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Everything posted by UbioZur

  1. Thanks for the report, I will have more play with the SPH, to see if I can replicate/fix this bug with stock parts. Subassembly and this plugin does 2 different things. And I personally wouldn't live without any of them. To remove a part, you need to go to the plugin folder (gamedata/UbioZurWeldingLtd/Part) and then the category of the part you want to remove (Pod/structural etc...) and then you will find the folder with your part in. and you can delete (be sure your save don't have a vessel using it, else that vessel will be corrupted). Either reload the database or restart the game for the part to be considered deleted. Thanks for the report, I will have a look on how to improve this.
  2. It's already in the game, but not as a form of a ghost. When you have a target, and an encounter is close, you will see those two arrow (kind of grey/blueish), one for your name encounter and with all the encounter info, and one for the target named target position. That target position will let you know where the target is as you play with the node.
  3. Follow the discussion here Since it seems to have more answer, I will close this one.
  4. I will leave this one open as it has more response, but next time please read and search before posting a "new" suggestion. It has already been suggested today! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53390-Background-Application-Mode
  5. Museum / Hall of Fame newspaper, it has already been suggestion lot and lot of times. Please use the search function of the forum to avoid duplicating the same suggestion over and over. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50516-Kerbonaut-Hall-of-Fame?highlight=hall+fame
  6. At the moment, they are unlimited range, and used only for transmitting science data. The bigger the antenna the more MB you can send and so the faster it send them. You could keep a track on Remotech mod and see if they integrate the satellite links with the science data (It may take a few weeks).
  7. The best way to try that is to see if part catalog see the welded parts after restarting the game.
  8. Reducing the amount of science point you get by doing the same experiment is forcing the player to do new experiments. And a hint for this: Read also the experiment window title, it does tell a lot about where you are (low atmosphere, high atmosphere, coast line, ocean etc...) And if you want spoiler for the experiments data, Check the game file. Hint: it's considered a resource. Also I think this will come later, when mission will be offered in game.
  9. Ok, it is possible with some mods like Mechjeb. May be kOS will allow you to do that. But else, sadly not possible for the reason MWJ stated (timewarp or not active vessel have no physics) You can lock the vessel to the normal and anti-normal vector of your orbit (so for a equatorial orbit, north or south)
  10. I will quote and link harvester about the tech tree: Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53140-ScienceDefs-cfg?p=705181&viewfull=1#post705181
  11. I recon it should be up to the mods to have that option (I have it for my mods, and greatly advice the users to not use it until they have discovered the tech tree fully). This is also a reason why the hidden nodes of the mods are tier 8 and so at the end of the tech tree. You could either choose not to use the parts of mods in career, or have two install of the game.
  12. I am not sure by what you mean by synchronous rotation. if you want your station to pass at the same time of the day over KSC, you need to have an orbital period that is a multiple of 6hours (since Kerbin rotate on itself for 6 hours). If you want to have a GeoStationary orbit, then http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50487-Geostationary-Orbit?highlight=synchronous none of the above apply to any orbit the ISS have (that I could find on wikipedia about the ISS).
  13. I will close that thread, and let you read and continue on that one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53116-0-22-How-do-nose-cones-improve-stability-during-atmospheric-flight
  14. I have no idea yet, I am trying to fix/improve the actual welding before I try to have it work with other mods. So i did not look into how Part Catalog manage it's catalog. I use the Category field, just like the stock game does.
  15. I will quote and link harvester about the tech tree: Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53140-ScienceDefs-cfg?p=705181&viewfull=1#post705181 Consider this as the foundation of the career mode and all the future updates.
  16. Not the best example, here is why: - Asteroid is on the what not to suggest list - Random have already been discarded by the dev several times, they wants you to have a similar experience to compare with friends, and allow you to have test flight and real flight possible without difference you cannot control. Now I will just consider the missions: this have been approved and confirmed by the dev as a career mode feature. (check the planned features), it has already been started as we have the mission control building (the only building we cannot yet click). And several data collected in the save file (since .20) about the flights, and obviously R&D is a big player for the missions.
  17. In order to have a whole ship as a sub-assembly you need to have a free node on the root part. So if you build your ship only up or only down it's fine, but if you build up and down, it's not anymore. Note that the root part can be something else than a pod! This is due to the fact that ship are stored as a single parent tree. so allowing to attach the sub assembly by something else than the root, would mean browsing all the parts, looking for free nodes, and then changing the root to the whole sub assembly, and moving all the parts to go with that new root. which can bring to some big errors. So you kind of need to plan in advance, where do you want your ship/rover/launcher/probe to be attached by, and make that your root and build from there. It was the same system with the mod (because it's a game limit), and once you get use to it it's not so much of a problem (except if you want the root to be a Sr. Docking port since they can't be root. and in that case you have to put another part and attach from there.
  18. We already have a thread that discusses this, so I'm closing this one. Please continue here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52606-Probes-before-Kerbonauts
  19. Here is the result of searching for newspaper (title only research) with the search function of the forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/search.php?searchid=1267174 It's been suggested on the 19th of august: Weekly newspaper and the 7th of October under Kerbal newspaper
  20. I've had report of incompatibility with Module manager.
  21. For teh placeholder node name: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53025-Science-and-mods%21
  22. For the core we already have a big thread to discuss it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52606-Probes-before-Kerbonauts For the battery, well, the electricity/battery is everything and the key of science. so giving access to them at the beginning would make everything too easy and pointless. the idea is not so much to send transmission but to bring the capsule back. or to send transmission just before a burn that a engine can charge the electricity. You can also stack the command pod for more battery.
  23. The nodes and links between them seems to be hard coded. You can decided which part goes where in the config file of the part.
  24. To get all the nodes, you just need to look at the name of those nodes, attached the words, and lowercase the first letter i.e. Basic Rocketry -> basicRocketry You can also look directly at the config file of a part that is in a node you want.
  25. .22 Update and few other bug fix Playtest 3 uploaded. Science module have an un-consistency in the config file, making them buggy while welding them (they become transparent) I will hard code a fix soon. By default, the welding is disable in career mode (you can change it in the configuration file). All welded parts will be in tier 8 nodes (at the end of the tree). So I advice playing the tech tree fully without the mod enable for career mode, and then enable it. All weld done previously or in sandbox save, will not be visible in career mode. 2.0 Playtest 3 ADDED .22 support (new science model are bugged) ADDED Science module support (Cannot have multiple of ModuleScienceExperiment with the same name) ADDED Better Animation support (Cannot have multiple of ModuleAnimateGeneric with the same name) ADDED Transmission data support ADDED Configuration to allow all Attach nodes to be added ADDED Configuration to allow welding in Career Mode (advice to disable it until all nodes are researched) ADDED Support for texture and parent in the MODEL{} FIXED Problem with crew pod not allowing crew in them FIXED Jet Velocity Curve Merged FIXED Drag value, now is an average of all the parts FIXED CrashTolerance / breaking force and torque value (now 3/4 of the sum of all the parts (previous was average) to test.
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