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Everything posted by BahamutoD

  1. Red one does damage... Huh? I've never seen that before... All you did was change the accuracy number? Try replacing it fresh and doing it over again. I present to you the Seismic Charge bomb: (I'll release it with the next update)
  2. Do it! Blender is confusing at first, but once you learn how to use it, the possibilities are endless.
  3. Press alt-B to bring up the settings menu. That will happen when (IF) I can figure out how to get attached parts to move with turrets. This is non-trivial... infernal robotics is confusing as heck.
  4. My mem usage runs at about 2.6gb around KSC with All-in-one, but after spawning at the Area 110011 runway, memory usage jumps up to about 3.6gb. After about a minute of flying around, I crash from the memory limit. What is it about that area that eats up a whole gig of memory? (Is it just me?) Edit: This would also happen with only the Area 110011 runway - without the dish array. Edit2: I looked into it some more. I was able to fly around for a while without crashing, and suddenly- randomly, the mem usage dropped back down to ~2.6gb. Then while reverting a flight, game crashed at about 2.9gb with nothing outstanding in the log file. I don't think I can blame Kerbin Side... just KSP being KSP.
  5. That's weird... I feel like that typo has always been there and they always loaded fine. Oh well, thanks for pointing it out.
  6. Update - Fixed AGM guidance (which I broke in 0.7.1) My fault!
  7. Update v0.7.1 - Fixed missile instability in FAR/NEAR - Fixed some issues with using stock phys range - thanks panzer1b - Increased weapons' impact tolerances - Merged panzer1b's heat damage system for bullets
  8. Honestly, NEAR users should try FAR, hah, but yeah you should try that fix too. It should work.
  9. With/without FAR? With the test-fix dll? I believe I have fixed what I can from my end. The missile can still sometimes stop tracking if you switch to it because of a FAR bug that throws a stream of null reference exceptions when switching vessels. Ferram4 has already fixed the issue but has not released a compiled version yet. It shouldn't flip out anymore though. Try this, FAR users: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103148235/bda0.7FarFix/BahaTurret.dll Super high Gs and sidewinder is tracking, no problem. edit: I just found this on KS: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/396/QuickHide edit2; Oh, I see you were the one who requested it
  10. Guards don't need to be 'Armed'. The function of 'arming' is to let you fire bombs, missiles, and rockets with the main fire key and lock targets by pointing your craft at them.
  11. Upping the boost thrust had no consistent adverse effect for me. Do you only experience the flipping out when you try to switch vessel to your missile? I've only had close calls where it almost flips out when I switch to it, but if I don't switch to it, it flies normally. The default maxAoA is 35. Try adding this to the MissileLauncher part module: maxAoA = 12 or something smaller like that. It may increase the stability. (With the fixed DLL of course). Edit: I found another possible cause. Testing a fix now..
  12. You just have to select a target the way you normally do in KSP, and shoot. All of the missiles only work in an atmosphere, except the HEKV. Air to ground missiles work very well on vessels that are landed, and suck on air targets. Vice versa with air to air missiles. I'm not sure why you want to remove the weapon manager. It makes using the weapons much easier, and also contains the whole gameplay behind the weapons (guard mode). There's no way to remove the toolbar icon without editing the source. Sorry. The missiles will track regardless of what weapon is active. One possible problem is that the missile is being fired in the completely wrong direction. If it is facing away from the target when fired, it will not be able to track it. It has to at least be pointed in the general direction. If you are using FAR, then that's the issue and I'm fixing it.
  13. I'm aware that they still flip out without a target, but the test dll fixes firing on a target right?
  14. If you're still working on this and are still having problems with the missile's thrust transform or any other BDArmory related issue, just shoot me a PM and we can work it out!
  15. It looks good. Also good idea on the missile range fix. I keep forgetting that phys_range can be 0 in my settings.. heh. I'll merge them in and credit you. I guess we should consider applying heat damage to explosions too, right?
  16. I'll give it a try. And yeah I've been meaning to fix the part impact tolerences. They should be better in the next mini-update.
  17. They're in Kerbal Foundries. Search the thread for KAS configs. You might find what you want. If I can think of a good way to reattach missiles to rails without KAS, I'll do it. Thanks! I might put them up on KerbalX later. Were you using the fixed plugin I posted a few pages back in that video? The crazy spinning could also be caused by something else that isn't far. I'll look into it. Try adding homingType = AGM to the bomb's MissileLauncher module.
  18. I'm not entirely sure that that's what the issue is but its worth tinkering with. Lemme know what you find. In my preliminary tests, the default settings worked okay for me though.
  19. How fast are you flying when you fire the missile? Remember that FAR has special effects at transonic speeds and I added in a control authority factor where if it is going too slow or too fast from optimal speed, turn rate suffers.
  20. The intakes are atmospheric scoops from KSPInterstellar, and the rotors are from KAX. I'm not sure that KAX is entirely compatible with FAR though. My chopper would stall and flip out with anything more than 10-15 degrees AoA. About the HUD glitching with IDSkillful: This mod isn't incompatible per se with IDSkillful. Nothing should conflict - its just a separate system. Any glitching you get with IDSkillful has nothing to do with this mod, or the combination. Ask ID about it. To anyone who has had problems with missile stability in FAR - I think I fixed it. Try replacing BahaTurret.dll with this one: BahaTurret.dll All I did was counteract the crazy spin that happens to the missiles when they try to turn sharply in FAR. Source: void AntiSpin() { Vector3 spin = Vector3.Project(rigidbody.angularVelocity, part.transform.forward); rigidbody.angularVelocity -= spin; } If it works out for you as it did for me, I'll release it as a hotfix update.
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