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Everything posted by BahamutoD

  1. 1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109952-0-90-Destruction-Effects 2: Yes soon 3: http://pastebin.com/5fEJKKFr 4: Final fantasy
  2. Fingers crossed . Also, here's the 'tutorial' video. Hopefully it will help newcomers as well as veterans. Let me know if there's anything I missed in the video that would be helpful to know. Its the first long-ish video I've tried to narrate over, so I'm pretty awkward, but it should be entertaining and informative enough.
  3. Update v0.7.2 - 0.90 compatibility - Fixed a severe lag/crash due to particle emitters - Enabled Doppler effect on rocket and missile sound fx - Dirty fix: Catch rare NRE's in explosions that cause them to explode forever - Removed colliders from flares - they were deadly and caused framerate hit - Particle emissions optimization for framerate - Rockets collide with water surface - Fixed laser's aiming reticle - Option to disable 'Smart Guards' - Rewrote 'vacuum missile' guidance - Button recorder for custom fire key Notes: (Sorry I'm late!) Nothing big, just tidying up a few things. - One of the main things are the improved HEKV code. It actually uses thrust force to push it around now, instead of before where it used the same "velocity rotation" system that atmospheric missiles use. It works more realistically now and it wont bug out of you switch to it after firing, while it is tracking a target. The best way to use it is to get within a few kilometers of your target, and kill enough lateral relative velocity that the missile can kill the rest of the relative velocity on its own, and thrust toward the target. - The other main thing is the ability to record a button/key in the settings menu for the main Fire key. You can just click "Set key" then press a key on your keyboard or joystick, and it should work. No more confusion on what text to type into the box. I also made a (hopefully) comprehensive video on proper usage, because I've seen common confusion on certain things among the Youtubers that post videos about the mod, and among the forum posts. More on that once it is done uploading/encoding.
  4. I know it's weird, but try making it point in the same direction as the example (-Z direction) Missiles already target the center of mass, and I think that guard mode does too. This is usually due to improper installation. BDArmory goes in GameData.
  5. It still works as good and as bad as it did before. I already included an ATM config, unless there was a config-breaking ATM update. (I'd also like to know which one fixed it). Have you tried the Hellfire or Maverick? I designed the AGM guidance to work well with SSM as well (especially the hellfire): http://gfycat.com/WholeKeyGangesdolphin
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. SufficientAnonymity, that's pretty much how my current prototype works. I may just tweak what I have a little bit and move forward with it. I forgot to mention one constraint: Since the gear needs to be adjustable, and normal animations are kind of set in stone, the gear is animated through code/script, so the folding 'style' has to be pretty much the same as what you see in the currently available adjustable landing gear. It's kinda hard to explain but what I mean is, instead of animating the gear normally, how it works is when you deploy the gear, it tells the leg to rotate towards the user-defined leg angle, and same with the wheels and piston length. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to fold out to your custom specifications. So - no complex folding animations. Keptin, those are some good lookin' gears Meanwhile, I've continued working on expanding adjustability, and so far I've added properly working scaling, and the ability to have negative leg angle. The latter is limited to +/- 30 degrees though. Scaling: Negative leg angle:
  7. Yeah... that shuttle just needs stronger suspension spring and slightly stronger damper. So before I left in December, I made a few attempts at modelling heavy duty landing gear, but they ended up either just looking like scaled up versions of the first two, or wouldn't be able to be adjusted by any reasonable amount. Currently this is sitting in blender. As you can see, its ugly as heck since the gear bay has to be huge to accommodate 4 wheels. http://i.imgur.com/YwDOAQy.png Edit: actually I took a look at it again, and with cheating (clipping), I can get it to fold into this gear bay: http://i.imgur.com/9O4aihe.png but still.. So, I'm open to suggestions (not requests) for the design of the heavy adjustable landing gear. As for the plugin, I've started working on forking certain classes from Firespitter, with Snjo's permission, to fix ALG specific bugs and generally adjust it so it's geared more towards customizability, and to no longer have a dependency on FS. Anyways, I also want to say that mod development from me has slowed because I started working on another project, so thank you for your patience.
