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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. Yeah, I did all of that last night. I removed several of the most recent mods I updated, or reverted to previous versions that I know were working fine just a few days ago, nothing helped. All I know is that it suddenly seems like this mod doesn't even exist, as far as my PC or KSP is concerned. When I start the game, it DOES NOT 'freeze up' and convert textures, it DOES NOT create any kind of cache files, it doesn't DO anything at all, it just starts filling up the loading bar like it used to before this mod ever even existed. And as it's doing that, it's spamming the log file with continuous null reference exceptions on every part, plugin, and texture that it does manage to load until it runs out of memory and just... stops. Doesn't crash, doesn't really lock up or become totally non-responsive (I can still alt+F12 and look at the debug menu, but it's just solid red NRE's), it just hangs. Looking at the task manager, my PC is maxed out at ~95% memory use, but essentially ZERO CPU activity. It'll just sit there, waiting, forever if I let it. So for some reason, as the game starts, it's like it's flat out ignoring the ATM .dll altogether, so it doesn't have a chance to work at all. Eh, anyway... I'm just really frustrated.
  2. Hmm. I've suddenly encountered a problem with loading the game, as in I'm running out of memory during loading. It's almost like ATM suddenly just stopped working. I'm only in the preliminary stages of troubleshooting, though, so I'm not certain that it's a problem with this plugin or something else. The only mod I've updated recently is getting the new textures available for the FusTek station parts, but I don't see why that would totally disable ATM. Anyway, I'm going to remove ATM and re-install from my original download archive, and see if that fixes it. If not, THEN I'll remove the FusTek textures. If neither of those work... well, let's hope one of those works. Update: Yeah, no, they didn't work. I am really bummed. All of a sudden I can't even START the game! I've looked at the output log, but I don't see anything obvious as to what's wrong, other than a massive amount of 'null reference exceptions', which doesn't mean anything useful to me. Crap. I don't know how to post that log file here.
  3. Gotcha, thanks. Again, looking forward to the new parts. No rush. Take your time... Lol, later!
  4. I forgot to ask earlier - Besides the large docking/cargo bays (obviously), do any of the other new parts have animations? I'd think that the 'space wheel' rotates at least. But anything with the forward shield or command pod? Just curious, it'll give me a better idea of how to plan my next ship, that's all, lol. Of course, if this is releasing in a day or 2 you don't need to answer, just release 'em and I'll find out when I download. But if it's still going to be a week or more, well, 'enquiring minds want to know!', lol.
  5. Ah, very good to hear, and I like the look of the new stuff! One question: By "Truss X2 and X4" I take it you mean that these will be longer sections? If so, that's excellent news, it'll be nice to be able to use fewer parts and have more rigidity. Keep up the great work, Yogui! I look forward to a release soon. Thanks for continuing to work on and update this mod. Later!
  6. I hope that your development progress will soon shift to the more 'sci-fi' end of the spectrum. I don't mean the textures, all of your stuff looks fan-frakkin'-tastic in that respect! But... well, it's just... They're rockets. Round rockets. It's not like the game doesn't already have a squillion-and-three different kinds of round rockets and engines to go with them, you know? I'm hoping for some stuff based on the first few sketches in the OP, you know, SPACESHIP looking parts, stuff to make those Homeworld-esque ships and spaceplanes and the like. My $0.02, and just a request at that. Carry on.
  7. Hmm, I'll have to check that out when I get in game. I like the IACBM's, but I only ever thought they looked right docking with each other, so those are the one type of docking port that I DIDN'T change to 'type1', lol. But if they look good with Kip's parts when I slap them together in the SPH/VAB, I may reconsider. Thanks for the tip!
  8. I agree, which is why I don't do it if I can avoid it, lol! And I also agree that these look better than the stock parts, I like the fact that they're designed to LOOK as though all 3 sizes of docking port could actually attach in a (somewhat) realistic way. In fact, I've decided to download this pack next time I fire up KSP. All I'll need to do is change the configs to read 'nodeType = size1' so that I don't need to mess with any ship I already have in flight.
