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Everything posted by UbioZur

  1. It should be possible considering we can toggle solar anel from EVA. I think B9 have the cargo bay that you can open from EVA? it could be a good place to start off.
  2. Thanks for that So it seems that currently if we use the same type of engine, it stays good without modifying it. I just need to consider multiple type of engine. (jet + turbo jet)
  3. Looking the thread because there is a current discussion about it already in progress: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52543-For-22-Component-cost It has also be confirmed that it will be there for the final career mode, which is not yet.
  4. Thanks for the report, I will have a look at that, you seems not the be the only one having this problem. Mods I use, and or mods I consider important to have it working for, I may have a look, but considering the amount of mods out there, and the amount of parts, I can't test everything, it's already hard to get all the exceptions from stock parts. Humm ok, I haven't found anything on the wiki for that, so I don't even know what's the numbers are for. If it's the time, then I guess it's working well as is, if it's the max speed, it's not working as it should.
  5. Because it's the Kerbal way! But more seriously, the game is about the Kerbals, and it would be sad to have to wait before we can see those Kerbal faces in the game. It's like playing surgeon simulator (Yeah I know what a choice of a game), and starting without a actual patient to kill operate but doing it on a "fake" body.
  6. There is still the sandbox mode if you want to do that without the tech tree. At the moment the only thing the tech tree is adding, is a challenge at the beginning of the program because you don't have all the parts. The cost is still placeholder at the moment and "useless", it's already hard to balance one tree (even within the marathon, the tree changed so many times), than balancing more would take even more time.
  7. Thanks I will have a look at it. Defining the surface attachment boundary is quite hard considering it depend on what you are doing. Yeah the way ksp know where things are is by using collider in the mesh (little invisible mesh inside the model), and with several parts of the same collider, ksp just can't handle several modules associated with it. Wow! that is HUGE! To avoid flooding the screen with attach point that we should not be able to attach on normally because they are already attached, I remove those points.may be add a octogal strut hidden inside. I guess i can add that option in the configuration file for the next version, it won't took too long to add. Never enough of picture that awesome! Humm did you used those parts in the weld?, can you pm the log next time it happen please (in ksp.log). At the moment the aerodynamic parts of the KSP still use a old pre 0.15 version of the config file. It's a bit harder to merge them. I will have a look for them, but later once everything else is more stable.
  8. Looking back at it, and after I had that "problem" with my mod, that fuselage is the fairing (it's there due to the lack of MODULE{}. Normally you should not have anything inside the root/Part folder. since .20 everything is in root/Gamedata/Squad/Part Also since .20, all the config file are suronded by PART{ all the file here } And most of the specific feature of parts are inside a MODULE{} This is my stock LV-T30 inside root\GameData\Squad\Parts\Engine\liquidEngine1-2 PART { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine // // --- general parameters --- name = liquidEngine1-2 module = Part author = NovaSilisko // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1 // --- node definitions --- node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.065308, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.930788, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 // --- FX definitions --- fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_vent_medium = engage sound_rocket_hard = running sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout // --- editor parameters --- cost = 850 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 title = Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate description = A monster of an engine for heavy lifting purposes, the Mainsail's power rivals that of entire small nations. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 6 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 3600 MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 1500 heatProduction = 500 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 330 key = 1 280 } } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = fairing bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5 jettisonForce = 15 jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalRange = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateHeat ThermalAnim = overheat } MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 2.0 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 } } I will suggest you to back up your save, and make a fresh install. Also mods should be inside root/Gamedata/modname
  9. Doesn't show because of the position. I will keep looking to know why it set the position so far. Can you pm me the log file after the welding and the generated config file please. I think you have the same bug than sochin. It would help to have several log and craft so I can find what cause the problem. yeah i did not even looked at how to weld the struts since they don't need struts. May be for look later on. Looks like just a matter of setting a rotation somewhere. And good to know for the FPS
  10. I actually use the scale value that is store for the part in game. I will have a look but cannot promise anything since none of the stock part are actually using both. Yes it is. -1 mean that it does take it to consideration (the default one). I store it so if you use only parts that have it with 1, it should be set to 1.
  11. On the other side if you can explain more what the bug is, because I don't use KW so I don't know their parts and what they look like! Also this is not the part of the cfg I generate, I could help more if I had the generated cfg.
