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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. Why does it bother you, lo-fi? I've been updating my game with your ongoing improvements ever since you originally had the link up on your own post. Yes, I understand that you don't want to release anything until it's done to your satisfaction, but here's the thing: KSP isn't "done" either. We (the people who like to use and tinker with mods) don't really mind that too much, aside from the occasional save-breaking update that is, heh heh. I feel the same about your Kerbal Foundries parts. They're pretty darn good as they are now, and they're only getting better the more you've been working on them. Point is, I think you should be flattered that so many people are so eager to try out your parts, even if they are only partially done. And if a bunch of folks start offering comments and complaints about them, just ignore them and only listen to your chosen testers, just as you're doing now. You're under no obligation to make everyone happy, or indeed, to make ANYONE happy except yourself, ultimately. Just as those of us who have been trying KF (KerbalFoundries, get it?) using the updates on your github page were and are under no obligation to do so. If you disagree, it's cool. I have no intention of starting an argument or anything like that at all. I just wanted to offer another opinion on restricting access to WIP mods in general, and yours specifically. I think you're doing great, lo-fi. You've done more to improve the in-game wheel mechanics in the couple of weeks you've been working on this mod than ANYONE else, modders and Squad combined, has done since the game was released to the public, and while that's my opinion, I consider it to be fact! Keep up the fantastic work, my friend, and thank you greatly for what you've already created. Best fortune to you for the future. P.S. Have all of my rep!
  2. Right, excellent, ShowFPS doesn't do any kind of logging or anything like that. Literally the ONLY thing it does is put a little display in the upper right corner of the screen (inconveniently placed to be covered up by an opened 'Resource' panel, btw) showing the current fps rate. It's strictly on/off, no settings, no options, nuthin'. So, good, your plugin will better serve your needs than ShowFPS could ever do. Although, I suppose you could peek at the source code. I don't know what that license is, but if it's not too restrictive you may be able to adapt, or at least learn from that code, then you wouldn't have to start from absolute zero. Anyway, my work here is done. Good luck in accomplishing your goals, O-Doc. Neutrinovore out.
  3. There's already a mod for this. I think it's called 'ShowFPS'. Update: Phew, found it! I thought I was going crazy there for a minute, even though I have it installed in my game right now, lol. Anyway, I thought that I'd gotten it off of this forum, but apparently not. I remember (now, after the fact) browsing on the new CurseForge a few weeks ago, and I stumbled across this, so I figured 'eh, why not?' Here's the link: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220663-showfps I guess it's something adapted from Linux to work on Windows. Or at least KSP for Windows. So, there you go. Sorry if I'm stealing your thunder, O-Doc. But hey, maybe yours will be better, I hope you don't get discouraged. Later everyone.
  4. So, almost a month since any activity on this thread from PolecatEZ. Can I infer that this means he, and also hopefully Bac9, are working hard on the final push to get a new version of B9 released? Maybe? Please??
  5. Very nice! Glad to see you working on some LLL system parts, Lack. Is there an ETA for the new parts?
  6. I agree about the textures. The stark white is a bit bright to blend in with most textures used in the game, stock and mod alike. And the carbon fiber... don't get me wrong, it looks neat, I mean it really looks like real carbon fiber, but that's seems to be what's out of place to me, it's a little too 'perfect'. It's hard to explain. Anyway, I'd take the parts just as they are now, but at least think about having another go at the look of the parts. I recommend looking at the 'Spaceplane Plus' mod for a great mix of black and white without looking either too clean or too 'dirty' as some modders like to overdo. But PorkJet's parts have the perfect look, IMO. Just a suggestion.
  7. Hmm, this all seems very complicated. One of the main reasons that I like ATM (other than the fact that it lets me have more mods installed, duh) is the 'install it and forget it' ease of use. But with this mod, am I to understand that after every time I install, remove, or alter ANY mod in my library, I need to start the game, fiddle with a GUI to activate ATL, then quit the game, restart it, then reload a texture cache, and now it's working? Or is that just the first time after installation? Also, doesn't reloading the database pretty much eliminate the ability to use Module Manager? Because I'm pretty sure that still doesn't work when reloading the database from within the game. Anyway, no thanks, I'll stick with ATM. At least until this mod gets to a 'plug and play, install and forget' level of utility.
  8. I like your optimism, sir. But... I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, either.
  9. Hey buddy! Glad to know you didn't fall off the planet or anything, lol.
  10. Do you mean the pics on the first page? Because there are a LOT of pictures posted on this thread! But if that is what you're referring to, it's the new(ish) Freyja capsule from NovaPunch.
  11. Sorry to butt in, but that last statement needs a minor correction. It should be thus: The first 3 numbers are position, the NEXT 3 are the orientation vector, and the FINAL (7th) number is the node size. Just for clarification.
