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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. Oops, didn't see this post before I made my previous comment. I'm guessing, Wiz, that your problem may be that your ailerons or flaperons or whatever you want to call them are too close to your CoL, and/or your CoM, giving them very little pitch authority. Maybe try adding some canards to the front? The farther away your control surfaces are from the CoM, the more effective they'll be. Again, good luck.
  2. Heh heh, that looks quite cool, but I just have a hunch that it will want to swap ends on you as soon as you apply any serious pitch input. But rotsa ruck!
  3. It works fine in sandbox. As stated above, there are no plugin dependencies, so there should be no problems with the parts working in the game, I still use some of them. The 'look' is a bit dated on the reactors and engines and stuff, but otherwise everything is hunky-dory for me. The only thing that should be necessary is a few modifications to the configs to add tech-tree, science, and cost data so that the parts will work in all career modes.
  4. Very nice! I'm quite interested in this, I always go for the more futuristic stuff. Out of curiosity, what is the horizontal 'saucer section' supposed to be for? Just looks, or some kind of special machinery related to the warp drive, or what?
  5. Nice pic! Hopefully we'll get B9 5.0 BEFORE we get KSP 0.25.
  6. Whoa, very nice! I have 2 minor comments: 1. On the tail piece that tapers down to a flat edge (first image, 2nd part from the right), might I suggest a slightly pointed 'chevron' shape to the trailing edge? As seen on the B2 'Spirit' Stealth Bomber. Doesn't need to be drastically pointed, just enough of an angle to match the angled wings that are already in SP+, the ones that attach on the shorter edge. Which version is your choice. Or, perhaps offer variations of the part, one each of the 2 different wing angles, plus the straight version shown in the picture. What can I say, I like to be spoiled for choice, lol. 2. I think that the radial cockpit really should be a full bubble canopy, as with all modern fighter jets. The F-14, F-15, and F-16 canopies are examples of what I mean. My 2 cents. Otherwise the part looks great! Later, Porkjet!
  7. I had suggested a while ago on InfiniteDice's Skillful mod that a 'lead-computing gunsight' would be a VERY good idea'. The beauty is, real-world planes have this! Again, I'm no coder, but I envision 2 modes (well, 3 if you include 'off', lol) : If the gun is armed but no target is selected, an 'aiming point' or reticle of some kind appears in your HUD or out in the world if this works like your bomb-director thing, which is really cool btw! Anyway, this aiming point is depicting where your bullets will strike if the gun is fired. Obviously the gun has to be pointed at an object for this to have any meaning, if you're pointed at the sky, the reticle would just show the boresight axis of the barrel, or not show at all, up to you. That's mode 1. Mode 2 is for when one has a target selected. You still have your aim point, where the bullets will strike, but now there's an additional targeting reticle, showing where you need to place your aiming point in order to strike the target. For the GAU-8, all you need to do is maneuver your plane so that the aim point coincides with the target point, and let 'er rip! Which of course isn't nearly as easy as it sounds, lol. However, this would also work for the Vulcan 20mm gun and the M1A1 turret, too. The only difference is that you're aiming with your mouse cursor instead of steering your entire vehicle. In my opinion, if such an aiming system as described above could be implemented with this mod, it would be just really awesome. Again, don't know if it can be done easily or at all, I'm just putting the idea out there for BahamutoD to ponder. Either way, I still look forward to the ongoing development of this most excellent mod. Later everyone!
  8. Hey, just a thought regarding using just the landing lights (excellent idea, btw, Woodstar, I'm in the process of implementing that now! ), have you given any thought to making a set of landing lights for runway 27? You know, extending out into the water a bit, maybe? Just an idea. I don't land to the west a whole lot, but when I do it would be nice to have some lights at night. Another idea: Would it be possible to implement the sequential strobe effect I've seen on IRL runway lights? You know, a very fast progression of bright strobes moving from the lights most distant from the end of the runway towards it? Just an idea, I have no idea how possible or practical it would even be. Just spitballin'. Later everyone!