  12. I have uploaded an updated version of the tool. 2.0 Play test 2 I fixed the CoM issue, The docking port issue, and resource issue. I have added more support for the engines: - Multiple engine with fairing are not supported by the game. also Engine with fairing will spam the log with a NullExecption. - Multiple ION Engine will not all have the throttle animation as it's not supported by the game. - Engine with alternator (that generate electricity) will automatically set the electrical resource to 0 (bug with the game). - Engine FX should now be working and place correctly I have added a line to the configuration file to deactivate the auto reload of the game database for those with lot of mods or problem with it. You can now change the description. After a merge or cancel, the selected parts will be automatically deleted.
  13. Thanks. Can't wait to see what you come up with. For the Engine, It's wrote on the OP, I have worked on them but it's still impossible to weld those with fairing without bug. New version coming soon. For the VAB, DO you have lot of part mods? I feel that this happen on people with lot of mods, because I reload the database. and with lot of part mods can take a while. I have added that auto reload as an option in the configuration file (on the coming version). It was one the Yargnit stream on twitch tv, where he shows how to weld them by end. There is a CoM bug at the moment, it's fixed on the version I am going to upload a bit later. Thanks.
  14. I think you are using pre 0.20 which make it harder to modify the config files. so make sure you copy the whole engine folder so you can use the engine model.
  15. Thanks you. But it's far from done. I plan on releasing an update tomorow, that fix a few bugs including the CoM one. For the angle snap, I will have a look. And for going crazy, go for it! that's the point, but at the moment it require a lot of testing on how the game manage multiple of the same module. And It all started from you Yarnit (http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/423657466) You were the light to start that project (somewhere around minutes 42). I'll cry if Danny try that! I am sure there is tons of exploit to be used. Thanks, I hope it will get better as I keep working on it and you guys send me the bugs you find.
  16. I'll have a look for that thank you. Don't remember why I added it (my C# skills are still not very sharp!)!
  17. Not used to C# and the fact that = is a reference and not a copy. I have that bug on a few things (it is also that which cause the nodes to be display strangly after the the weld is done, and the docking port). I have fixed the resource one, and will be up on the next update (probably tomorow, time I work on a few more things). Thanks for the report. I guess I could have it toggle by the config file.
  18. Yes, Keep in mind however than the game NEED the crew hatch to close to the center of mass (it's a known bug that annoy lot of part modders)
  19. 1 decoupler is good I think (It will not keep the stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR) however (not worked on that yet) More than one decoupler is not tested yet and will rise a warning. Thank you, I am continuing toward the hardest things. Working on the engines at the moment. Doesn't look promising for those with fairings (about all of them), and the ION (the throttle animation cannot be duplicated to several engine). (I am always talking about multiple parts, just one engine is fine no matter the engine). That version have a bug for the docking port (for several docking ports welded, just one is fine). I have fixed it and think of releasing a update (bug fix) tomorrow with the bugs that have been found. Solar panel are not yet managed. The animated one definitly not. the static ones, I have not merged the input but it may still work. Again, I am talking mainly for having several instance of the same MODULE{} in the same weld. Just one solar panel should work (not tested yet)
  20. You can recreate those truss pieces without problem in the plugin. It will also give you better node. Bugs usually appear when we start to had parts that have a MODULE{} in it (especially multiple of the same MODULE{}) Version 1.1 is here (Let me know if it works, I have never shared file with Google Drive)
  21. Can you pm me the full ksp.log (in the rot folder of ksp), and output_log.txt in the KSP_Data folder as well the the created part.cfg file (if it's create please)?
  22. You have to delete it, does it unlock your VAB after you delete it?
  23. Have you tried to click on the part list, just like if you would like to delete a part (I do have that known issue after a successful weld). that log is just to says that the ksp window is not focus. Edit: Added a docking port issue that have been reported. will try to fix it for next update.
  24. Yeah you are right, I forgot to reinitialize a variable when I cleaned my code. i will be fixed on the next update, I will try to make one soon (I have also fixed the description that couldn't be changed).
  25. That yes, if most of the parts come from tanks and grider. I want to make a tutorial/showcase video. Also don't hesitate to share your crazy invention
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