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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. ^ Heh, a (VERY!) thinly disguised and utterly shameless bump. But... since Pockrt... etc, did it first, I may as well ask if there's been any progress on Icarus updates. No worries, Yogui, if RL is still making itself a nuisance, I certainly know how that feels. Again, just a request for info. I hope all is well with you and yours. Later!
  2. I second this. I have too many wings in my game as it is (because it's a SPACE game. Kerbal SPACE Program), and I don't even have any Firespitter parts installed, lol! I don't have any interest in FAR, and I've tried and discarded P-Wings because I wasn't really using them. I'd like to occasionally build a spaceplane, yes, but between the stock Squad parts (which I find to be almost totally useless), B9 and, more recently, Spaceplane Plus, I have plenty of options. So yes, I agree with camlost, I think that the LAST thing that KSP needs is more wings. But that's just one man's opinion.
  3. Wow, that's looking really good already. Yessir, looking forward to this more and more!
  4. MY thoughts? Proceed, sir. It's funny, quite a while ago I posted a request on the requests forum for a Stargate PuddleJumper. No interest. None. I could hear the proverbial crickets chirping. Now, everyone seems to be gung-ho for this, which is awesome. I guess I was just a bit ahead of my time, lol. However, Allwyn, I apologize if I somehow hijacked or otherwise derailed your plans with my suggestion. Not that I'm not glad about your new plan, but again, it's YOUR mod, so please make sure to do things as YOU would like to do them, capeesh? I am pleased to see that you're open to suggestions, however, and if and when I have any others I'll definitely state them here. Anyway, looking forward to future developments. Carry on.
  5. Huh. Well, math doesn't lie, so I stand corrected. Well done, sir! 2.5(ish) meters it is. Edit: Just as a point of order, I think the game's 'standard' scale factor, if there is such a thing, for 'Kerbalizing' parts is .64. Which would make the PuddleJumper almost exactly 3 meters in diameter. FWIW. Just sayin'.
  6. Well, I'm just going off my memories from the show. If you think about the size of a Stargate portal in relation to a human, and then think about the fact that a PuddleJumper is only a little bit smaller than the 'Gate, then to me 3.75 meters would seem to be about the right proportion to Kerbals. 'Jumpers were actually pretty roomy inside, and then there had to be room for all the machinery and drone weapons and pop-out gun pod / engines under the floor... so they weren't tiny little things. I've actually gone back and watched a few clips, and I was surprised myself at the size of them. Before watching them, I too thought that 2.5m would be better., Anyway, whatever Allwyn decides to do, it's his/her project, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops regardless.
  7. Hey, another quickie note: In LLL-Full-12.2, the 4x2 drop ramp cargo bays and legs are missing. Again, I went back and copied the configs from an earlier version and put them in new folders, with the model calls pointing to the new file locations. Just thought I'd let you know.
  8. As long as you do a 3.75 meter diameter 'Puddlejumper', I'll be satisfied, lol!
  9. So, then, by the standards of several BobCat defenders, NO criticism of any kind should ever be voiced about any mod, regardless of the reason, right? I disagree. I like BobCat's stuff, I really do, and I have several of his mods/parts in my game as I speak, and I use them quite a lot. However, they are ALL woefully outdated, and I've had to use a lot of workarounds and config editing to keep them functioning, and NONE of them have the full functionality that they did when they were first released. Why? Because BobCat has obviously had no interest in keeping them up to date or replacing them with newer versions. Is he required to do that? No, of course not. But I, also and therefore, have the right to criticize that state of affairs, do I not? I realize he may have commitments to things in life other than modding for KSP, however, when he periodically releases videos on YouTube showing progress on mod development, or new parts that are obviously functional IN GAME, and then never releases those parts, I view that as a bit of a slap in the face. It's like he's saying "I COULD take the time to package these parts up and release them to you, my fans, for YOU to play with... but I WON'T." For myself, it's more a point of principle, or honor, if you will. If I say that 'I am going to create a certain thing for you to use, and I am going to show you that I'm working on it by providing evidence of progress in the form of pictures and videos', to me that's a form of a promise. "I will do this thing." So, then, when that thing doesn't EVER happen, that means that I broke my word. I said I was going to do it, then I didn't. Simple. It would be different if this were an isolated incident in BobCat's history, but unfortunately that's not the case. And you and I know he's not unique in that regard, there are plenty of other modders out there that do the same thing. Devogen is one I could name as a specific case. Lots of stuff 'in development', ready to be released 'next week' or 'Soontm', and then you never hear or see anything about them again. Therefore, after having been involved here on the forum for a while, the result is that I've stopped assuming that a mod project will ever be released until I actually see a download link. But that's not going to stop me from occasionally 'calling them out' on it, as it were. Anyway, here's the main gist of what I'm trying to say. I don't think that ANY modder should be completely above any and all criticism. I hope that they, BobCat and Devo and anyone else that I or anyone else choose to criticize in this fashion understand that it is intended in a constructive way, as in 'hey, YOU SAID you were going to do X, remember? How's it going with that?' Finally, I'd like to think that we're all (well, somewhat) grownups here, so whether or not the modder to whom any criticism is directed AGREES with said criticism, I think that they can handle it and go on about their lives without any major scarring or ongoing trauma. So, Bobcat, sir, I continue to be a fan of your many mods and parts packs, and I hope you continue to work on updating and improving ALL of them, in your own time and in your own unique way. Just remember, you have A LOT of very eager fans of your work out here, and we are all very VERY anxious and excited to have the opportunity to play with all of the great stuff we've seen in your videos and screenshots. We hope you understand that asking (begging? DEMANDING?!?) for updates or progress reports or releases of your parts isn't intended to anger you or seem to be in any way upsetting or derogatory towards you and your work, it is because we LOVE your work that we want and ask for even more cool stuff. 'Nuff said, I think. For now, anyway. Neutrinovore out.
