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Everything posted by UbioZur

  1. First off, this is part of the what not to suggest list as of robotic / mechanics (basically any moving parts!), so I will close the thread. Aligning docking ports is suggested very often: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51777-Wedge-docking-ports?highlight=docking+port http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50508-Docking-alignment-tool?highlight=docking+port http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46752-The-Enemy-s-Gate-is-DOWN-Docking-Orientation-help?highlight=docking+port At the moment I will suggest you to use some mods such as Docking port alignment Infernal robotics and a few more (just have a look at the addon forum and spaceport) There are also ways to do it stock, I personally use my patience to align my ports.
  2. Rob (N3X15), have been working a fair bit on redesigning spaceport. You can follow the progress every week with the weekly update.
  3. I am going to close this thread for a few reasons: - It is neither tag as a suggestion or discussion. - If it's a suggestion, then it fall under the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36863-What-not-to-suggest -If it's a discussion then you should continue it under the current planet ideas and name thread.
  4. I have to agree that looks like a flaw in the code, the revert should (have to) revert you back to the same state, and so the same crew. You need to edit your save file and find the MissingCrewsRespawn = True and change it to False. Those are option that are already in game, they just don't have GUI to select them.
  5. No it wont because a part cannot have more than one parent. Also the bottom node (the 4 ones) does not allow fuel cross feed. Good catch
  6. I do hav to close that thread since it's in the What not to suggest list. Here is the TAC life support thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-21-1-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-28Jul
  7. If you have 2 career mode saves, you could use one to weld part for the other one. that's why i prefer to keep you with the stock experience so far for the tree. I do know how to get the tech tree of the part and see if it's unlock, so I may be able to make the part show on the lastest node of the used part. true that, will do. glad you like it I don't know, but all the part you weld will be added on one of the latest tech node (tier 8). I could make it drag-able.
  8. A few people have talked about it on this thread yesterday: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53154-Launcher-Advanced-Settings
  9. I put a link on one of the first post after 2.0 was release. A screen? log or anything that would let me know more as I cannot see your screen? Because then you could weld a art with for example a nerva, and use it without having it's node unlocked. And since it's a pain/barely possible to know/check for the welded part if all node are unlocked, I decided to put them on the last nodes as the dev have intended the mods to do. You can easily change the cfg to put the part where you think it fit best for you.
  10. It is new of .22, and was wrote on the change log.
  11. Thread moved to Gameplay Question forum. If you have a command pod, the only thing that use electricity is to transmit data. So I would says don't transmit all your data. Do it at a appropriate time, just before or while an engine that generate electricity is firing.
  12. this is probably because in the save file, you have MissingCrewsRespawn = true. You can change your persistent to have it to false if you don't want them to re-spawn.
  13. You could: - Send them to deep space in a trajectory outside of the solar system, For science of course! It would cost some money but well. - Make them try some new design and have them killed (make sure in your save file you have MissingCrewsRespawn = False)
  14. For celestial body, you don't really use the navball. The navball is very usefull for rendez-vous, but not so much for an encounter. I will suggest you head over to the drawing board in the tutorial section to learn how an encounter with the mun work, or do the in game tutorial. What other part of the navball? you know all the marker and their meaning.
  15. How is the electricity level of your station? And It may sound stupid, but better check, if the pods are kerbal pod do you have at least one kerbal in it? A screen is always useful too.
  16. Since it is more related to an actual gameplay problem than a game running/install problem, I moved it to the gameplay questions forum. We will need more info to help you, since right now we know nothing about your rocket design! . Screenshots of the rocket can help. . The craft file can help . The flight log (F3), will says what went wrong.
  17. That would be landing the data back to Kerbin while keeping the science ship in orbit. (I guess)
  18. There is a current discussion in progress about it, so please keep it all to one thread and avoid starting several time the same thread. (search function are great, even just the one from the browser) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53339-Complete-list-of-experiments Alternatively, you can also dig through the game file if you want to spoil everything. Hint: Science is like a resource
  19. I do not think we will have much steam integration in the game, because the game from the shop or steam is exactly the same, they use steam as a way to distribute the game. I don't know much about where steam store the cloud data, but I am sure it's not in the game folder. Maybe once the game is closer to release, they will try to integrate more of the steam feature, but until then, I am sure it is best that they keep it to one build, for faster development / QA
  20. It's been suggested a lot of time before .22 was even out. one example: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49465-Folders-for-sub-assemblies?highlight=assembly+folder
  21. Suggested every month or so: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50055-one-button-that-kills-ALL-time-acceleration?highlight=timewarp this will wake the kraken and increase the chance for the rocket to explode. Same thing, suggested about a month ago http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47612-Remove-flags-from-Flights-in-Progress-at-save-load-menu?highlight=flight+progress I think flights is a wrong use of words from Squad Should be easily moddable using the ModuleScienceContainer module. If only we could transfer reports from one container to another (it has been suggested too)
  22. Bienvenue a toi sur la partie Française du forum Pour augmenter le nombre de prévision de trajectoire c'est dans le fichier setting.cfg, recherche pour CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT, et monte le. Plus il y en as et moins c'est précis.
  23. Suggested not long ago, like yesterday: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53324-Taking-pictures-for-science And very close to the Cameras on the What not to suggest list. Part of the What not to suggest list (Search Robotics in that thread to find it) Suggested tens of thousand times since the last few days. A average wheel speed at the moment is 10m/s, so 36km/h. It is not that bad considering it is off road. There are ways to make fast car using engines. As much as I would love to see real telescope in the game (that would load distant model at least), it is quite the same thing as Cameras. Part of the What not to suggest list (Search Resource in that thread to find it) Mission will be implemented in the game, it will generate you a mone income, and parts won't be free anymore. Part of the What not to suggest list (Search Weight in that thread to find it) Don't know the dev point of view of that one. There is deadly re-entry mod that will do it. It's call Fairing and it's part of the What not to suggest list (Search Fairingin that thread to find it) Part of the What not to suggest list (Search Female in that thread to find it) Suggested about 3 days ago: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50190-An-EVA-tether?highlight=rope Already suggested a few time, like a month or so ago. Having lot of suggestion in one list have its pros and cons. Just make sure you use at least the browser search function on the wnts list, and already suggested list, and also on the 2-3 first pages of the suggestion forum. Because at the end, it is better to beef up a suggestion than creating a new one that says the same thing. Best is to use also the search function of the forum to see when is the last time your suggestion have been suggested already (if it has).
  24. Steam does not use the launcher to start the game, since the launcher is not mandatory to start the game. You can still access it if you go in the game folder. and either create a shortcut, or add the launcher to your game list.
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