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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by magico13
I don't think I fully understand what this does quite yet, but it sounds like it's something StageRecovery should hook into to estimate the landing velocity for each "section". I'm already working on adding code to do that for each stage, but this seems like it'd let people define their own "sections" (which might include things that are connected through decouplers) and they might want to know if they could recover that whole (whereas my method assumes each decoupler starts a new stage).
That's the one. You won't see a change until you restart KSP (possibly just changing the scene works too [enter the VAB/SPH/Tracking Station/Main Menu]). Once it switches over you won't see the button in the top right toolbar anymore. I believe most, if not all, mods with the option to choose which toolbar to use require minimally a scene change to activate, since toolbar buttons are added through events and/or on scene start, and those only happen once per game scene.
That's rather strange. It sounds like the parachutes aren't being detected correctly. A full removal of the KSP folder and a fresh download might fix that, especially if it's working correctly on a different computer. Definitely send me the logs if you're still having trouble after doing that, when you get the chance. Hopefully a fresh install fixes it though! That makes a lot of sense, so I'll reorder things for the next release. Funds returned and percentages will be moved up top, with the parts list probably moved all the way to the bottom. That way it doesn't matter how long the parts list is, you'll still get the fixed-size and arguably more important data at the top. Thanks for the suggestion! It seems like it'd be common sense to do it that way, but I haven't thought much about the recovery messages lately so it never occurred to me to put those in a more sensible order
I should preface this with the fact that KCT no longer includes any of this functionality. StageRecovery is now the only way to recover parts for KCT without manually clicking the recover button. 1. KCT uses the StageRecovery API to detect when stages are recovered and adds the parts to the inventory. If the speed is between the low cutoff and the high cutoff, there is a chance parts are "too damaged" to be used further. When that happens you still get the funds back, but the part isn't added to the inventory. It's per-part, so you might only lose one part or you might lose all of them. 2. KCT no longer includes this functionality. When it did, KCT's was a "watered down" version with way less features. When the two were installed, KCT would disable it's code and only use StageRecovery's. That's why I didn't add a conflict, because StageRecovery was the upgraded form and they were designed to be 100% compatible. 3. KCT no longer has this functionality, but when it did you'd receive a message when something was recovered. It didn't have failure reports, had way less info in the reports, couldn't do powered recovery, and couldn't recover Kerbals or Science.
Generally on ascent you're heading east over the water, so 0.5 should be ok. I also try to avoid dropping boosters prior to 5-7km, so I'm usually out of physics range before they'd hit the ground. It's rather dependent on play style I think, but 0.5 is way safer than the default value, that's for sure.
Just for confirmation, you're getting a message that says they're destroyed? You won't see them in the map view, but you should get a message saying they're recovered. The chutes could be breaking. If you're deploying the chutes when dropping the stage try either not doing that or try changing the minimum pressure (right click on the chute to change that) up to 0.45 or 0.5. If that doesn't work, something else might be bugged. Send me the log file (check this forum post for the location) and I'll take a look at it to see if anything is logged there. You can also send the craft file if you like and I can try it on my end to see if it works for me.
I just confirmed the issue. The problem, and solution, are exactly what I thought (and have laid out in previous posts). KER has a lock that's getting stuck on, and not having the KER window under the cursor makes the problem not appear. Until the KER devs put out a new release that removes that lock correctly, it's up to the players to not keep making the mistake of placing the window at that location. If it keeps happening, it's user error, because the cause and a ridiculously simple workaround have been determined.
Like I said before, it has nothing to do with the craft itself. Make sure the Kerbal Engineer window is not behind the mouse cursor when you press the simulate button. If you do that then you won't have this happen. What's happening is that Engineer thinks the mouse cursor is still over its window, but then the scene changes and they stop checking, so the lock gets stuck on. If you move the cursor off the window then it will clear the lock, then press the simulate button (bit don't put the cursor back over the KER window, aka, move the window out of the way) But yes, this is a bug in engineer (that doesn't come up in normal gameplay). They need to make sure they clear the input lock on scene change as well as when the mouse cursor leaves the window's Rect object. It's like being told to unlock a door when someone comes up to it, but then you walk away. Now nobody's there to unlock it (so nobody can get in), so what they need to do is just unlock it when they walk away. Edit: I reported it on the KER github, so it will hopefully be fixed in the next update. Until then, just make sure your cursor isn't over the KER window when you start a simulation.
So if someone wanted to theoretically port CKAN to a different game, what exactly would that entail? I recently started playing Rimworld again and saw a thread recommending someone port CKAN over to Rimworld. Figured I'd at least inquire to see how much work that would be. Unfortunately they don't seem to use websites with nice APIs for automatic checking of new releases, and there are numerous mods that conflict because they alter the same files. I fear they'd require breaking the cardinal rule of "don't overwrite someone else's files".