  10. I'm interested in this one! As long as you create some interesting shapes and contours on the bottom surface that match the look of the top, this will be a really awesome ship. If I may put in a few requests/suggestions, I'd like to see some kind of ramp door at the rear leading to a fairly large cargo bay, and also some good rugged landing gear that blend smoothly into the bottom surface when retracted. Again, just requests. Also, I don't know if you're planning to have multiple parts, or just do an all-in-one ship that has everything including engines and landing gear built in. There are arguments for and against both methods, but either way, this will still be a nifty ship if and when completed. I look forward to watching this project as it progresses, my friend!
  11. I know others have answered, but here's my 2 cents. Throttle, no, other than setting a max throttle percentage or limiting to a given acceleration or to terminal velocity using the ascent guidance window. But as for rolling, your manual controls should still work for that. I do it all the time, just manually roll my ship to where I want it. It doesn't always stay steady, sometimes it drifts a bit so I need to add periodic corrections, but I don't mind. I hope this helps.
  12. That's actually the docking autopilot staying 'on', or active, after docking, as though the (now conjoined) ship is still trying to dock with something. If you close the docking AP window, that shuts it off. Then you can re-open the window with no problems. It doesn't do it to me all the time, but it happens frequently enough that I always hover my mouse over the 'close window' button as it's just about to dock, just in case. Then, if I see or hear (I have the RCS Sounds mod) the RCS system firing after docking, I'm ready to shut it off. I hope this helps. I think this has been this way since sometime around when 0.23.5 came out, but I'm not sure. It's been a while, though. Anyway, rotsa ruck!
  13. Sigh... I'll be glad when you stop messing around with wings and start working on the cockpits. But, according to the timeline posted earlier, I guess that'll be a while.
  14. Hello, Lack, long time no speak. I just discovered a minor oversight in LLL-Full 12.1 last night. The 2.5m to dual 2x1 adapter is missing from this version. After investigation, I discovered that the model is in the right place; LLL/Models/Structural/2x1x25New/bicoupler.mu, but there was no config file for it in Parts/Structural/Adaptors. I fixed my own setup, just created a new config file in the right place, using the config from 10.7.3 and referencing the correct current model location, but I just thought you might like to fix this for the next release version. And, I guess I should post the config for anyone who wants to add this part back in to their current install. Here ya go. PART { name = 2x2to25m module = Part author = Lack MODEL { model = LLL/Models/Structural/2x1x25New/bicoupler } scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top1 = 0.648716, 0.2725, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_top2 = -0.648716, 0.2725, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_top3 = 0, 0.2725, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.31, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 TechRequired = specializedConstruction entryCost = 0 cost = 800 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = 2x2 to 2.5m Adaptor Plate manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs description = Goes from a lovely simple circle to TWO ridiculous and needlessly fiddly shaped hulls. Takes all sorts I guess. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 stackSymmetry = 1 mass = 0.3 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 40 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 3400 fuelCrossFeed = True } I hope you don't mind that I changed the description just a tad.
  15. Yeah, dude, we're all eager for the stuff we like to be updated. Patience is a virtue. It'll be released when it's done.
  16. Hmm, smunisto. I had a similar problem last week, where I updated several things at the same time, and it broke ATM. I never figured out exactly what it was though, no matter what I removed or reverted I couldn't fix it. I ended up having to destroy (uninstall) KSP completely and start over with a clean re-install. I tried to put my saved game folder back and the problem re-occurred, so I had to get rid of that and start all over from scratch. I've been reinstalling all my mods ever since, and now I'm finally back up to about what I had before. Anyway, I don't advocate taking that drastic of a step, at least not yet. Hopefully rbray and PolecatEZ can come up with something here soon. I looked at your mod list and nothing jumped out at me as an obvious culprit, btw.
