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Everything posted by RedKosmos

  1. Record for tallest rover on the Mun, perhaps? probably not, but this was still fun to build and land. Ladies and Gentlemen, the 8th Wonder of the World! "The Kerhemoth!" Kerbin mover lol
  2. My Munar shipyard is finally taking shape. Rockets built here will be used for interplanetary manned and unmanned mission, Duna being my first target. (Maybe Minimus, only have a satellite there so far) I'm only using Damned Robotics mad for this. The "Kerhemoth Crane" is my biggest rover/mechanism I've built in the game so far, and I sent to to the Mun! I'm still all smiles right now haha. Here are some pictures of it's journey to my Mun base, along with my first rocket component for the shipyard. hahaha, it's got so much muscle, I can pick up Kerbin! The Kerbalnauts are in awe of what just pulled up to their Mun base........ Can't wait to put it in action!
  3. My Munar shipyard is finally taking shape. Rockets built here will be used for interplanetary manned and unmanned mission, Duna being my first target. (Maybe Minimus, only have a satellite there so far) I'm only using Damned Robotics mad for this. The "Kerhemoth Crane" is my biggest rover/mechanism I've built in the game so far, and I sent to to the Mun! I'm still all smiles right now haha. Here are some pictures of it's journey to my Mun base, along with my first rocket component for the shipyard. hahaha, it's got so much muscle, I can pick up Kerbin! The Kerbalnauts are in awe of what just pulled up to their Mun base........ Can't wait to put it in action!
  4. Oh my......hope you checked all of the gimbals on that before you launched it.....
  5. My Mun base is taking shape! I've been getting better at nailing my landings within 3 km of my original Munar landing, so for the rest of the 3km to the base, I give all my landers wheels! Problem solved, lol. However, the OASIS MLM (the light tower/habitat) was a bit difficult to land, and even harder to drive (crawl) to the base. It tipped about a dozen times (thanks to quicksave, I managed). Here we have my first ever "Lander", my "Munar RV" (big rover), "Munar Rover" (first prototype, works great for transporting kerbals around my other sites 1.5km away), "OASIS MLM" (the tower is Damned Robotics pistons, so it's usually shorter when being moved), and finally my "Armadillo MRS-2" (Mobile Rover Spatula). *COMING SOON!* "The Kerhemoth" Interplanetary Ship Building/Launching Platform, and the "Hercules" Mobile Refueling Station! (already landed one, but it had no wheels and is sitting in the corner right now being a stubborn refueling depot) Enjoy!
  6. Oh my, that is sexy. I've been looking for some ideas for Damned Robotics. Thanks!
  7. Hey! I had the same problems when I first started going to the Mun. Here are my 2 rover landers. 1 heavy and 1 light. (The heavy one can be easily tweaked, I just wanted more kerbals on the Mun, so I added a lander can) A trick I do to fix the "upside-down" problem for the "bottoms-up" landers (the heavy), is to place a 2nd core device, right-side up, on the stage before the lander. Before takeoff I switch to this secondary core and the world is back to normal! (MAKE SURE that your navball isn't brown on takeoff lol) Both have been field tested and work great. I use docking nodes for later stages now for the re-usability and sturdiness. Happy trails!
  8. Hello fellow Kerbalnauts! I am currently planning and building a rocket-ship at my Mun base, as a staging base for future missions to other planets. (Mainly because I'm terrible at docking in orbit) So I'm building the "Kerhemoth" piece by piece on the Mun. Here are my concerns..... As you can see in the picture, my bottom piece has a core control device and an ASAS module. I would like to know if I can do without the ASAS module and core all-together, and place them somewhere on the frame so I can transport my base. When I dock (attach) to the rest of my parts, one of them having a core and ASAS module, would they apply control to the entire constructed ship? Doing what I hope will work will help reduce weight in shipping the parts. If you are still confused, I can provide more clarification. Thanks for reading my post!
  9. Glad you liked it lol. It really works though! In fact I plan to use a similar design for Mun trekking, since it's very safe.
  10. Jeb has been on the mun now for about a month.......alone........with enough fuel to return but no chute. Due to the fact that a rescue mission would cost too much for Kerbal Space Industries, Jeb has now been bestowed the new title "President of the Mun." Hail to the Chief
  11. I have created the lastest technology in advanced rover rescue..........I give you...... Armadillo MRS-2!!! (Mobile Rover Spatula) It is impossible to flip this rover over. Its wheels will explode before you can go fast enough to try! Which is around 16 m/s. It's also fun for quicksaving to do sweet rover ramp jumps on the Mun.
  12. I've been brainstorming something like this recently, calling it the "Hydra" making the Mun a staging base for my future Duna (or Minimus) missions.
  13. Thanks. I tried the Alt+f12 debug console and picked that option, but it didn't seem to work for me. I'm asking this because I'm trying to build a micro-rover. Calling it the Zhuk Mk-1 (Zhuk is russian for 'bug'). The 2nd wheel I try to place on the module keeps going on top of the first wheel and not going through it.
  14. Hello and thanks for reading my post! I've been playing KSP for a few months now, and I'm not sure that I am doing certain procedures to maximize my fuel saving. 1) Is there a way to bind fuel tanks to action groups, toggling them on and off? For example, instead of right-clicking every RCS tank I wish to have off before launch, I can just keybind them. This would help save a lot of time! 2) Maneuver Nodes. When is the best time to start your max throttle? For example, node burn time is 30 seconds, so do you begin the burn at t-30 or t-0? I usually began at t-0 but i feel like I'm wasting fuel and not getting my desired end result orbit. 3)Part meshing/overlapping (clipping?) During Assembly, is there a way to overlap parts without them stacking on each other? For example, overlapping rover wheels on a single axis, but different angles. Like this 'X', and without turning from green to red. This is all the questions I have for now, thanks again for reading! RedKosmos -Kerbal Kosmodrome
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