  8. Not that I've noticed, but I haven't tested crashing huge crafts. The performance hit of having a huge craft in the first place is probably worse.
  9. Nothing to show yet, but I want to clear up some confusion with firing weapons. The "fire key" (left-click by default), which is what you can set in the options menu (alt- is the only way to fire guns. If you arm the weapon manager, then you can also fire the selected missiles/bombs/rockets by holding down this same key. This is how you rapid-fire (aka ripple fire) rockets. The "Fire" action group can only be used to fire missiles, bombs, rockets - one at a time. It will not work for guns, because in KSP, action groups are one-shot actions, and holding them down will not allow you to fire anything for a sustained period of time. Edit: By the way, development on this and my other mods has been slowed because I started working on my own game. I can't promise anything big any time soon.. sorry!
  10. Destruction Effects: This mod adds flames and smoke to certain parts' joint break event. At the moment, these parts include: -anything with "wing" in the name -anything with "fuselage" in the name -anything with fuel or oxidizer as resources. -engines. Note to modders: I'm trying to minimize the quantity of my mods, so I will not be working on this any further. It could use a bit of polishing though, so I am releasing it under the CC0 license, which means anyone can take it and change it and re-release it without even asking me. Download from GitHub Source License: CC0 Video by Space Scumbag: More videos:
  11. I usually use 1 for fire, but don't forget, you can just Arm the weapon manager and fire missiles with your mouse click.
  12. I miscalculated my return date, heh. I flew back this morning. It'l take me a few days/weeks (hopefully not too many) to get each of my mods updated to 0.90. I've been away from modding for over a month now so it's all piling up .
  13. Hi guys, I just flew back this morning. It will take me a few days to read everything, and a few more days to make some fixes. Thanks for the patience. I missed you all!
  14. I'm going be doing more work on the 'smart guards' in the future, and that will be optional. Unfortunately, I'll be off to the Philippines and Hawaii for the holidays and other things, so It will be a while before I can do any major work.
  15. Melfice, interesting idea. It would limit creativity but it would be possible with minor additions.
  16. Heh, sorry, I know I'm a bit bitter. I don't mean to direct it at you; I know you're just trying to help. Yeah there are a lot more issues with sci-fi stuff. For example, I was approached by Cupcake about making slower firing pulse lasers so you could have an obstacle course of guards on the Mun and still be able to dodge them and fight back with a slow moving VTOL. I thought it was a fun idea so I gave it a shot and ran into the dilemma of whether or not the slow projectiles would carry the initial velocity of the moving vessel or just spawn at the location of firing and only have the muzzle velocity and direction from that spot (which is how lasers work in most scifi games). The problem with the first was that you would have to have lead your target by a huuuge amount because of the slow projectile velocity. The problem with the second was it was very easy to be moving quicker than the muzzle velocity of the projectile, so after firing forward, it would be moving backwards relative to you.
  17. That still has all the issues you get from detonating it with a timer. Maybe I shouldn't have made it after all... I don't want to deal with all that crap.
  18. I have a suggestion for a small improvement to the zooming behavior of JSISteerableCamera. Currently, it zooms by linearly sliding the field of view. The problem with this is the rate of zoom gets faster as the current zoom level increases. In other words, the more you zoom in, the quicker the zoom responds to inputs. When you're all the way zoomed out, it takes forever to zoom in. I fixed this problem in in my CameraTools mod by using an exponential function. zoomFactor = Mathf.Exp(zoomExp)/Mathf.Exp(1); manualFOV = 60/zoomFactor; With this, linearly increasing 'zoomExp' will make it so the camera appears to zoom linearly, with zoomExp = 1 giving you a standard 60deg field of view. I'm uploading a video demonstration. edit:
  19. Well in the movie, the bomb was moving, then hit an asteroid and the explosion was stationary with the asteroid. Also if it's the bombs velocity, and it impacts the surface of a planet, it would continue to travel down below the surface. So how about if it is stationary with whatever it hits? Fine, until you use the timed detonation and it explodes without hitting anything. Or if the bomb hits a moving target, then will the explosion start moving along at that target's velocity? In each case, it would either look weird or not make sense. Well I added an empty game object to the weapon manager and referenced it in an RPM MFD camera config, then wrote some code in the BDA plugin to make that empty game object point wherever I wanted it to. The dependency of course would be RPM. Anyways, like I said before, I don't want to focus on that at this time. CrayzeeMonkey, we discussed all that in the last couple pages.