It's not about the crafts themselves (if it's the issue I expect), it's about the GUIs of the plugins. Showing the input locks doesn't fix it, it just confirms the problem and likely finds the cause so that we can put a bug report in the right place so it gets fixed. You can clear the input locks and confirm that will let you regain control, but that also adds issues because some of the locks are supposed to be there. Mechjeb was just an example of a mod that has caused similar problems in the past. They fixed their bug though, so I don't expect it's MechJeb this time around. Could be Engineer. Could even be KCT somehow, but there were no errors in the log at all.
It sounds like a stuck input lock. The log unfortunately wasn't listing which ones were active like it normally does (might be a ModuleManager function). Mechjeb had this issue in the past and it was caused by having a mechjeb window behind the "simulate" button. When you click the button the other mod thinks the mouse is still over it's window and doesn't realize there's a scene change, thus never freeing the lock. There's a really easy way to tell if that's the case: next time it happen press Alt-F12 and click the "Show Input Locks" button. Either take a screenshot of that or write them down and (assuming they name their locks like they should) I should be able to figure out which mod is causing it. The only locks you should see are two from KCT (KCTSimQS and KCTSimQL, or something similar. They prevent quicksaving/quickloading).
That looks to be roughly what I was trying to do, so I'm glad someone got it working! That's very exciting news!
If a vessel is made entirely out of parts in the ignore list, it won't be recovered and you won't see any messages regarding it. Only partial part names are required. By default launch clamps and asteroids (internally known as "potatoroid") are ignored, hence " potato" being in the list. There is no list that tells you every part recovered. You'll receive messages when things are recovered and what parts were on it. Also, if you press the StageRecovery button while in flight it opens a window that contains more detail about all vessels recovered since you switched to the flight scene.
I don't want to give penalties to every biome, but even if I did they would be different amounts for each biome and it would be customizable for each one. It's easy to fly over some mountains, but finding a vessel stuck in the mountains, then landing near it, and then trying to get it into a plane/land vehicle, is much harder, more costly, and more time consuming than the same thing in flat grasslands. And no matter what the default settings are, you can always modify them
You're talking about upgrades correct? The primary way to get them is just by filling out the tech tree (one point per node), I almost never purchase them except in an emergency. You can purchase them with science as well, but that's probably even more expensive as that science could be used for unlocking new tech (and thus also gaining another upgrade). I do want to have contracts that give upgrades, but I need to write the API first (a major undertaking). Nightingale has expressed some interest in adding support in Contract Configurator for KCT's upgrades once I get that up and running. If you want to adjust the costs for purchasing upgrades, just alter the UpgradeFundsFormula for points from funds or UpgradeScienceFormula for points from science. All upgrades do is make things faster, you never need to spend them, so I'd personally recommend just using the points you get naturally through unlocking the tech tree and having slightly longer build times (but more funds). - - - Updated - - - Hmm, Outer Planets doesn't reparent Kerbin, so that's not likely at fault. Sounds like going from flight to a new launch is bugged as well as going from the Tracking Station to a new launch :/ You might just have to switch scenes before launch, unfortunately. It's likely a bug rooted in the Stock game, so hopefully it eventually goes away after a KSP update. I can't think of any good workarounds off the top of my head.
It still sounds to me like you haven't properly configured the toolbar, but at this point I'd suggest switching to the Stock one for SR and KCT. For SR you'll have to open the config file and find the setting pertaining to "toolbar", then flip that from "false" to "true" (or to "false" if it's already "true", I don't recall what the setting is exactly), like I mentioned earlier. For KCT, if you can get the window open then go into the Settings and click the "Use Toolbar Mod" button so it isn't selected. You'll likely need a game restart afterward for it to take effect, but exiting to the main menu and then loading the save might work too. Biomes aren't currently accounted for, but I could account for them fairly easily I think. There was some discussion in the past to reduce the value of stages that land in water, but I put it off because I wanted to get better trajectory estimates (aka, any trajectory estimates) first. I might as well implement it now for all biomes and it'll still work when I eventually add better estimates. I like the idea of mountains and water having reduced recovery values. Are there any other biomes you think should have reduced rates? For most I think the distance would be a bigger factor than the biome, but I might reduce the Ice Caps as well and maybe the tundra (possible bad weather making it harder/more expensive to recover).
We'll see, I've got other projects on the table, not a load of time, and KSP hasn't held my interest for the past month and a half or so Once 1.0.5 comes out I'll probably be substantially more motivated to work on new projects. If you have ModuleManager it lists all your mods in the log, which I should have looked at. I didn't even think of Kerbal Konstructs at the time for some reason, so I didn't check to see if it was installed. And now that I think back to it, the times where I was seeing that error was when I added Kerbal Konstructs support. Sorry for not being able to resolve that sooner! So are things working correctly now? KCT doesn't set a hard limit for max timewarp, it's supposed to just be the maximum possible, but it does depend on the timewarp array being modified correctly. I imagine most mods that affect timewarp just modify that array, so KCT should work with them.
