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Everything posted by Synapse

  1. From what I've read you just cover it in wings. Each wing has a "lift rating" so enough wings and you will take off. It doesn't even need to be aerodynamic at all.
  2. Review: Eve OWT Maximum Security Centre Designer: Mellojoe Overview: The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows: Security – 9/10 The security of this prison is very well designed. The high gravity environment of Eve presents zero opportunity of escape and the orbital guard posts mean that all activity can be watched on the ground. However the lack of guards on the surface, plus the fact that prisoners can be let out and may tamper with other cells without supervision means we cannot give you a perfect score. Facilities – 10/10 Everything has been provided here, with excellent guard facilities and a well-lit prison facility with all necessary supplies. Logistics – 8/10 The logistical side of things has been provided quite well here. Eve is close enough to Kerbin for regular re-supplies, and you have clearly shown with your vehicles that this is possible. The Minister would like to see designs for a security ship however to round off the logistical side of things. Total – 27/30 This prison looks like a great and easily implementable facility closely watched and inescapable for prisoners. The Minister is thrilled by your design and see this could be a great way to rid Kerbin of it’s most feared and dangerous citizens!
  3. Review: The 100 Million Mile Headache (Eeloo Facility) Designer: Rondon Overview: The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows: Security – 10/10 The Minister cannot fault the security measures undertaken with this prison. The location of Eeloo is nearly unreachable by non-KSP staff, and such a rescue mission would take years to carry out. The actual prison camp is monitored from a distant guard post with a great view of the facility and the risk of prisoner escapes are virtually nil. Facilities – 9/10 You have provided all the necessary facilities for both the prisoners and the guards. However the lack of a landing area for future vessels and additional spotlights and perimeter defences means that we cannot grant you a perfect score for facilities. Logistics – 3/10 Logistical considerations are a serious worry here. With the facility being so far away supplies may be years apart. Have you added appropriate storage at the facility or stations along the route? The Minister would like to see a plan of resupply for the prison; at the very least a vehicle design for bringing fresh supplies and guards if necessary. Total – 22/30 This prison is the perfect solution for disposing of unwanted criminals on the other side of the Kerbol system. However there are logistical concerns which need to be considered before making this design a reality.
  4. Review: Munmax Prison Designer: Agent30632 Overview:The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows: Security – 7/10 The Minister feels that your facility is obviously very secure, with the highest quality mechanisms and procedures ensuring tight security. Your location of the Mun orbit is a double-edged sword, it means that Kerban accomplices do not have to travel far to rescue an inmate and return them to Kerbin. However it also means that security can be quickly dispatched if necessary. The Minister is unsure of your choice of a single guard however – can he be trusted? Facilities – 8/10 You have provided all the proper facilities for a comfortable facility with all the necessary amenities. Your use of robotics is very well implemented. The Minister feels that additional lights would help implement docking, and more guards are obviously needed. Logistics – 8/10** You have plenty of docking ports and supplies and transportation can easily reach the facility. **The Minister wishes to see your security vessel before the scoring can be completed, We would also like to see some evidence of docking and resupply. Total – 23/30 This is a very well made station for housing prisoners. We are confident that this design would be secure and within a Kerban budget to implement. However the security aspect could do with additional procedures as it is so close to Kerbin, relying on robotics at this stage seems to pose at least the risk of escape from the facility.
  5. Wolfen; you can imprison someone in a chair, sure but struts won't do - they need to be unable to exit the chair.
  6. Great entry mellojoe! Can I ask that you all give your prison designs a name, for the Minister of Security to review them?
  7. I actually think Ricardian may have a point. Once a rocket has been through lift-off nothing more can go wrong, can it? So parts like fuel tank -> asas -> hitchhiker module should be "glued" together, leaving only moving parts like solar panels and landing legs to be calculated by the engine.
  8. No, but we will all make fun of you secretly if you resort to modded parts.
  9. Turn physics calculations down. Set distance on Mun to 2 in the cfg files (google this I forgot exact instructions) Turn max persistent debris to 0.
  10. De-orbit Kerbin instead. That way we get to explore the rest of the galaxy...
  11. Can somebody talk me through designing a rover for use on Mun/Duna etc? I’ve made a few functional rovers, but the design isn’t very good. I’d like to know how to structurally build them, keep the CoM central, and the best way to attach them to a rocket etc. I’d like to send a rover to Duna now I’ve got the journey down. I have used the search function already, “rover design†doesn’t bring up anything.
  12. Kerput, your Kerbolic experiments are very interesting - a Kerbol prison is sure to be a hellish nightmare from which there is no escape! Agent306 your prison is a spectacular construction! I'm going to wait for some more entries before I start scoring anything.
  13. Interesting to do it all with one ship, and going to Minmus first is definitely better for fuel efficiency. Anyway well done!
  14. If you can justify it (some figures about the temperatures and shield etc would be nice), go for it.
  15. Ignore him OP, there's no rule against posting challenges for others to attempt.
  16. Note on the scoring: This is largely opinionated and contentious, I will be open to arguments regarding escapability in particular. Eve I think is a good place for a prison due to the high gravity. However, it's a lot easier to escape back to Kerbin from there with a home made spacecraft than from Eeloo orbit, or from a very long Kerbol orbit path. My plan is that if there are very similarly inescapable prisons, I will test them with a variety of craft to determine which is more difficult to reach Kerbin from.
  17. This is one that started between friends, but is good for practising fuel management for noobs like me! The aim of the challenge is to launch with 3 Kerbans, land one on Mun, one on Minmus and return the other to Kerbin (the third Kerban must at least reach Mun.) You can do this as a time challenge, or just for fun. My completion of it, "Operation Argonauts" https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mbj7izps5wscetw/rS4uL4durN
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