  17. Thanks, Polecat, for responding so fast. I didn't mean to distract you from working on your term papers, sorry. But yes, I'm running ATM 3-1 Aggressive on Win7 just like you. I won't have an opportunity to try your fix for a day or two, but thanks just the same. Later!
  18. Yep, I had the same problem. Something in the D12 Knockout version stops ATM from working. I've already mentioned it in the D12 dev thread. Oh, and @Tidus Klein, if ATM is working normally, you should see the 'freeze' (I've never had the reported 'white screen', though) just after the Squad monkey logo appears along with the yellow loading bar. It will just start to load plugins first when loading progress will appear to freeze on some random plugin, it's usually not the same every time. But the game will seem to be locked up for up to several minutes, then the loading bar should 'jump ahead' a bit to continue loading your various mod folders, along with the screen image switching from the Squad chimp to the 3 Kerbal scene. Once this happens the rest of the loading process should finish up fairly quickly. Anyway, the above description is how it works for me on my PC. If the loading bar immediately starts loading plugins and textures 'normally', i.e. With no pause or 'lockup' at the beginning, then I know that the game will REALLY freeze when the loading bar is at about 50% progress, that's where my game always runs out of memory because the textures didn't get compressed and cached by ATM. I hope this info helps, friend.
  19. Had a bit of a problem. I installed the 'D12 Squad Knockout Version', and when I started the game, it seems to have prevented the 'Active Texture Management' plugin from working, which in turn caused the game to hang during startup due to running out of memory. I have a lot of mods. Anyway, I tried several times, and only when I deleted the 'Squad Knockout' folder from the D12 mod (inside the B9_Aerospace folder in 'GameData' as instructed) did 'ATM' function properly again. Just thought I'd report this. Later.
  20. "Cockpits will probably come next week..." Figures, the only parts I really NEED.
  21. Okay, holy... Wow. Just... Wow. This mod just zoomed straight to the top of my 'must have ASAP' list! Seriously, I NEED these parts!! Totally blown away by the fantastic design of the cockpits and the rotors, especially that 'shoutycraft' one, lol! This pack might actually get me interested in building helicopters. To be clear, I'm not referring to the B9 textures, although that aspect is certainly a huge improvement over Squad's (and Firespitter's, honestly) weird cartoony look. No, I mean the design, the shape of the new parts is just fantastic! It's like you reached into my head, I've been begging (silently, because the 'Addon request thread has... issues) for cockpits just like these for months! Ehh, I'll try to stop using exclamation points, but it won't be easy, lol. Really looking forward to this mod, Polecat. I'll be checking in HOURLY, if not more frequently, to see if it's available for download yet. Kudos, and bravo!
  22. Hmm. Okay, well, I thank you both, Starwaster and ObsessedWithKSP, those are what I needed.
  23. Okay, everyone knows that the search feature here sucks, right? Good. Hopefully I won't get yelled at too badly for asking the following questions that may or may not have been previously addressed: I'd like to do 2 things, or get the MM code for them, whatever you call it. #1 I would like to set both 'breakingForce' and 'breakingTorque' to a specific number, say 1000,for ALL parts, but only if a) the part doesn't have any bF or bT already defined, naturally or the part DOES have those values defined, but the values are LESS THAN (i.e. '<' ) the value I want to set, in this case 1000. If the part has values set to GREATER THAN ( '>' ) my target value, ModuleManager will leave that number at the higher value. Is the above possible? If so, I'd be eternally grateful if someone could post the config code. The same goes for my next request... #2 I would like a config that fixes the 'Nan' bug when using engines with the electricCharge Resource wherein the 'maxAmount = 0'. It wouldn't matter if it just removed the resource altogether, or changed the maxAmount value to 1, or 10, or anything non- zero, I really don't care. Either way would be fine. Now, I'd swear that I had seen something posted for #2 just recently, but for the life of me I can't find it again! Once again, many thanks in advance (hopefully) to anyone who can figure this stuff out. I've been reading up on this thread for most of 6 hours now, and I've learned only one thing: I'll probably never be a game designer because any kind of computer code that's more complicated than a KSP part configuration file is totally incomprehensible to me! Lol, thanks everyone. Later!
  24. Hmm. Thanks. I was hoping to not have to go to that level of trouble, but I'll try it if nothing else works. I have the Steam version, though, and last night I did verify the integrity of the game cache files. It needed to fix 62 files, but after that it still didn't load. @rbray89. That's the thing, I don't know HOW to post my log file on here! I tried using 'code' wrappers, but no joy. I guess I'm just stupid. Could someone tell me how to do this very simple task?
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