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Everything posted by FleetAdmiralJ

  1. While we're waiting on how we're going to do this, what pizzas should whoever is going to get them get? 1 cheese, 1 pepperoni, and 1 veggie (onions, peppers, mushrooms?). I'm in the group that we probably shouldn't go overboard. I'd think 3 or 4 would be enough.
  2. May not be a bad idea . Ruins the surprise but better than delivering pizzas to some random building
  3. OK, the full address per google maps is: Squad Zamora 196 Condesa, Cuauhtémoc Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico
  4. Additional question: do we know for sure their dev team works at the same office? the KSP website gives the same address, but it'd be bad to send it to an office where their devs actually aren't at
  5. If we're going to actually put their address in here (not that it's hard to find) it's actually Zamora 196 (not 1956) It's a very pink building based on google street view edit 2: well that's interesting, I put the address in a different way and got a different (non-pink and more suitibly sized building)
  6. I dunno about Mexico, but I pay for pizza online all the time (though I usually have to tip at the door with dominos, though it's usually just applied to the card)
  7. Based on google maps, there is a dominos not that far away edit: i have to say my ability to help is hampered by the fact that I don't speak Spanish
  8. I dunno about pizza places nearby, but it appears they have contact info on their website http://www.squad.com.mx/SquadSite/index.htm
  9. I have arrived. Also here is some shameless self promotion to give you entertainment while we all wait
  10. just read back on the thread. well poop. Well, scratchpad is actually the QA branch according to the steamdb (which is the testing round before experimentals). So not sure what the release pushed to that area means.
  11. what's another 30 pages to this thread today? We've bloated this thread by like 60 pages the last two days. Good job
  12. the experimentals probably need to be tested, however long that will take. Then release candidate (unless that's what this was) then release.
  13. I suppose interesting nugget from the latest experimentals: Both PC versions had a net change of 112 bytes. Linux and OSX had no net change in package size. Take that however you want lol
  14. Construction has commenced on carving Jeb, Bill, and Bob's faces into Mt. Hypemore
  15. To boldly hype where no hype has gone before! You must be this hyped to ride the train. The hype-barrier has been breached!
  16. things almost always go on the tumblr first. I'm sure it will get a forum post soon if it hasn't already. All of the daily kerbal goe sup on tumblr first I know
  17. I think it's just the same one but for the other platforms. They updated PC and PC-64 earlier and now the latest one is for Linux. edit: and now the OSX one is up
  18. and then people would riot that they sat on a finished release for 3 days. Pretty much no matter how they deal with it, there will be certain groups that will complain about how they handle the situation.
  19. so he says debris is auto-removed from around KSC, and thus you don't get money for it (which explains 4kb's thing) but what about debris elsewhere? still sounds like it has to be attached to a probe body...
  20. well it's been a half hour since the last upload so either they're being slow to upload Linux and OSX or this was a PC only update to experimentals
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