  9. Just to interject for a moment, if I may. I don't use FAR, and I have no desire to start, but I'd just like to point out that with this particular vessel, as with all lifting-bodies, the ENTIRE THING is an 'aerodynamic surface', insofar as the entire body needs to generate lift, not just the tiny little winglets at the back. Fwiw. I don't know if that will throw a monkey in the wrench, FAR-wise, I'm just looking forward to being able to fly this in-game!
  10. In my personal opinion, this blows H.O.M.E. - ANY version of it - right out of the water! No offense to BobCat intended, of course.
  11. Good grief, you really are gifted at this stuff! Only... Well, I kind of hate to mention it, because that animation is so very cool, but... I was expecting a wider stance. Just, you know, for stability on uneven ground, or in a Duna windstorm. If such a thing is ever added to the game, that is. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. Looking forward to 'Konquest' more and more every time you post an update. Later!
  12. What are those parts on the ends of the 'arms' in the second picture? Grrr, it really bothers me to see in-game pictures of parts I can't have! ;P
  13. That is excellent! Really great design. I'm assuming that the Konquest component will be a disc containing 2 of these legs internally, with doors that open to allow the legs to extend? A few questions. Will this landing leg be a separate component, or permanently attached to the LGM? If separate (which I'm really hoping for), is there any chance you'd consider making some aerodynamic doors or shields for this leg, for protection against reentry, so that we could use it in other applications? That would be really awesome! Anyway, keep up the marvelous work, Alex. Hopefully you're almost done with Konquest and will be releasing soon, I'm looking forward to this mod more than any other right now, except maybe B9, lol. Later!
  14. Why don't you try it and find out? Then you can report back here and let us know.
  15. Yep, 4th picture is more what I had in mind. I was picturing the hull being a frame around the door, with the door being inset into it, flush with the surface, but this way works too.
  16. You're the one who brought up the issue, dude. :/
  17. Ahem, thank you, mrmcp1. As it happens, I would prefer the end cargo doors to be worked on first. I don't know how clear I was back when I made the most recent request, but I'm hoping for something like the back of a Bradley IFV, except that the door is the ENTIRE back panel that folds down into a ramp. Again, there could be a part that is just the door, where the top of the 2x1/4x2 section is a standard one-third length, with the rear face angling down towards the 'base' of the hull section, leaving enough length at the bottom for hinges and whatnot. As seen from the side, the part would have an 'undercut' angled rear face, get it? Then as a separate part, there could be a 'hangar' section like you mentioned, all it would need to be is a 2x1/4x2 hollow hull section, a tube with no ends. Like the 'engine fairing' parts, but with all solid walls. I hope this is making sense. As for your 'hangar door' idea, that is intriguing. Maybe it could be like an 'upside down' version of my idea, with the longer hull face being on the 'bottom', and with a different door design instead of a ramp. So the cargo ramp version is angled like this, /, as seen from the LEFT side of the part, and the hangar door is angled like this, \. Then the hollow tube 'hangar/cargo bay is universal. Those 'angles' aren't to scale, btw, it's just the 'slash' characters I'm using, you understand. So, I figure there could be 2x1 versions of both for small rovers/ships to drive/fly in & out, 4x2 sizes (which is kind of what I really need myself, ) for larger craft, and then maybe even 2x2 and 4x4 versions for the sake of completion. Plus, with TweakScale integration we could start getting REALLY big if we want to, lol! Again, huge thank you to you, MrWizerd, for listening to me at all about any of this. I hope my ideas can result in some neat parts that others can enjoy and find useful. And thanks to Lack for creating, and any other folks who've given ideas and/or helped with, this mod. I look forward to seeing what develops! MrWizard, feel free to PM me if you need clarification or have any questions about what I'm trying to convey, lol. Later, friends!
