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Everything posted by Draft

  1. And like PDCWolf said, the entire game can't cater to the entire playerbase at once. Some people don't like flying, some people don't do spaceplanes, some people don't even use the science system at all because they play sandbox! A resources system that is integrated properly with the economy of a complete career mode would only enrich the game for those who chose to use it, and if it's not to your taste you don't have to use it.
  2. Last I checked, right now kOS ignores signal delay but also loses all control when out of remotetech contact. The range system of kOS has to do with accessing the ground archive, not control.
  3. Did you put any antenna on the ship? Probes can only see 3km, aka 3000m by themselves
  4. the command includes the 'parameter'. So a file named test with DECLARE PARAMETER X. PRINT X. , if called with RUN test(5). would then print 5.
  5. I've yet to make use of them, but for such a large part top and bottom stack nodes seem essential to me. Surface attachment should allow for any radial funny business you want, but I do not fancy putting the refinery at the tippy-top of my rockets because I can't put things above and below it. On a related note, what are the altitude cutoffs for the gamma spectrometer? I was playing with one up to a Mm and was still getting results on Kerbin, with the way it seems to work knowing the performance ceiling would be nice.
  6. I noticed that the crew radiation system has been added- this doesn't have any effect yet, right?
  7. So now you could, for example, have low-resolution scanners that can only determine the presence of a resource in a large area, shown on a less-sided grid, followed by more focused ones that work like the current ones and scan smaller cells within those larger ones? That's a really nice hammer indeed.
  8. They'll have a 'retrofit' option in their right-click menu when applicable
  9. Setting the kOS integration aside for now, the way that the flight computer cuts warp to execute commands is an excellent feature, and the queue is extremely useful. Thanks Ciph.
  10. Let's not have that discussion here, yeah? However you feel, it's not exactly relevant to the mod
  11. The kOS integration also seems to have broken one of my previously-working kOS scripts. I'm not sure if there's some steps I need to take for remotetech compliance, but kOS' error reporting is less than useless (A syntax error on line 0, aka anywhere? alrighty then). Also if anybody is wondering how to use the BATCH and DEPLOY commands, neither of them take any arguments or anything like that. It's just Batch. stuff. other stuff. Deploy.
  12. Steven, Sma, it might be that bug with how kOS handles variables in the persistence file. It's an open issue on github, try going through your persistence file manually, searching for 'variables' and getting rid of any strings or scientific notated numbers.
  13. Make sure to write your programs to the archive volume (aka volume 0) if you want any craft besides that specific iteration to be able to use it.
  14. Any actual benefits to using fairings will be welcome, though nice-looking ships is often reward enough itself. A question/feature request. Would it be possible to make the decoupler on the interstage fairing adapter optional? Maybe as a separate part. What I'm trying to do is combine the interstage fairing adapter with the fuselage shrouds to create a hollow segment in my rockets, the contents of which only have to be anchored at one end. The decoupler built into the fairing adapter slices the top off when triggered though, and since it is a decoupler it can't be removed from the staging stack, only delayed.
  15. I just figured this out last night actually. TIME seems to return the universal time in seconds, but not as a number which means it can't be used in node(). the SECONDS suffix returns the same thing, but properly typed as a number. So set x to node(time:seconds+60,0,0,1000). should work. Note that SECONDS and SECOND are distinct suffixes.
  16. Oh man, this looks great. Even more upfront utility than ISA, and support for multiple scanners is pretty much the best thing for making the task less tedious. If I may make a suggestion though, the 'forget map' is a little bit too large and prominent for my taste. Hope it has a confirmation. Also, as far as science goes, beyond unlocking different sensors have you considered gaining science based on map completeness? Each body has some arbitrary value for being completely mapped, maybe use whatever method Interstellar uses to deposit science but based on how much more you've mapped since the last check.
  17. As far as using Mechjeb for a learning tool goes, I think video tutorials are better. Using mechjeb you can get a better perspective on how the game is responding, but it lacks the informative explanations of good tuts
  18. Oh, thank you for the map export Majiir! The hexes are excellent for most ingame purposes, but being able to check the topography of my deposits via ISA overlay is greatly appreciated. Looks neat too.
  19. 2.3deg, not 2.6. So you need to cross the equator at ~156.5 unique points
  20. Yeah, I would consider atmospheric scooping to be the purview of part dedicated to said process, as fun as dangling a drill off the side is. Also as a bit of a PSA, it's easy enough to check in-game but it seems like scan map hexes are 2.3° wide at the equator of any given body. Useful for planning survey orbits.
  21. It's worth noting that Rad+/- and Nml+/- are relative to the plane/tangent of your orbit, not to the equator of the body orbited. This makes the latter very useful for inclination changes, and the former useless for takeoff.
  22. Haha, this is too great. Though, a couple of questions. 1) Do all bodies have the same amount of hexes? If so, how many hexes to a circumference? 2) If hexes aren't tied to planet size, what are the dimensions of a hex?
  23. Super stoked for the new scan maps, but, will there be any sort of legacy support for the old image-format files? I was rather fond of overlaying them with my ISA scans through external editors, and I'm afraid that if scans are saved as a series of hex points I'll lose that ability.
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