips of improved air-to-ground and ground-to-ground missile behavior: http://gfycat.com/LavishFrenchHellbender http://gfycat.com/WholeKeyGangesdolphin They won't point directly at the target at first, to maintain altitude, or gain altitude if they're far away. They can have a bit of angle of attack too.
  8. I guess I should post this here too: All of the sounds are in BDArmory/Sounds if you want to change them.
  9. It doesn't really work as intended, and it isn't even finished, so don't use it - I'm going to remove it so any craft that has it attached will be broken.
  10. Update v1.2 - Added Orbit frame of reference - Fixed issues with setting camera offset to vertically launching vehicles Notes: Orbit mode - The same as surface mode, but relative motion is based on orbital velocity. For example, at geostationary orbit, a vessel will be stationary in surface mode, but will fly past the camera in orbit mode.
  11. You might need to change the wheelRadius value if you rescale it. The wheel collider's radius gets set via code, so simply rescaling the model might not work. This is probably why smaller gear don't touch the ground -- the wheel collider is still the original size. There are other factors that may not be taken into account with tweakscale, which is why I won't support it but I might write a scaling feature that works specifically for the landing gear, like I said before.
  12. Either of those would be easy to write. The hydra 70 rockets are already proximity detonated if a target is selected. It would be as simple as if(Vector3.Distance(target, shell) < proximityRadius) Detonate(); It's because the rocket model has no collider and starts with particle emitters already ON because they are fired right when they are spawned in the rocket pod. They weren't designed to be their own separate part.
  13. Hmm.. interesting. Whenever I left crafts lying around KSC and flew away, the crafts lying around would fall through. By the way, something I worked on last week was improving the particle emissions of rockets, missiles, and flares. I wrote a little thing that will emit particles in the spaces between where a fast moving object is on different frames, so you wouldn't get those gaps between puffs of smoke. With that and other tweaks, things are looking much better: You can see the gaps between the puffs that the jet engine make with stock particles, while the rockets, equipped with BDAGaplessParticleEmitter, have solid trails. I think Smokescreen does something similar.
  14. Ohh I remember thinking that was so cool when I first saw it. I'll definitely try to emulate it if I ever get around to making scifi weapons.. There's still alot of work to do on the plugin though. About small arms - I only want to focus on vehicle mounted weapons... If you mean config edits, it's not possible yet. Thank you. You're the first person to give any sort of response to this. Through my own testing, I found that landed vessels' collision with the terrain gets disabled at 12km regardless of phys range, so they fall through the surface. To prevent this, I may have to clamp the pack/unpack distance of landed vehicles to 12km unfortunately. Another thing I've come across is that setting the phys range high (>25km) makes the game very slow when firing bullets into the air. This is because of the new feature that allows bullets to survive until they are out of physics range, rather than being destroyed after a fixed amount of time. I may have to clamp bullet range for fast firing guns for this reason.
  15. It looks promising. I will most likely merge it. Thanks!! panzer1b, I kinda like the heat damage idea. If your tests go well, I'd be happy to merge it as well.
  16. "Walk" in what way? I haven't heard or seen this. I guess you should make sure you have everything installed correctly. Same as above, please check that it is installed correctly and you have the Firespitter plugin.
  17. Update v1.0.4 - Fixed doors on small gear bay wouldn't close Notes: *sigh* It was a dumb mistake on my end. In 1.0.3 I had updated the dll in the zip but forgot to update the changes in the models to match. Hopefully this is end of that line if problems. As for concerns about Firespitter, I found this on the Firespitter thread: I might go with the second option because there are some changes I want to make to FSwheel and related classes anyways. This will allow me to customize the wheel module to create more freedom of adjustment. I just need to make sure I have full permission.
  18. This is really strange. I just tested it with the local file that I uploaded to KS, and it worked fine. Then I tested it with a copy that I downloaded from KS, and the door bug happened. Somehow, something broke on the way to Kerbal Stuff. I'll try reuploading.
  19. No help, unfortunately. If you make a new craft with the small gear, does it still happen?
  20. Using weapons normally uses the stock targeting system. Guard mode uses its own targeting system. And yes, blastPower is the value you're looking for. Soon, perhaps.
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