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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. Ya know, Pizzaoverhead, I'm glad you're working on enhancing the sounds of KSP. However, I don't really want to be downloading and updating what looks to be at least a dozen different mods/plugins on a piecemeal basis. If and when you, or someone, bundles these into one cohesive download, and then keeps it updated as a complete package, I think I'll give it a go. I already have way too many mods in my GameData folder as it is right now though, lol, so like I said, I'm gonna hold off for a while. But keep up the interesting work.
  2. So then I'm guessing that would be 'no'. No worries, don't give it another thought. However, I do hope everything's okay, both with yourself, Vlam, as well as with Titan development?
  3. Nice! However... I interpret the black portion on the 'top' to be heat shielding. Which makes me think that this thing enters an atmosphere 'upside down', and then must flip over to land. Which, in turn, seems to be a somewhat ungainly and overly complicated way of doing things. Or, I could be wrong about the heat shield thing, not sure. Oh, also, the ALCOR looks great, gonna DL as soon as I get home.
  4. Well, I have way more mods than that installed, and I'm not having a problem. One glaring omission I can see, however: Exurgent Engineering. Looks like you're missing that plugin, for starters. Also, after having quite a few problems related to it, I now avoid ModuleManager at all costs. These are my suggestions, anyway.
  5. Yeah, we know that, that's why we're reporting the problem in hopes of a hotfix or something. And yes, I too am having the crashing problems, I'll give details in a minute. But Taverius, it's not very constructive to call us all stupid because we've started having problems since installing R4.0c. Sure, I suppose a few people may have installed some things in the wrong place, or not properly updated all of the plugins, etc., but I can assure you that I have everything installed correctly, including the reduced texture pack, and I'm still having problems. And the sheer number of crash reports since the new version came out should indicate that not all is well in B9 land, at the very least, and they can't ALL be 'user error', I should think. So, maybe take another look at B9 from your end? That's all we're asking for, man. Anyway, here's my experience. I, like several others, have been experiencing crashes when going from launch to VAB, SPH, etc. But I've also had several crashes when flying with MechJeb as well, and I can only surmise that R4.0c and MechJeb don't 'work and play well together'. I'm not assigning blame to one or the other, I'm just suggesting that this may be a place to start investigating. After updating B9, I was using MJ dev build 84, crashed. After a few tries, I thought maybe it was MJ, so I reverted to build 83. Kept crashing. Went back to 82, which was working fine for me before updating B9, still crashing. Last night I went all the way back to Sarbian's hot fix from September, same problems. So tonight I'm going to revert B9 back to 3.4 and go back to MJ 84, or whatever the newest build available is, and I'll bet you a dollar that it stops crashing. Again, this isn't an indictment of B9, I think it's just one of those software things where MJ and B9 conflict somehow. I'm sure we'll get it figured out, it'll just take a little time. So, Taverius, I know you're frustrated, and I don't blame you, dude. So are we, and we're all just trying to fix the problem, it's not a personal attack, 'k? 'K.
  6. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't mean anything in English. Perhaps try again?
  7. Kewl. Yeah, the shock absorbing thing was a nice surprise. But if you can't or otherwise don't use it, no biggie. We've lived without shock absorbing legs 'til now, right? Another note about a previously discussed feature: Your docking port cover animation. Check out Lionhead Aerospace's latest release, the Icarus. He's got a 'heat shield', he calls it, but the way he's using it makes it more of a radiation shield, IMO. Anyway, he has it mounted on the very bottom of a nuclear engine, and - this is the relevant part, yes, I do have a point, lol - it has a movable iris that opens and closes, to protect the engine during reentry is the reason given. I only mention this because we had been discussing using some kind of iris opening at one point. I just figure I'd make you aware of it. One final note for this post. On the 'requests' thread I've posted a request for a Stargate Atlantis 'Puddlejumper'. No idea if you're a fan of the show, but if so, I think that project would be perfect for you after the Titan. I've not gotten any response over there, btw. Anyway, I figure it fits your skill-set well, vis-a-vis your relative newness to this type of game modding, I mean. The ship is basically a cylinder on its side with a flat bottom and beveled ends. Not a lot of animations necessary, just the rear cargo door and the extendable side pods, as far as I know it doesn't have landing gear of any kind, just lands on its belly. Hopefully you're a fan of the show, anyway. And I hope you'd at least consider this request. Later!
