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Everything posted by SleepyWacKo

  1. in theory he enlightened you with his utter bs!
  2. besides that, it has already been stated multiplayer is not planned to be added
  3. yes i read that, but you tried to state an example of another game that would not allow mods until you got so far into it, which was not true(AS fallout 3 could be modded to allow you to play broken steal from the beggining). I'm not the one refusing to think about your view, i'm not the one trying to deny your play style. You are the one refusing to have an open mind, you are the one that is trying to deny a certain gameplay. When in reality simply providing the choice of to use or not use is all we need. I've had fun debating but i see this may start getting out of hand and also see there is no hope in debating this further with you at least, you seem to be set in your way and unwilling to see that providing a CHOICE is more logical than forcing something on someone. I am 100% confident the devs will provide the choice rather than restrictions, they have thus far in any feature they added
  4. but your example has nothing to do with using mods, point is moot!
  5. Broken Steal was not a mod, it was an Addon! even if it was a mod, broken steel was designed to be end game content, it was designed to fill in the gaps between level 20 and 30 since it also raised that level cap. what about all the other DLC that you did not have wait to the end game? why only choose the only single DLC that somewhat proves all be it loosely your way of view? It was also developer made content not community made which in of itself makes it not a mod.
  6. what? fallout 3 was a complete open end sandbox from the beggining unless you are talking about the tutorial, and this thread is about mods and fallout 3 has no restrictions on mods at all in any way shape or form.
  7. yes but some wants the development of KSP to involve forcing people to play in a certain way, that is what most of this thread is about. Personally i'm just trying to get everyone on boths side to have an open mind.
  8. then you are back to the square one question, why force someone to do something one way first? There is no reason to do so if you are going to allow the capability in the end anyways. yes i already know your areguement toward that about learning the ropes of the game etc, but then those same questions of WHY should i care what someone else does?
  9. FYI, i don't think that is your only reason, but i'm sure it is one of them
  10. you can still keep a level of difficulty by using your own willpower not to use mods. Those that wants to use mods also want to keep a level of difficulty too. There is no right or wrong answer in this debate and i know it's your idea how to make career mode to you liking but there is no reason to limit someone else ability to do what they like. We are all assuming and have our own visions of what career mode will be like and in the end I strongly believe the devs will side on the fact of giving the player the choice to use mods. A compromise would simply be to mark said save game mod enabled if one choose to use mods althouth to me that is rather pointless for a single player game
  11. the key words in this statement is "I FEEL" well others "FEEL" differently, why limit them when it serves no actual purpose other than limiting the way someone "FEELS" they would like to play.
  12. now you are starting to open your mind, now if i was serious about sarcasm remarks earlier where i said KSP should be sandbox only with no career mode at all, wouldn't this be me trying to limit your fun? wouldn't be right would it? so why do it upon those who disagree with you?
  13. who said it's meant to be difficult? if it was meant so than mods would have never been allowed period. IMO KSP was meant to provide a choice for everyone not those with just your mind set!
  14. i get exactly what you are saying, but riddle me this why should i care if someone else decides to ruin their own learning experience as you put it buy using mods to make their time in game easier? why would this affect me or in this case you in any way shape or form? is the point of playing a game to have fun? why do you want to decide what type of fun they can have? or why force them to play sandbox just to use mods if they still want to have the structure set of possible goals a career mode provides? I have no seen any of those questions answered at all that passes the poop test. In reality those for limiting mods in career mode is like a dictator ship, taking away a choice. allowing mods provides choice for both sides of the debate. the only question after that is do you have the willpower to not use mods if it is allowed? maybe that answer is no so you want it to be forced so you would have no choice, but that is the wrong way of doing it and is very close minded to what others may find enjoyable.
  15. i'm just doing what you are doing, trying to decide for you how i would like you to play your single player game! i don't feel you should have a career mode. Of course i'm being sarcastic saying that but that is the vibe some of the comments that you and others state. KSP is a single player game, it does not matter whether one uses mods in career mode or not it does not affect you yourself in any way shape or form. The only reason i see for those arguing against it is simply due to ego. there is no competition in KSP, it isn't multiplayer so the only reason to limit mods is simply so some elite kerbal maybe jebadiah can gloat over his accomplishment, stroking ones ego while demeaning someone elses. I also read one of your post where you state career mode should be KSP hard mode for a reason as to not use mods. 1) who is to say that the devs vision of career mode is to be hard? what if they decided to go the arcade route with it? you would probably look to the modding community to solve that. 2) what about mods that add difficulty such as Deadly Re Entry, FAR, Remote Tech etc? Maybe someone like me would like to make his career mode even harder? 3) right now mods are centered around sandbox, but career mode would open another door for modding such as making it harder, more realistic etc. All i really see from the ones that are against mods in career mode simply have a very close mind to the possibilities it will allow. The advantages will far out weigh the negatives. In the end though we have no idea how career mode will turn out or the features that the devs will have in game by then. until that point we should all keep an open mind
  16. [sarcasm] i'm fine with KSP only having a sandbox, there should not be a career mode. Alright, all done here! [/sarcasm]
  17. not sure where you get that but straight from the planned features "Crew tasks: Have the crew take charge of controlling the craft (provided they can handle it". This pretty much means that squads mindset intends to add some sort of autpilot involving crew task) until this is no longer listed as a planned feature than you statement above is completely false!
  18. doesn't the built in space tracking system keep track all all your missions and kerbals along with listing the +Met time?
  19. now we can also have close minded people on the other point of view too *lol*
  20. how is that? if read anything here i'm the one that agrees with you
  21. poor rockhem, late to the party, must have not read the last few posts and or just trying to stroke the flames here so the bickering happens again. LOL
  22. don't rename the exe file, just create shortcut of the exe and rename the shortcut!
  23. well even if the devs do allow career mode modding and or do not implement 2 seperate career modes for mods and with mods you can still do what you say. You can have two copies of KSP installed on your computer and keep one that you mod to your liking and the other for stock use on career mode etc. In the end it is really too early to tell what the devs plans are for career mode, 0.21 is only going to have some backend stuff added. I'm sure there will be some blogs about it in the future and they will let us know their thoughts on the matter and this whole discussion will just happen once again
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