Nothing in KCT lets you get science for nothing, but you can get science for building vessels. If you put one point into Research it should give you 0.5 science per 86400 BP (aka, a ship that takes 24 hours to build at 1 BP/s, which is one Earth day and 4 Kerbin days [so 0.125 science per Kerbin day]). If you want something very specific (like 0.04 science), you could replace the ResearchFormula with "0.04/21600" which would give 0.04 science per 21600 BP (or one Kerbin day at 1 BP/s). You only get the science when you complete the construction of a ship, so you have to make sure you're always building things. Unfortunately I do not. I'm not a huge fan of how the experience system works either, but I do enough orbital things that I don't worry too much about it. My biggest gripe is that Kerbals have to be recovered to earn XP, which is why I wrote Field Experience to get around that. Are you using any mods that alter timewarp at all? I can't figure out why that would happen at all :/ I've never been a fan of this idea, but it's been requested enough that I might add it. The biggest hurdle is that time doesn't pass in the editor, but there was some discussion about adding in timewarp to the editor, which would be a requirement for this to work. I mean, if you want a 30 minute timewarp every time you go to launch a plane, I can make that happen (no joke, I am planning on altering the formulas a bit so that SPH vehicles can have rollout, but it won't be there by default). The main reason for not having a rollout time for planes is that it would be so short that it's more of a nuisance than anything else. I already find the normal rollout a nuisance Consider this: when an airplane goes to take off it takes maybe an hour, and that's at a busy airport (the KSC airport isn't busy, you're the only airplane). When the space shuttle was rolled out to the pad, it was done about a week before launch, took 7 hours or more, and the countdown (and thus checklist of things to check) started 72 hours before launch. That amount of time is way more significant than it is for airplanes, but when I make those changes you're free to add some rollout for planes as well. That helped. I didn't realize you were using Kerbal Konstructs, as that affects how KCT handles launches in a non-trivial manner. I'm guessing no launch site was set when you built the ship, so when you tried to launch it it had no idea how to launch properly. If you upload the save I can probably fix that ship, but you might be able to fix it yourself by opening that save in-game, pressing the * button next to the ship (with it in storage, not rolled out) and selecting the "Select Launchsite" button. Then use that to set the launch site and it might launch correctly. When you open the KK launchsite selector it sets the launchsite right away, which KCT notices and then properly sets the launch site. I'm not really sure why it didn't properly set the normal KSC site as the launch site by default, though.
You have Blizzy's Toolbar plugin installed, so the StageRecovery button will show up in there. You have to configure the toolbar to tell it which buttons to display, currently the SR button is hidden. Just tell it to display the SR button and then you'll see it. If you want it to be in the Stock toolbar you have to either check that setting in-game (after you make the button visible in the toolbar mod), or edit the config file to set UseToolbarMod to false (I don't remember the exact setting, but it should be fairly obvious). If you're still having trouble after that, let me know (PS: You have the exact same problem with KCT's button)
The balance is a semi-random middleground between the people who want everything to take months, and the people who want everything to be built in less than a day. KCT is extremely customizable, so if you don't like the balance you are actively encouraged to change it, or even to disable features you don't care for. Four formulas control how long things take to build (3 if you aren't using Procedural Parts): the EffectivePartFormula, ProceduralPartFormula, BPFormula, and BuildRateFormula. All of those are detailed on the Wiki on GitHub that I linked earlier. I don't know enough of what you're looking for in balance to suggest any changes to the formulas. If the "science per day" you're referencing is the "Development" rate, that isn't science you earn, that's how quickly tech nodes unlock. The "Research" rate gives you science for building vessels, but you have to actively be building things to get that, and it's 0 by default, and it's totally optional to use. At no point can you just timewarp and get science without having to actually do something for it, or at the very least opting-in to receiving science for "nothing", so I don't understand what the problem is. If you'd like some help with tweaking the balance, give me some clear ideas of what you're looking for and I'll suggest some changes. Ultimately you'll have to tweak things until you get it just right for you (then save that as a Preset and consider sharing it). I know people who turn the Overall Modifier up to 20 so that everything takes months, and I know people who turn off 75% of the features, and then there are people like NathanKell who make it so it takes about 10 years to get the tech to send a person to orbit.
I'm on my phone currently, so my reply won't be as detailed as if I were at a computer, but I'll attempt to detail what you can do to adjust things for your playstyle. Firstly, 3 days is extremely fast for the time between ordering a rocket and flying it If you use the same parts between builds (aka, only use one fuel tank type, one rocket engine, etc) then the builds will get faster each time. If you want to adjust all build time to be faster, you can reduce the Overall Modifier to less than 1 in the settings to reduce the times. Alternatively, increase the Build Effect to make future builds using the same parts faster. You might be interested in setting the Inventory Effect to zero so the part inventory has no effect. If you want to tweak things even further, I'd suggest modifying the formulas. Here is the link to the wiki pages that discuss that: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/wiki/Presets:-An-Overview