  8. You know, guys, they're not mutually exclusive. There's no reason that Nothke can't release his own system for independent use, while still 'licensing', if you will, other mods to use the design as part of their systems. For instance, ZZZ, a modeler who makes excellently detailed parts of all kinds, has released most of his stuff on his own thread, just sort of saying 'here you go, do what you want with them'. But at the same time there are at least 2 other mods that I know of using his greenhouse part for their own purposes, KAS uses a re-skinned version of his boxes, and KSP Interstellar started out using his heat radiator in 3 different sizes, and has since moved to having him design most of their parts outright. Point is, Nothke could and should certainly do his own thing, while Sumghai can and should do a modified version for his purposes, and KAS could and also should add a version that suits their needs. Everyone wins, because more players will have access even if they choose not to use this or that particular mod. Capisce? My opinion, worth what you paid for it.
  9. Ah. I did not know that. Why are they set up like that, though? The way they're arranged in the LazTek pod, it looks like the seat frame would block the hatch door, if I recall correctly... Anyway, I don't really use the IVA feature except as a curiosity. I certainly don't fly or perform maneuvers using it. But thanks for the info, Darth.
  10. Well, it looks like I can reply to my own question here, and I'm pretty confident that this is what he'd say: "BobCat don't think so."
  11. Ah, gotcha, thank you, good to learn a bit more forum lingo, I've only been posting on forums, here or anywhere, for like six months or so. And to praise the suuun, I didn't mean to be so harsh (well, maybe a little harsh, lol). I get it, we're all eager to play with the latest versions of all of our favorite, 'must have' mods. I'm constantly checking this thread as well as the add-on development thread several times a day from my phone, even at work, just to see the latest news and what's been released, so believe me, I'm as eager as you are. In fact, I'm not above the occasional (OCCASIONAL) bump to a thread that I'm interested in, even if it may be ill-advised. However, spamming every thread you like with the equivalent of 'are we there yet' may actually do more harm than good. As you may have noticed, Stupid Chris (a moderator, and that's his screen name, I'm not hurling epithets, lol) has closed several threads that you've just 'necroed', so now there's a very good chance that the devs of those mods may just decide it's not worth the trouble to go back to working on them, and let them be dead once and for all. Anyway, I think you get the idea. So, let your email alerts do their job and alert you IF there's real news about your chosen threads, 'k? 'K. Enjoy the game as much as you can now, and just remember that it'll be that much better when all of our faves are updated, right? Oh, one more thing: I've seen a few posts in the last couple of days explaining how to add the necessary code to your config files to make any part compatible with the tech tree system in career mode. You might want to research a bit, maybe you won't have to wait.
  12. Greetings, CBBP! I just discovered this excellent mod a few weeks ago, after trying and very quickly deleting the LazTek version, and I must say that yours is far superior in every respect. Yes, even the fact that you have no IVA to speak of is STILL better than having a botched one where the seats (the only thing in their capsule, btw) are upside down, for Pete's sake! But I hugely dig the built in landing gear and ladder and lights, you've got everything in ONE part. Awesome! I'm saying this only because I don't normally even bother to use a traditional 'capsule' style of command pod, I play with more of a sci-fi style, so I'm usually using B9 or LLL cockpits, but lately I'm drifting back to a more realistic, quasi-near-future oriented design style, and this should fit in perfectly with my plans. Thanks so much for the great work you've done so far, and I look forward to seeing even more new stuff from you in the future, CBBP! P.S. I just wish you'd focus less on the Russian Kosmos stuff and more on this type of thing here, lol, but that's just me
  13. Dude, stop! You've posted this same question on just about every thread on the first 2 pages of this category, be patient! Any developer who's still actively working on their mods is, I'm very sure, well aware that 0.22 is out, and is either working on an update or isn't, and either way, you pestering them about this issue isn't going to make it happen any faster. And if they're not, which seems to be the case with many of the threads you've 'necroed' ( don't know exactly how the term applies, I'd think it would mean more that someone is KILLING a thread instead of attempting to revive one that's obviously already dead, but whatever), you asking isn't going to matter anyway. Sorry, moderators, I'll get off my soapbox now, won't happen again.