  20. Heck yeah, I'll be playing with it tonight.
  21. Heh, that's what we get for trying to put sci-fi things into a realistic environment... The explosion is supposed to be stationary, but in what frame of reference? How should I decide what it should be stationary with? The firing craft's orbital velocity? The bomb's orbital velocity? In both of those instances, the explosion would appear to be moving to an observer, say on a nearby space station. Also, on surface bombing, the explosion would be moving in relation to the surface. It doesn't really make sense. Yeah, maybe something like that. The white cursor should still be there. Check for errors or missing textures. For the tank, set "Fire limits" to 'none'. The fire limits prevent you from firing if you are trying to aim at something that is outside the range of motion of the turret. Since you set yours to not be able to yaw, it will never be in range unless you put your mouse exactly within its plane of motion. Turning off fire limits lets you fire it even if your mouse is not within the range of motion. It's useful for any fixed turret, or like in your case, a turret fixed to one axis. I made it automatically free the limit when both axes are set to zero, but I guess I need to make it happen when any axis is zero. Thanks for pointing it out.
  22. Aerolfos, try not to triple post... VentZer0, It's pretty easy to get a target-camera view into RPM (I've done it before in testing but didn't include it in release), then be able to slew and ground-stabilize the view and target it with missiles with some small additions to the BDA plugin, but I don't want to create dependencies for now. The current targeting indicator isn't part of the mod; it's KSP so I don't know if I can or want to remove it. And yes there are some changes I want to make to the mk2 lightning, including the things you said. I'm holding off on that until the B9 pack converts it's Mk2 shape to that of SP+ since I will have to make adjustments at that time anyway.
  23. + Yes, I do play DCS, and I know how the different ways of locking a target with different modes of tracking (IR, semi active/active Radar, laser, TV, etc) make it interesting, but my idea for this mod is to keep it simple. Having my own lock on indicator but keeping the basic, current way of selecting a target could work for now. There is a very long way to go before this mod gets to the level of PvP and PvE that I would be proud of. Since KSP is not meant for combat, nor multiplayer, and DMP is not built for combat, a lot stands in the way. If it ever does get to that point, though, then I will reconsider a more interesting method of locking targets, as it will become necessary for gameplay/balance. 1. Everyone asks for nukes, but I still fail to see the fun in such an overpowered weapon (gameplay-wise). 2. There is already the ability to choose a path to any custom explosion model (.mu) in the configs. I haven't done customizable bullet hits/laser burn yet though, that should come next. Scaling the standard explosion based on radius or something is a good idea. I think I'll try that. 3. It's on my todo list. 3.5. I've said this a few times before but: Action groups can not be a press-and-hold button. Only the Brake AG is press and hold. All of the other ones are single fire, so I can't have it fire guns by holding them, which is why there is a separate key for firing guns and rapid firing rockets. You can change this key in the settings menu (Alt-. You just need to find out what the name of the button it is on your controller. On joysticks it would be 'joystick button 0' for the trigger, but I don't know about ps4 controllers. I'm sure you can google it. 4. Yes yes, I've got tons of requests for that as well. They are low priority to me personally because I never build ships, so you'll either have to wait till I have nothing better to do, or learn to make some yourself (not you personally; anyone who wants any particular weapon).
  24. Do you have the latest version of the Mk.2 Lightning cockpit? It has the required a FAR config to work properly. Without it, it has a ton of drag.
  25. Yes, plus the folks at R&D are having some trouble developing stable advanced weapons. Anyways, I need to work on guard mode a bit more, and see if contracts are possible.
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