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Everything posted by FleetAdmiralJ

  1. Lol have to extinguish a minor fire at work at the thread expands by 10 more pages
  2. IRC guys are saying to go to #kerbalspaceprogram and that things will get announced there :3
  3. update to scratchpad2 *tears skin off with own teeth in anticipation*
  4. They just updated the previous version of KSP on steam. HYPE AT INFINITE VELOCITY!!!
  5. Update to scratchpad! That means it's in Release Candidate stage!!
  6. Yeah, I wondered if it was a price change looking at things, but I couldn't really tell from the steamDB thing
  7. how has someone not done a picture of a train going to warp using the star trek warp animation (like from ST:TMP). I demand this picture be made! In the meantime, just pretend I posted such a hypothetical picture
  8. uh oh. Note is up on the steamdb site to go to the IRC so time to give your F5 key a break and switch to that
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