  14. Hey there again Vlam, just checking in, like many others I'm hoping for an update. How's it going? Incidentally, I hope you'll be able to incorporate the new shock-absorbing capabilities of the stock landing legs in 0.22, I think that it's a really cool and necessary feature, myself. That's all. Hope everything is well with you. Later!
  15. Well, for myself, I've NEVER been able to get this to work, going back to 0.20.2, so why should 0.22 be any different? And yes, that's a rhetorical question, I've already tried it in 0.22, it still doesn't work for me.
  16. Oh ho! Straight from the source himself, excellent! Btw, Bac, I wish to give you major props on the new R&D center, the attention to detail is astounding! At least, I'm assuming you were the primary designer, the buildings have your 'look' to them. If anyone hasn't done this yet, get a Kerbal in a rover and drive around amongst the new buildings. I saw a stairwell last night, and climbed all the way to the roof of a building, which is completely useless, yet awesome all the same, lol. Now, if you crash a plane or ship on a roof, you may be able to get down to the ground. If you see a ladder (as I did, went up to a walkway on top of a 'tank farm'), chances are you can climb it. Anyway, great details. Back to the subject at hand, B9: I hope that the texture optimizations implemented by PolecatEZ will be incorporated in the next version. If not, kewl, but in that event I hope Polecat will work his magic once again. Looking forward to seeing some new parts, and thanks for the great work you've already done, too.
  17. The excellent video posted above by pizzaoverhead clearly indicates that the RCS thrusters to make sounds, so one would DEFINITELY hear them firing from inside a small capsule or spacecraft due to hull sound-conduction. Just like one would hear rockets and main engines firing. Yes, if the game were totally 'realistic', one should only be able to hear these sounds when in IVA, and when the viewpoint is from outside everything would be almost completely silent. But I consider that, even when 'I' (the player) am viewing the ship from outside, 'I' am actually inside the cockpit controlling it, hence the navball and other instruments available to me. Third person view is simply a game mechanic. So yes, I'm all in favor of this mod, and will use it ASAP.
  18. Ah hah! Found it, although it took me a little while because it's not 'Bionicle Commando' etc., it's 'Bionic Commando Rearmed' soundtrack, for a video game apparently, and the track on the album is 'Power Plant'. It's available on iTunes. Just letting anyone who's interested know that.
  19. Yes, derp, I just discovered that, my apologies.
  20. Here's a situation I've run into recently that I haven't seen addressed. So, I'm building a large interplanetary ship, with a very large cargo bay (LLL parts). I also want to use it to ferry space station components to orbit, etc. LLL now has a neat little 'salvage pod' with built in RCS thrusters, and I want to carry 2 of them INSIDE the cargo bay. Here's the problem: When I've got the whole ship built, engines, RCS, cargo and pods in the bay, all ready to go, I can't balance the RCS system at all because, even though I have the pods and cargo (also with ITS own RCS thrusters) set up in separate stages as with the engine balancing, ALL of the RCS thrust vectors on ALL components are shown, regardless of what stage they're in. RCS thrusters can be disabled in flight mode, either individually or via action groups, of course, but there's no provision for that in the editors, as far as I can tell. Nor is there with your (otherwise fantastic) plugin, AFAIK. Any thoughts? Or is this function already built in and I just haven't figured it out yet? Thanks for your great work, and I hope this issue can be resolved too.
  21. Alright, at the risk of incurring the wrath of BobCat, I'll add my 2 cents' worth to the seemingly bottomless pool of us poor benighted souls asking 'Is _______ going to be updated soon?', and 'When will ________ be updated?', not to mention 'Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Isitdoneyetisitdoneyetisitdoneyet huh huh huh?????' Lol, I decided to start reading through this entire thread from the beginning, and there are quite a few really neat ideas that were abandoned altogether (The Cassowary, for one!), or have at least been moved way back to the very farthest back burner there is, when I came across the DEMV Mk. VI 'Shark'. Now THIS I'm hoping is still being worked on, or at least planning to be worked on! So that's my question: Is work continuing at all, or is it planned to continue, on the Mk. VI rover? That's it. Well, for now. Thanks for all your great work, BobCat, and as always I look forward to your next creation/update.
  22. I need to know what that music is, please!
  23. God I wish those Mk IV cargo doors didn't say "MK IV CARGO" on them in big huge letters!
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