  12. Well, I'd like to throw my name in the hat to be a tester, if and when you have a dev build available.
  13. Nope, here's the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50562-WIP-Titan-Transport-Utility-Vehicle-v0-1-%28Image-Heavy%29?highlight=vlam+ballas+titan Mr. Ballas' last activity in that thread was Valentine's day. Edit: Whoops, I'm an idiot! Vlam Ballas lists his location as Johannesburg, South Africa. I must have been thinking of someone else that lives in Ukraine. My apologies. So I have no idea where he is or why he stopped development on the Titan saucer. As I said above, I have PM'd him twice since the thread went silent, and haven't had any response, so I figure that it's just another abandoned mod. Which is unfortunate, it had great potential to be an excellent large cargo ship, but what can you do?
  14. People here are talking about using these parts. How?!? Is the link in that one post a usable build? I thought it was just the source code! As Will Smith said in 'Independence Day', "We need to work on our communication!" Update: Well, I just went and looked, and if there's a download in there somewhere, I can't find it and/or don't know what to look for in all that gobbledegook anyway. So I guess I'll wait until there's an actual build available, or until I get less stupid. The first one's more likely to happen sooner, I'm guessing.
  15. I don't know if you're aware of it, but there was an old mod out there (that probably died along with SpacePort) that was exactly this, inflatable heatshields. It was 'Planetes Corporation' I believe. You may still be able to find some info by searching this forum. Update: Lol, okay, so you DO know about it! I'm glad to see this concept revived. I liked the Planetes parts in most respects, but the colors were horrible, and they just looked really cartoony to me. But if DennyTX is working on them, I know that they'll look awesomely realistic when finished.
  16. That was under development by Vlam Ballas. I have no idea why he stopped development. I've PM'd him a few times since all activity stopped on the Titan. Haven't had any response, which is troubling, but I figure that if and when he's able to return, he will.
  17. I'm surprised that so many people are interested in the hover repulsor thingies. The maker of the RollKage system had experimented with this exact same thing quite a while ago, and got absolutely ZERO interest on it. I still have the mod in my downloads folder, but I don't have it installed anymore because of one very simple reason: since there's no sideways friction or tracking of any kind, combined with no 'traction' for the hover system, it's virtually impossible to negotiate even a very gentle slope. It's like trying to push a ball bearing up a ramp with nothing more than the tip of a ballpoint pen. You end up going every which way EXCEPT up the hill. Try it. Drive your experimental hovercar thing out into the hills west of KSC. You'll see what I mean. I'm not trying to discourage you btw, lo-fi. I'm just pointing out some potential pitfalls that you may want to take into consideration. Anyway, I'm VERY much looking forward to the wheels. I hope that they'll have some sideways slip like the RollKage wheels do, so that one doesn't instantly flip their rover over when steering at speeds above 5 m/s the way the stock wheels do. I find the stock wheels to be utterly useless for this reason alone. So again, good luck, and I'm eager to see what develops next. Later!
  18. Hmm, I like the look of what you're doing here. I'll be looking forward to this release. Edit: Thanks for fixing the spelling error. I don't like to be 'that guy', but it's simple things like that that can make the difference between a professional-looking presentation and an amateurish one.
  19. Hey, that's great to see someone is working on a redux! Good luck!
  20. Rather succinct, lol, but BrutalRIP has a good point. As does sp1989. As much as we all are eager to get ahold of this great system in its finished form, I think that releasing what you have now would be a good idea. Let us be your beta testers. Yes, you'll be inundated with all sorts of comments/complaints about a great many trivial matters, perhaps, but there are also likely to be a few good ideas that will help you out a lot. And I don't recall there being many complaints about LLL, even though Lack kept adding and changing parts through almost a dozen evolutions of that system. We all knew it was a WIP, as is Konquest. Heck, come to think of it, you put out the ALCOR pod before it was technically 'finished', and that worked out fantastically! So, that's my opinion, Alex. Please let us mess around with what you already have done on Konquest, while you continue to refine and polish everything to your usual high standards. Later!
  21. It happens. No hard feelings on my end. As always, I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Later!
  22. Sorry man, sometimes my 'Smartass' (as opposed to Smart A.S.S.) module gets the better of me. Take a look at this --> http://www.devogeninteractive.com/picup/image.php?id=DC42_53A8F878&jpg image. The word 'Magnetic' is misspelled as 'Magentic'. I was just trying to be funny while pointing out a typo, didn't mean to offend.
  23. But you CAN keep just the KSO tailfin and delete all the other parts. That's what I did. After playing around with the KSO for a while, I decided it was just a wee bit too small to be useful for carrying anything other than its own bespoke space station parts, so I got rid of everything having to do with the shuttle itself, except the rudder, I think the part is called. Now that the Super 25 is out, I find THAT useful as a real shuttle, so I'm keeping that one. But for small probes and whatnot, and for crew transfers to and from LKO, I most definitely use SpacePlane+. Anyway, just be sure to keep the relevant texture and .MU files, and I'm pretty sure you'll still need Firespitter, but that takes you down from, what, a few dozen parts to one. That should fit under any RAM cap. Sorry for digressing (slightly) off-topic.
  24. Now THIS I can find a use for! Hello, Kerbolar-system-wide debris eradication drone #166!
  25. Nah, that's okay, I have no need for a 'Magentic' Claw. Actually, it looks more bluish gray.
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