  18. If you're commenting on the post directly above yours, that's MrWizerd doing the new work. Not that Lack ISN'T awesome, lol. But I'm gathering that Lack is moving into a more 'advisory' or 'administrative' role at LLL, and MrWizerd is actually doing the day-to-day 'part-making', so to speak. Which is fine by me, as long as LLL keeps creating new & great things. SXT, meh, like I've said before, there is a glut of regular round rocket parts in the game already, so I really have no need for yet another 'Saturn V' replica parts pack. Anyway, my 2 cents. Thanks to both Lack AND MrWizerd for continuing to work on this great mod. Now just GET THOSE NEW PARTS OUT TO US ASAP! Please? Pretty please, with a cherry on top?? Later all!
  19. Yep, I'll second this, Baha. I suggest watching some video of an M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank firing its main gun for inspiration. Make something really powerful like that! Call it whatever you like, a cannon, a railgun, toMAYto, toMAHto... If it has a more sci-fi style, it can be a railgun. If you want a more 'traditional' look, call it a tank turret. Better yet, why not both? Anyway, I look forward to whatever comes next.
  20. I would love to have these engines... but I'm not going to download them, for one very simple reason: I cannot stand that black and yellow warning stripe! Not on an engine, anyway. It's why I don't use any stock Squad engines without the retexture pack that's available. If you'd consider retexturing to a more KW Rocketry or B9 or AIES look, then I'd be really interested. Or perhaps offer an alternate texture pack, or even use Firespitter's texture switching capability, then you'd have even more 'customers'! I'll keep this thread under observation to see if anything develops in the texture dept. That's all, carry on.
  21. I'll tell you what would be insanely useful... A laser that, if pointed at a part of one's own ship or rover, wouldn't fire and destroy the craft it's attached to! You say that your current gun has that feature. Hmm, looks like I need to check this out tonight.
  22. Ooh, I like this one the best of them all! Yes, I agree with you, the previous iterations were... interesting, functional, but they didn't really seem to fit into the game. It's the same with, say, Devo's various Wayland ships. They're neat in a standalone way, but it doesn't really work if you want to integrate them into an overall gameplay scenario. It doesn't mean that I don't like them, as I also liked certain aspects of your previous concepts, but ultimately they're really only useful as 'toys'. I'd download and install them, mess around with them a little bit, but then end up deleting them because I didn't really have a use for, as a for-instance, a Dropship from 'Aliens', because that's all that ship can do and be. Same thing for his current 'Oblivion Bubbleship'. It's really neat looking, and I'd probably still have it installed if I wasn't having a problem with getting Infernal Robotics to work, but I wouldn't really USE it for anything. The only thing it's really good for, imo, is just flying around and rotating the engines and the pit and just generally looking cool. It doesn't actually DO anything. Bleh, sorry for the digression. My point is that this ship, the 'First Light' as you're calling it, looks like it fits well into the KerbalVerse, and it also looks like it will be useful for carrying modules and landers and whatnot for setting up a Duna colony, or a Kethane mining base on Laythe. So that's why I like it. I'm hoping that this version gains enough traction so that you'll actually get it finished soon! I'm eager for a useful, yet still 'sci-fi-ish' style ship like this. Keep up the great work, Absolution, and I look forward to continued development of the 'First Light'.
  23. MID-AUGUST?!? WAAAHHH!!! Ahem, 'scuse me. Lol. Yeah, just shove 'em in, man! If they're a little rough around the edges, I'm sure that myself and a few others who are familiar with your parts can figure out what might need polishing. Seriously though, you know that I'm not the only one who's jonesing for new parts from you. I look forward to ANY future developments from LLL, as always. Later!
  24. Could you conceivably create a spherical inner surface with a static, corrected-perspective view of what the interior would look like? So that, looking in from outside, one would see what appears to be a 3-dimensional interior, but is really just a 2D image on the inside of a sphere. This 'view' would be attached to the VNC (Viewport Node Cover), you understand. I don't know if this would even work, you'd have to work out some way of not seeing or clipping through the surface of the Node Module itself. Meaning that if one doesn't have a VNC installed, you'd see the regular 'hatch' texture that it already has. But if one installs a VNC, it would have to somehow 'override' that section of the texture so that one could see the image of the interior. Hopefully that's clear enough of an explanation to get my point across. Again, no idea if such a thing is possible or practical, I'm just brainstorming. Rotsa ruck!
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