  9. Fwiw, everyone, if you really want to have truly 'Universal' docking ports (which these aren't, if they can't dock with each other), and if you don't mind doing some VERY simple config editing, then you don't have to download this mod or add any new parts at all if you don't want to. All you need to do in the config is set the 'nodeType = x' to the same size. That's what I've done with all the stock ports as well as the ones from several mods, like B9 and Kosmos, etc. I make all my docking ports 'size1', but you can actually call it anything you want, as long as you make them all the same they'll dock with each other. You could use 'nodeType = size947', or 'nodeType = Sasquatch', or even 'nodeType = BoogerBrain', as long as they match, it doesn't matter what the physical appearance of the part is. Just some info for everyone, I hope this helps. Btw, I'm not advising anyone to NOT download this mod, I actually think the models look pretty cool. But I, like many others, I'm sure, have to be wary of the dreaded 'parts bloat' problem, so lately I've been looking long and hard when a new parts mod comes out to decide if I really 'need' these new (extra) parts. That's all. Later.
  10. My understanding is that it's supposed to be your 'Jump' + 'Use' keys. So if you have those mapped to different keys (like I do), those are what you need to use.
  11. Huh, well, now I know where the maker of the Deep Space Mission pack got the inspiration for his/her designs. I'd forgotten what the ship looked like in that movie. So, Meridious, or anyone who wants a ship that looks like the picture, just go find the DSM mod on Spaceport.
  12. Please use something other than Sketchfab to post pictures? It's a resource hog even on a desktop PC, never mind a smartphone. Anyway, all I get when I try to view the above 'image' is "Sorry, the model cannot be displayed."
  13. Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents: This is looking really good! I'll definitely be downloading this as soon as it's available. I absolutely cannot stand the look of Squad's engines, so this will allow me to actually start using them now, lol! Keep up the great work!
  14. I've noticed the same thing, but as far as I know there's no way to get finer adjustment increments. Not without a plugin anyway, I'm guessing. Also, I suggest moving this thread to the 'Questions and Support' category. Just sayin'.
  15. This is just my 2 cents, but it seems strange to me that people get a game called 'Kerbal SPACE Program' and then do nothing but build airplanes and boats and ground vehicles. Just an observation, not intended as criticism.
  16. Please speak for yourself. Even though there haven't been any updates for quite some time, build X4r2 still works just fine for me in sandbox, and in any event I would hardly call SCANSat a 'replacement'.
  17. Could you PLEASE fix the spelling error in the thread title? Every time I read it... argh, it just makes my teeth itch!
  18. Did someone say 'Neutrino'? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit peckish...
  19. Hmm, I wouldn't be too concerned just yet, milady, give us a bit to let it sink in. It sounds like you've got a very comprehensive plan. It doesn't look like there's much 'meat on the bone' for sandbox players like myself, though. But I'm sure there will be a lot of people interested once you have some specific content available. It actually sounds a lot like a (sort of) continuation or extension of KSPI (KSP Interstellar), insofar as having a lot of interconnected things that need to be researched and/or utilized in a specific way to make everything work. Which I'm sure will just THRILL the folks who love that kind of micromanagement-style gameplay, lol. I'm just not one of them, which is why I just plundered KSPI for the futuristic looking parts and (heavily) edited the configs to make them work without the need for all of the (to me) extraneous stuff like custom resources, etc. Anyway, good luck. I'll keep an eye out for any futuristic/sci-fi style parts that I can use. Looking forward to seeing how this develops. Later!
  20. Another option for you (other than ladders, specifically, I mean) might be the JonzCo Elevator, found at this SpacePort page: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/elevatorliftjonzco/ I'm not sure how far down it extends, but it does go pretty far. Anyway, it may serve your needs. You can put ladders on the side of the rocket down to the bottom, then take the platform the rest of the way down. Oh, one proviso, tho, it needs to be mounted so that it travels vertically, obviously, because the platform doesn't self-level. Rotsa ruck!
  21. Speaking for myself, I'd rather not have to add yet another part to a ship just to get a new level of functionality out of Kethane. I recommend Stupid_Chris's solution, why not just post a ModuleManager .cfg so that we can add your new scanning module to the pre-existing Kethane scanning parts? This way I wouldn't have to decommission any scanning satellites I have out in various places in the Kerbolar system, they'll just be upgraded to scan for the new resources, kind of like how we send software updates to existing probes that are already on the way to or are already orbiting distant planets in our own Solar system. It would kind of suck if, every time a scientist had an idea of something they want to study, we then had to say something like "What, you want to study the Heliopause? Oh, well, Voyager 1 is junk now, might as well just shut it down and take 5 years to build and launch a new probe with the new instrument on it, and then wait another 30 years for it to get out there, then you'll be able to study the Heliopause." No, we just sent a software update out so that the already existing instruments can be used in a new way to gather data that they weren't originally designed to gather. Anyway, I may be taking some artistic license with the previous example, but I think you get my point. In any event, if and when you do decide to take the time to create all new models for an all new part, I'll be doing one of two things anyway: If your parts are better-looking than the Kethane parts, I'll just add the Kethane detecting module to YOUR parts and use only yours. But if the opposite is the case, then I shall do the same thing in reverse, add YOUR new detection module to the Kethane parts. Makes no difference to me, but I think that it would probably be a heck of a lot easier for you to take the second option, just add your resource code to the Kethane parts via an MM file. Easy peasy. But that's just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.
  22. Great. In the space of just a few posts, we've now turned one (freakin' AWESOME looking!) part into, what, eight? Thanks for the memory hit, fellas. A few posts ago someone said that this was going to be the new B9. I agree, but that's a double-edged sword, you know. Good that it's like B9, great-looking-parts-wise, bad that it's going to be a MAJOR memory hog because it'll have so many 'must have' parts. Oh well, I'll just have to figure out what I need to delete when this comes out. Keep up the great work, Daemoria. REALLY looking forward to this mod, even if it does blow up my computer, lol.
  23. I very much second this request! I'd like to see this option when planning any maneuver, be it a Hohmann transfer or going to another planet or landing, whatever. Maybe just a slider bar, with 'Minimum Time / Minimum Efficiency' at one end, and 'Max Time/Efficiency' at the other. This way maybe I wouldn't always have to wait for, like, 6 months (time warped, obviously) to even START to transfer to another planet. I mean, if I'm playing 'sci-fi' style, with 'infinite fuel', then I don't really care about eking out every last mm/s of delta-v that I can, do I? I just want to go there NOW. Do you mean OTHER THAN MJ's 'Translatron' module, Justin? Because the 'Keep Vert' function, with the 'Active Speed' set to zero and the 'Kill H/S' (that's 'Kill Horizontal Speed', btw) box checked keeps my Space 1999 Eagles (Mk3, by Wayland Corp. ) steady as a rock in hover. I mean, the ship needs to be fairly well balanced to begin with, of course, but if you haven't tried it, give it a go. It would save you from needing to download another mod, at least if it works for you. Oh, here's a tip: If, when hovering with 'Translatron', your craft seems to oscillate back and forth slowly, like it's swinging from a long rope, you need to open the 'Attitude Adjustment' window and LOWER the 'Tf' value, or try the 'Autotune' feature. But if your ship, chopper, whatever, is wiggling really fast, well, you probably have too much torque, either start disabling or removing reaction wheels until it stops, and/or your 'Tf' is too low, and needs to be raised, again selecting or de-selecting Autotune if necessary. Sometimes it takes a bit of experimentation to get it dialed in. Finally (about Translatron, anyway), remember that your 'control from here' axis MUST be vertical. Meaning that you need to have a probe core or docking port pointed at the sky, with all blue showing on the navball. Now, I know Firespitter has some kind of hover control too, but I haven't messed with it so I can't say how well or even if that works. All I know is that ever since B9 switched to that system for the VA- and VS-1 VTOL engines, they've been totally borked for me. Lastly, there's an independent plugin out there called 'Vertical Velocity Control, that has way more features than MJ's Translatron, but I haven't tried it because MJ works fine for what I need it to do. So that's all the info I have, Justin. I hope some of it is helpful. Later!
  24. Hey, Helldiver, quick request. Any chance of getting the 'Mystery Goo Lights' in some other colors? I'd love to have a nice cool blue color, as well as a pure white one, in all of the current shapes of course. Now, back to KSP, lol.
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